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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. And there's lots of poor coaches out there!
  2. On the subject of teacher vs coach, I would hazard a guess it comes down to the difference between telling players to do it a certain way because thats the way its going to be and teaching them why its going to be that way and why thats going to be successful. So teaching is an aspect of coaching but not all coaches are going to be good teachers.
  3. This is such a weirdly produced and edited video (from TNA) involving the Hardy's. Just goofy.
  4. Located the signal from one of the EgyptAir black boxes.
  5. I disagree. You don't think her lack of cooperation was included in the massive financial settlement? Rich celebrities shouldn't be able to buy sex with kids. He raped a 13 year old. He admitted to it. He fled the country. He's loved high on the hog on France making movies and millions of dollars. Doesn't matter that he's old. Doesn't matter that he's a talented director. It's like the justice minister said, if he was a teacher no one would be defending him. What possible reason should he be allowed to just get away with it? Cause he's a good director?
  6. If I read this correctly Karmanos' sons are suing him because he borrowed $100m from their trust funds to finance the Hurricanes and defaulted on the payments and can't afford to pay it back keep an eye on the Hurricanes
  7. Dustin would get the honky think style bookings. Cody is looking to continue his career. New Japan, ROH, TNA that sort of stuff. He'll do alright.
  8. Cody wasn't fired. He quit. Some guys can make a good living outside of WWE. One big difference is, in WWE guys pay their own road expenses ie hotel, rental car etc. On the Indy circuit the promotion pays everything and usually cash too. When Angle left WWE he was asking $10,000 a shot. He surely isn't now but I would expect it to be $3000-$5000. I haven't heard Cody's price yet but I would be shocked if it was under $1000 and not surprised if it was upwards of $3000. The benefit to WWE is consistent money and chance to make more with merchandising etc. Benefit to Indy is controlling your own destiny, working when you want etc
  9. How so? Cody might make more this year than last year. I dont know that for a fact but there is a good living to be made on the indy scene for cerain guys. That particular event also has the Hardy's, Liger and many others. Its a major indy event.
  10. Cody Rhodes first Indy match will be August 27th against Kurt Angle for North East Wrestling. That match has tons of potential. Im sort of hoping he ends up a surprise at the ROH shows the week before since I will be at them.
  11. He settled a civil suit in the late 80's but the issue is that he plead guilty to having sex with the then-13 year old with the hope of being given probation. But they felt the judge was going to go against the recommendations and send him to prison so he fled the US. He's been a fugitive ever since. Its amazing how many people defend his actions. Goldberg famously said it "wasn't rape rape" essentially saying the 13 year old was mature beyond her years and wanted it. A previous attempt to extradite him failed but current Polish justice minister said this: "He is accused of a terrible crime against a child, the rape of a child," Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro told PolskieRadio. "Were he a teacher, a doctor, a plumber or a painter, I'm sure any country would have extradited him to the United States long ago."
  12. Really? I think that was my least favorite choice. Well...Polar Bears is pretty bad too. I remember arguing strongly in favor of Jets and the anti-Jets crowd had some goofy reasoning against it (no one will buy any merch if they have the same name)...
  13. Remember all the rumors on the name? Jets, Moose, Polar Bears, Bears, Warriors...any others? Heard the jerseys were Powder Blue, Burnt Orange, Moose colours etc.
  14. This whole Gorilla story that is supposedly dividing the internet drives me nuts. There is not a single person out there who, in the position of watching a 400lb gorilla drag their 2 year old around, if armed, wouldnt have shot him. Sad, yes. Tragic, yes. But the kids life is more important. thats just the way it is. Those bleeding hearts are welcome to go inside the gorilla enclosure and we will all promise not to use lethal force to try and save them...I bet they will change their minds in a hurry.
  15. Whoopie Goldberg will be very upset by this
  16. For sure. Im just saying at least AJ did it well. Its very WCW-during-its-downfall type of stuff. Just last night I was reading about a Nitro episode in 1998 where they did a partner during on their friend angle in Hour One with Meng/Barbarian and did the exact same angle in Hour Three with Hall/Nash. I imagine WWE realised they were doing the same thing and decided it enhanced both characterizations because AJ actually running in made him look brave (even though he had two other guys) and Seth look cowardly. I dont think they want AJ to be a traditional heel because he's a big draw on the house shows. Whereas Seth, they want heel. They planned for Seth vs Hunter before Seth's injury and if they are going to go back to that, Hunter aint working a guy that is wishy washy. Its still stupid though. I also think they thought the will-he or won't-he attack thing with Seth would keep viewers from turning to the NBA game. Which is absurd.
  17. Also known as Darren Ford Day ("Polar Bears. Powder Blue Jerseys"). I remember it fondly. It was vindication for being called crazy for so many years when I'd calmly and rationally explain why and how the NHL would return. I also fondly remember season ticket day. I was driving to Saskatoon so listened to CJOB until the border (and even then the SK radio stations were all discussing it). Loved listening to Geoff Currier have to kiss ass of True North and Jets fans after spending about 5-8 years insulting anyone who suggested the NHL could return and spewing lies and mis-information repeatedly on his show. For that reason alone, Im glad CJOB didnt get the Jets rights.
  18. As a trade deadline deal. Pavs isnt a tough deal to make IMO. If a team has nothing they are confident in at back up, he's still a veteran who has, at times, played very well. Many teams look at a player's struggle and think they can fix him. Fans do too for that matter. With little risk or cost (Pavs going into UFA status), I could see a 2nd round pick (3rd maybe?) or prospect in exchange for him. I think the idea you need a a lights out goalie to win in the playoffs isnt so true anymore, but most teams probably dont feel comfortable without a solid back up. The Pens have used three goalies. St Louis, Dallas, Tampa all used more than one also.
  19. Yup. Aj doing it was good because he actually attacked. Seth doing it was abysmal. I just dont know why they fight the crowd's reactions so much. They really are going to convince themselves that reactions dont matter anymore when in fact they surely do. Reports are now that Roman's houseshows are dropping and AJ is getting bigger reactions. Vince used to use house shows as one of his key metrics in determining the strength of the business, so we'll see how long he plans to go with Roman. Historically, Post WM is a down time. Notice who took themselves off TV during the down time?
  20. On the Star Wars front, rumors are out there that Disney is not happy with the cut of Rogue One that was submitted and that it isnt testing well. They are spending a ton of money to go back in for a month of re-shoots in July... Curious to hear what the actual issues are. Wonder if the "voice" is wrong (I believe Kasdan had nothing to do with these film unlike TA and the upcoming Han Solo film) or if they want more Vader. I had heard there was absolutely nothing in Rogue One that had anything to do with the current saga films which I think is a mistake...
  21. Interestingly, someone managed to find within the Goldberg video that while he's in the police car he stares down a Suplex City sign. There is chatter that NXT could be getting either shut down or gutted. They cancelled their SummerSlam week show which was their biggest show last year. Their upcoming Network special is called "The End", thought to refer to the end of Joe vs Balor program...but now people are reading into it differently. The feeling is that for the brand split to work and this whole "new era" concept to work, both RAW and SD will be flooded with NXT talent. NXT would likely still exist in some form but more as a traditional development territory for green guys rather then a place where top talent works because they need that talent to draw. I think it would be very short sighted. But you never know...
  22. Funny that Shane gets a huge face reaction and Steph suddenly decides to be a face. Uh huh. Out of control ego.
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