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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. They won't break up the new day. Although they would have during the original brand split. It's just a tease. They need top acts and it's a top act. Unless they split two of them off and give the other one a partner and have two new days but I doubt it I understand why they wanted Seth as a heel since everything is about Roman. But I agree. They prepared the sympathetic show about Seth coming back....makes no sense they'd present him as a weak heel instead of a strong face. I would have let him be a face to work Roman with Roman acting like Seth is a heel. And get through the match before turning Seth back. Supposedly house shows are going to be Seth vs AJ vs Roman so it's another way to try and turn the fans by putting Roman against two "heels" even though fans will cheer both those heels.
  2. The best part of raw might have been the Goldberg video.
  3. Since he's a UFA next year he could be traded for a draft pick to a playoff team without a back up
  4. They had to acknowledge it since the news was out but they should hbe framed it as having ideas to release later and build it up rather then "we have no clue". Stephanie is the single worst thing to ever happen to WWE. She is like Godzilla consuming and destroying everything on her path. Her ego (and Hunter who is clearly pulling the strings) is so destructive it over shadows the good things that happen on raw. Shane needs to use what little stroke he has to stand up for himself because his sister is cutting his balls off repeatedly. The idea was the crowd would heel on steph's dance getting cut off because she was wearing tiny shorts. Except no one likes her. She's inherently unlike able and the only reason she's a face now is to cut Shane's balls off Her promo on Charlotte is the perfect example of how not to get someone over. It's like they did the flair angle to build Charlotte up as a super heel just so Steph could brow beat her this week. Just awful. She needs to go. Anyway....raw was generally awful. But the big angle was good. Cena is just terrible when he uses his "serious" voice. So pretentious and unbelievable. Great angle with AJ turning heel. Seth/Roman was terrible. Sometimes there are angles that look good on paper but bomb live. There is no way that even looked good on paper. They were trying to time it around the tip off of the NBA game. Meh. So determined to get roman over they don't care if they drag Seth down. Self destructive. The backstage segments with the six man main event guys shows the stark difference between guys who are great performers (the heels) and guys who are not (the faces) though to be fair the faces had horrendous material written for them. Seems like holding pattern until the split with a few attempts to elevate some guys for post split, like Titus (who I like).
  5. Right but if they don't need to make 25% they don't need to keep them and thus can trade them rather then keep them for expansion planning if i understand correctly
  6. If we're battling for a playoff spot Chevy won't likely make any deadline trades. However if we aren't then stafford, Stu and Pavalec are all guys he's want to unload at the deadline.
  7. I believe she's still active but at 77 perhaps not up to the rigors of network television. I could see her submitting stories thoigh, if they are willing to accept story submissions.
  8. Outside possibility. I'd be pretty thrilled if we get a stud D man this draft after Laine.
  9. Some TV Series news for you trekkies. Novelist Kirsten Beyer has been brought on board the 2017 series. She has written several Voyager novels and is known for sprinkling in bits of Trek lore and cannon from the past. I havent read any of her work but I'd suggest this is a good development. Now...if they were to bring in Manny Coto...
  10. When are Selanne's kids draft eligible? Someone needs to sign Domi, Tkachuk and Selanne Jr. Preferably with "old man" Alex Steen too.
  11. Do you think Arizona might try to move up a spot or two to get him? So much has been made of Mathews as the local boy but so is Tkachuk. Thats something they could really use.
  12. yes, I thought that was strange since we seemed to be in agreement. Ofcourse, the bar industry would not be overly impacted. I can see no reason why it would be more impacted than anything else and many reasons why it wouldnt. I know the industry well. Im not sure how drinking would cause predators to dress up like women to assault people in bathrooms. Again...this is a problem that simply doesnt exist and allowing people to choose the bathroom they are most comfortable with isnt going to change much of anything.
  13. Brandon stop being obtuse. are you really trying to argue that the industry most impacted will be bars? Puh leeze
  14. Winnipeg was always one of the highest revenue per head cities. Especially when business was down. Problem is, business went up and so the major US cities are all better. They did the very rare back to back TV here because it's too difficult to get from Winnipeg to anywhere else for TV. And that's the real issue. When they did the In Your House PPV here it was not very good and they did RAW in Brandon which was really not good. Brandon is a dead town for wrestling. So they have to make it work with the Dakotas and Minneapolis is closer. It's just the way they schedule that makes it hard. Might get ROH one day though
  15. Heard mostly good things about the winnipeg show. Some of the work was sloppy according to people I know. But crowd was tremendous. Winnipeg is long overdue for TV.
  16. In the previous split brand era they had a PPV called bragging rights. Plan seems to be to share PPV events, but no inter-brand matches. Each commentary team calling their own matches which means Mauro on PPV which is good. RAW after WM and SummerSlam would be inter-brand.
  17. WWE put on sale a new Cena shirt that is modeled after the Pabst Blue Ribbon logo. PBR didnt like it. WWE claimed it was within Fair Use but pulled the shirt anyway. lol
  18. Who chose the players for each team? Its one thing with IIHF events are rife with politics and goofy decisions but an NHL/PA event...? To have Hall off is weird. Enstrom off...even if he has issues with Team Sweden, its weird. And Ehlers too.
  19. Team Sweden has one of those "you must be this tall to play" signs and it gets Enstrom every time
  20. Hasn't it been established that enstrom has an estranged relationship with Swedish hockey?
  21. The morse code translates to "E I'm coming for you"
  22. I must have missed all the media coverage of the rampant rapes and assaulted in bar bathrooms there is security at bars. There is not security at Tim Hortons. And yes most bars with security do randomly check the bathrooms or have security posted outside the bathrooms. Again let's not pretend this is going to be an issue when it never was before. A guy dressing up as a woman to infiltrate a bathroom with the intent of raping a woman is less likely to do that at a bar for many reasons.
  23. I think Elba is too old at this point and would be more of a choice due to picking a black bond then picking the best bond. He's a good actor with great presence but I don't see it.
  24. Bars would be the least issue because they hbe security. Plus women were always using the men's bathroom at the bar when there was a line up for the ladies. No issues whatsoever. Really, this is a problem that doesn't exist.
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