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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. surpromised no Ehlers on team Europe. Plenty of Jets represented though.
  2. But thats really a minor issue right? Firstly bathrooms aren't going to suddenly be over run with trans people. Most people likely will never notice a change. And it still comes down to, if you don't want to use a public bathroom, don't. Many public bathrooms are "private" also, single stall where you can lock the door and have it all to yourself. Basically this was a solution to a problem that didn't exist in the first place.
  3. I think so. But there are far more studious political watchers here than me. The Republican's brought this on themselves long before Trump came along. Their pandering to the niche vocal minorities in their party hurt them. I saw one person on CNN talking about how it dates back to their sacrificing the southern vote and that leading to them being the party attractive to those who are tough on immigration...well basically most social issues, so if you have a problem with immigrants, minorities, gays, Muslims etc, you're going to be a republican most likely. And the louder those voices became, the more the party embraced them. Essentially making deals with the devil. Now the chickens have come home to roost and the party isnt the same one of, say Reagan that tried to be more pragmatic (though he was an outsider too, but one who was a two-term governor of a huge economy in California). Hard to imagine this is the same party that was the party of Lincoln. But I guess it really isnt. And as a conservative myself, I want to vomit when I see some of the policies and beliefs of major Republican figures. If I could vote in the US, I would have voted for Bush. I would have likely supported Jeb this time too. But I would vote Hilary. And the blip is that I like Bill a lot.
  4. An addition, though this is basically off topic, I find it quite interesting. First Sale Doctrine is why we are allowed to rent movies. Basically, once you buy a DVD, its yours to do with as you please - lend it to someone, give it to someone, rent it to people. First Sale Doctrine doesnt apply to streaming services which is why Netflix's DVD rental library is larger than their streaming movie library. They must negotiate licensing deals to stream. So if you buy a copy of The Revenant, you can lend it to your friend or rent it to friends. But if you upload a stream, its illegal. Some have suggested a law creating a forced licensing arrangement whereby any company (such as Netflix) could stream any available film they wanted as long as they paid X amount fee, established by law and likely on a sliding scale. I doubt that would gain traction now that there is a trend for networks to create their own streaming service where they want to monopolize their own content. For example, CBS is pulling Star Trek from Netflix to feature on their own streaming service. But it would be beneficial to the customer. Just as First Sale Doctrine was established in the wake of the advancement of video tape technology, something will have to come along for streaming. One of the original owners of Facebook, Sean Parker has a new technology he's pushing where a customer could get a special set top box and be able to stream a movie in their home on the same day its released in the theater, which I think has merit in the future, though not so much right now. Anyway...interesting topic.
  5. That's true. Thats why I mentioned scandal...lol But I dont think there will be anything that brings her down. If anything, the whole scenario will be so negative and perceived as in the gutter that the voters at large will feel both sides suck equally. And that still plays to Hillary's favour. I think more Democrats are likely to hold their nose and vote for her then Republicans are to vote for Trump. In fact many Republican's will vote for Hilary to block Trump. Trump's hope relies on gathering steam with large groups of historic non-voters who show up to put him in. Jessie Ventura became governor of Minnesota because so many non-voters voted for the "non-politician", the outsider. But Jessie ran a great campaign that appealed to the average person and he wasnt nuts, at least not then. What makes Trump popular will likely be what causes him to lose. If he changes to broaden his appeal, he will lose what makes him attractive to certain voters while not gaining enough from people he's changing for. If he doesnt change, he'll be seen as the maverick. Just wait til Bill campaign hard and Obama campaigns. And then some republican's begin supporting her (or at least refusing to vote for Trump). She *should* win quite easily. I think its important she is open to Sanders' "demands" and gets his endorsement Now that Trump is the de facto nominee, the Dems need to stop screwing around and throw their entire support behind her. Bernie and his peeps want a seat at the table though...so fine
  6. I had a debate with someone on another forum because he openly admitted (bragged really) that his friend across town gives him her log in and password for Netflix. He bragged that he must have better friends then me. I know its a grey area for Netflix but they clearly intend it not be used in that manner but are careful not to alienate potential future users. Ive been offered free passwords too. But I like Netflix and use it, so I pay for it. I think if you enjoy content, you should pay for it. Its a bit different when it's already out on Blu Ray due to first sale doctrine. But I digress...
  7. Technically a legal grey area? Maybe. Morally? Come on.... I mean, we've all bent the law. Who hasnt taken a song off youtube instead of paying for it. But come on....
  8. If I had to bet money Id say no to the playoffs next season but yes the season after. But honestly, it wouldnt surprise me if they are a very good team this upcoming season. It also wouldnt surprise me if they end up with a heck of a draft pick either.
  9. Watching hockey highlights likely isnt taking away revenue from people who want to watch the entire game, at least for the most part. There are plenty of youtube videos of people reviewing films using clips they dont own. Again, thats not remotely close to watching an entire film for free using an illegal source. I dont believe this to be a grey area of "Im not doing anything wrong, the guy uploading it to me is". Im not judging you for doing it. But lets be realistic about it.
  10. Comparing hockey highlites to a full film is like comparing a movie trailer to an entire hockey game. Not the same thing.
  11. According to Birth.Movies.Death, Hiddelston is in talks to take over the role of James Bond.
  12. Hat sounds different than youtube in the sense I dont go to youtube seeking out Captain America because I know its not allowed on Youtube. If you go to these sites looking to watch the film its because you know & hope someone has illegally uploaded it for your enjoyment.
  13. Yeah true. Knowing little about either guy I hope they pick Laine. I think the Jets are making a great steak but Ill selfishly say I wouldnt mind some sizzle too.
  14. People forget that SD was the better and more watched show during the original brand split. They had the better booker (Heyman) and the better talent (the Smackdown Six - Angle, Eddie, Benoit, Edge, Rey, Chavo) and drew higher ratings. RAW will always be the "flagship" show and the one Vince focuses on the most. It will be really interesting. If SD is Hunter's show and if my theory is correct that this is another step in his development (ie. Hunter will have more power to run SD the way he sees fit) then SD *should* be the better show. It should have the better talent because Hunter is smart enough to power play for the best talent and has an ego that requires the smarks to blow smoke so he will want AJ and Owens and Seth and American Alpha and Balor etc. They definitely have the better booker in Ward. Although RAW is so much improved since WM that I am certain Ward has been involved there too, which is the way the writing team works right now - Koskie and Ward are the two head writers but the entire team works together. After the split, Vince's plan is the writers will be split and insulated with internal pressure to compete against each other. At least until Vince loses interest after a month or so...
  15. Well I think the point being the media might be making Laine and JP sound a lot closer than they are for the purposes of creating a good story.
  16. I really cant imagine he beats Hilary. Trump's rhetoric and style plays well to a certain audience but I think when things get more serious he will come across as simply too arrogant, dismissive and insulting. Ofcourse, never under estimate the amount of people who dont give a heck but I cant see it. Barring a scandal, Hilary wipes the floor with him. She will come across far too logical, intelligent, measured and "presidential" next to Trump.
  17. Maybe there was a difference in how they expected the AHL team to operate in St John's versus here. I know Chipman explained there was a difference between the Moose before the Jets returned and after in that before, it was a team that needed to win and not just be the Canucks developmental team. Perhaps they felt the Ice Caps needed to win first, develop second. Realisitically, that isnt the case anymore and Chipman has said as much. That winning is secondary to developing the players for the Jets. The Moose sucked last season and if they werent using the Jets prospects the best way its even more glaring. I didnt watch any games so I can only trust what people like Goalie say. Also heard the systems were different enough that when a player was called up, he didnt easily slip into the role with the Jets, had to learn how the Jets play.
  18. Im curious as to why JP wasnt selected by Finland... Perhaps Telegin has a better relationship with the Russian guys than Burmi? Maybe they are of similar talent and they didnt want two...flipped a coin. Telegin has little to no value. Could see him as a throw in to a trade.
  19. The idea male predators have been waiting for this moment where they can dress as women to infiltrate bathroom is hilariously absurd. Like, raping a child they are cool with, but accessing a bathroom illegally, thats where they draw the line. The argument is silly and there simply no basis to have an issue with this. I dont know what bathrooms these people have been going into but the idea that now they will be filled with predators is absurd and not supported by facts, stats or common sense. Its anti-gay rhetoric dressed up to look like concern for children which makes it even more appalling. Years from now people will look back on this stuff and just shake their head.
  20. Im not sure if you misunderstood or if Im misunderstanding you but I find your reply a bit confusing. Who do you perceive as using that argument? Me or them?
  21. This stuff is over my head, but this is pirating the film, right? Like stealing the content?
  22. What is wrong with those guys? Like, sure being the first in line might be seem cool but #24? I'd question the parenting of the 24 guys more than the girl who obviously has issues even if she wasnt sex trafficked.
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