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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Weird. Some fans will say this is TN being cheap wanting to fire a lousy assistant but move him to moose instead.
  2. A couple updates on the Brand Split Vince is supposedly very excited and enthusiastic with lots of ideas. He will be more hands on with Smackdown The plan is to go with two world champions and they know how they will do it and who they will put in that match.
  3. Too soon to tell. Depends if Kasdorf becomes anything. We still need to see what Armia, Lemieux and Roslovic become. Just in terms of quantity we likely win. Kane hasnt been that special and neither has Bogo. Myers way better than Bogo and Stafford/Kane somewhat event at present. So in terms of Armia, Lemieux & Roslovic we are still winning.
  4. Hmmmm Lets try this (Since Jan 1 2015) Jets Trade: Andrew Ladd Jay Harrisson Matt Fraser Karl Klingberg Jason Kasdorf Zack Bogosion Evander Kane 2015 Conditional 6th Round Pick 2016 3rd Round Pick Jets Acquire: Marko Dano Lee Stempniak Jiri Tlusty Brendan Lemieux Joel Armia Drew Stafford Tyler Myers 2015 1st Round Pick 2016 1st Round Pick
  5. True but there is a difference between the first two (or three) and the last two (and Armia). And Im an Armia fan!
  6. I think its fair to say the Jets are likely to be on the outside looking in next season. Anyone thinking the Jets are likely playoff contenders would be in the minority. Saying that ofcourse, you never know. I think the Jets have the talent that the switch will flip rather suddenly. Whether that is this upcoming season or the next I dont know. But I think they will struggle and then suddenly start putting it together. More suddenly than gradually.
  7. I think it was the big show guys going on and on about this wanting ticket prices lower. Why would they lower ticket prices? And why should they? Ticket prices are determined by supply and demand. As long as supply is low and demand is high no reason to drop prices. At least True North have continued to invest in the building and fan experience.
  8. Nah, it will never be that bad here. There will be advertising on jersey's but not to that extent. NHL will charge more for "limited" space.
  9. There are conflicting rumors of one champion working both brands versus two champions. A source I trust said today its two world champions. There was a pic floating around a few weeks ago of a template being made for a "Winged Eagle" belt with the new WWE logo (Winged Eagle is the classic WWE belt that Hogan, Savage, Warrior held and is widely considered the best looking belt ever). But others say it was a fake. So who knows. They could as well use the same belt with a blue swish instead of red for Smackdown. Sounds like WWE wants to bring in more talent and will be making offers to everyone of talent. I'll assume Smackdown becomes the Triple H (or Stephanie) show with Ryan Ward as booker and a more NXT feel. Look for guys to get called up there like Balor & Nak. Maybe Joe. Maybe Bobby Roode. American Alpha etc. And NXT to be re-stocked with "indy" guys and ROH/TNA level talent. Word is ROH has a slew of contracts expiring in June. TNA has been trying to lock up all their talent under more secure deals. But I could see Drew Galloway being targeted. Maybe ECIII as well. Lashley might be a bit long in the tooth for them. I always assumed they'd do a Hardy's retirement tour so thats possible to fill out the brands. One thing is sure, its very interesting and Im looking forward to it. Especially if the idea is to make Smackdown the Hunter vision (you can see it already with Mauro announcing, Ward as booker). Not great news for TNA which runs Tuesdays right now.
  10. Sounds like its going to be two world champions, one for each brand. Look for AJ Styles to be the other world champion.
  11. The most interested FTWD has ever been: From TMZ Frank Dillane -- star of "Fear the Walking Dead" and a 'Harry Potter' flick -- allegedly got physical with a CBS security guard, and got hauled off the backlot by cops ... TMZ has learned. Our law enforcement sources say Dillane, who plays Nick Clark on 'Dead,' tried to breeze through a security checkpoint on Sunday night. Guards tried to stop him, especially because 'Dead' doesn't even shoot on the lot. At least one guard described his behavior as "erratic." We're told Dillane didn't dig all the attention, things got heated and he ended up striking one of the guards. That was the last straw for the security force, which detained the actor with a citizen's arrest. LAPD arrived and booked Dillane for battery. We've reached out to his reps, but no word back yet.
  12. If I recall, they actually eliminated the IC and US titles for awhile before bringing them back so each "brand" had their own secondary title. And its remained that way ever since. This makes more sense with having two secondary titles actually. I'd suspect they'd try to keep the brands separate as much as possible, at least at first. What killed it last time was they kept mixing guys due to wanting to shore up one brand or the other so it lost its effectiveness. I'd guess one of the US or IC champions ends up moving to SD and the other on RAW with no cross-over (until Wrestlemania maybe) and try to make it more important over-all. The World Champion appearing on both shows ends up being a problem because it's hard to have the same guy involved in two completely different angles on each TV. But if the US title and IC title are elevated to be the de facto "top" title on each brand and the World Champion is the global top guy that moves between, perhaps they would just have him work one angle at a time, alternating between the shows. I dont know... They might just give up on that and create a second World Champion but I doubt it.
  13. Sasha has been deliberately pushed down to save her program with Charlotte for later. But I wonder if they'd create a Smackdown Women's Champion? Rumor has it the World Champion (Roman) will appear on both programs so no split championship. Not sure how well that would work.
  14. It would definitely be better to go back to two hours. They've been loading up their roster so this starts to make sense. Its never been about talent - its always about how they use their talent. But lots of questions remain. If it ends up like the original brand split then it will eventually fail. They need to make the two shows look different and thats not going to happen with Kevin Dunn producing. Dunn is not a Triple H guy so I wonder if this is another step in Hunter's development and whether he will get his own production team. His NXT booker Ryan Ward was just re-assigned to SD so that's possible. Back when they did it originally, Paul Heyman was booker of SD and treated it like a real competition. One of the things that got him heat with Steph was competing with RAW. SD actually drew better ratings than RAW and was a better product at the time. Heyman even secretly listened in on RAW creative meetings until Steph found out. Will they have two World Champions? What will they do with the women?
  15. In the latest effort to take advantage of that, WWE announced Wednesday morning that Smackdown will not only air live starting on July 19th, but it will officially move to Tuesday nights at 8 PM. The announcement was made in Variety. A twist that was buried in the story also indicates a brand split may be coming as well: "A draft will be held before the “Smackdown” launch date to determine which wrestlers on the company’s talent roster will be assigned to which program. Each show is expected to feature separate cast, plots and writing teams." The initial brand split happened in 2002 and ran through 2011, long after fans realized that it was pointless considering talents from both show were regularly appearing on the other show on a weekly basis. There was a yearly draft that started in 2004 that always shook up the deck a bit, but over time, the main stars were on both shows anyway. This is interesting. When USA took on Smackdown, there was talk of moving it to Tuesday. If you go live, you pretty much need to run Tuesday because of the WWE's production schedule making it very tough to run live on Thursday. I had heard a few weeks ago about new belts being made but it seemed so odd that no one paid it much attention. If Shane is sticking around, it makes sense to a degree. Although not doing Shane vs Hunter seems liked a missed opportunity. it would explain why Steph is playing babyface right now as her natural inclination would be to cut Shane's balls off as a face.
  16. It was pretty quit. Even AJ Lee stayed for awhile after Punk quit sounds like she has something in the works though. Losing two paycheques is never good unless there are other opportunities pending.
  17. Little is only 28. I suspect we resign him. He's very important to the team.
  18. You have to consider all options of #4 was on the table but as far as bottom (or mid) six go, I'd want to keep Dano if Roslovic can be a 2C it will take time. But Little could still be that guy for five years
  19. Lol. He was pretty bad in Pittsburgh when he was called Goal Againstky. But seems to have settled in nicely. Dallas will resign him and he's 30 now.
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