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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. And Quicksilver was killed in Age of Ultron. Im not a fan of Vision to be honest. I guess I dont get it. Ultra powerful but comes across like Niles Crane. And hitting on Wanda? Creepy. Does he have a little robot wang too?
  2. The good thing is, it doesn't stay in you very long.
  3. I agree Noeller. I liked all the same things you did. I think I enjoyed Avengers a biy more but this was a great movie and a lot fun. Amazing how good marvel is with so many characters and DC struggles with three.
  4. I dont watch it but super girl going to CW is probably fantastic news. Will be given a better shot there then on the main network.
  5. Perhaps, but I cant believe they come back next year with the same goalie tandem.
  6. From Wiki: At the center of the massive ship, V'Ger is revealed to be Voyager 6, a 20th-century Earth space probe believed lost. The damaged probe was found by an alien race of living machines that interpreted its programming as instructions to learn all that can be learned, and return that information to its creator. The machines upgraded the probe to fulfill its mission, and on its journey the probe gathered so much knowledge that it achieved consciousness. Spock realizes that V'Ger lacks the ability to give itself a focus other than its original mission; having learned what it could on its journey home, it finds its existence empty and without purpose. Before transmitting all its information, V'Ger insists that the Creator come in person to finish the sequence. Realizing that the machine wants to merge with its creator, Decker offers himself to V'Ger; he merges with the Ilia probe and V'Ger, creating a new form of life that disappears into another dimension. There are similarities there for sure. At the time of TMP, it probably wouldnt occur to the writers to have some sort of collective consciousness that was connected...but if we accept that as possible and that the moment Decker merged, the focus and motives of the "living machines" changed...then it could be the creation of the Borg as we know it. The motivation of its programming to "learn all that can be learned" could easily evolve into "assimilate" everything.
  7. I dont recall specific wording from First Contact, but in the Enterprise episode "Regeneration", the Borg remnants from the past as depicted in First Contact were discovered frozen in the arctic in the time of Enterprise. They sprung back to life, assimilated the scientists and took their ship, sending a distress call. It was said it would take 200 years for the signal to reach the Delta Quadrant which provided for the Borg being on their way to Earth during the events of TNG episode "Q-Who". Side note, the interesting part of Q-Who was demonstrating that Q was actually helping the humans in a way. The Borg were already en route to Earth and Q, by placing the Enterprise in their path, allowed Starfleet to learn valuable intel, even though it resulted in deaths on the Enterprise. The idea of V'Ger as Borg isnt meant that the Borg didnt exist until TMP, but evolved. The idea is the Voyager probe fell into a black hole (more likely a Worm Hole) and ended up in the Delta Quadrant where it was discovered by a machine race which added to Voyager and sent it back on a mission that somehow became scrambled. V'Ger decided all carbon-based life forms needed to be wiped out. Decker joining with V'Ger showed the machine the value of life and changed it's mission from destroying to assimilating. If V'Ger's consciousness was connected to the home machine world and we accept that whatever changes or knowledge V'Ger under went would be immediately transferred throughout the entire race...then it's possible to accept. In TMP, Spock mentioned "Resistance would be Futile" and I believe V'Ger refers to Ilia as attempting to resist them but "Resistance is Futile". Its a fun little origin story anyway.
  8. Thats another good point. Maybe luscious hair is a sign of power or nobility to that race.
  9. A few upcoming DC notes from Latino Review and Birth.Movies.Death - Looks like a Booster Gold film is in the works. This could be part of Warner's "change in direction" after the critical lampooning of BvS. - Aquaman is being written from page one. That's not a good sign. - Wonder Woman wrapped. - Something I didnt notice, in BvS, the Aquaman cameo clearly showed the actor holding his breath (because he was filmed under water) and since he's supposed to be able to breath under water, an actor with puffed out cheeks obviously holding his breath isnt going to fly. They've created some sort of new rig to correct this and film Aquaman in front of green screen and CGI his hair to appear under water.
  10. National Post This just in, a murky statement on the Nail Yakupov situation from Alexei Zhamnov, head of the Russian team at the world championship: “Before Nail came here, we had an agreement with his agent Igor Larionov that all players have equal chances to play at the World Championship, no matter if they play in the KHL or NHL. Nail does indeed have an ankle injury, and our doctors can indicate this. Also, Nail has further injuries, however due to a ethical consideration and an agreement with his NHL club we cannot speak about them.”
  11. If I recall my TMP history correctly, that scene of Spock was supposed to be a huge CGI scene of him moving through V'Ger's memory banks containing images of all the data it had amassed. So it *would* have been cool. I like the character moments of the film. Looking at it as the first time we see these characters since 1968, it was pretty cool. And I always enjoyed the V'Ger twist. When you look at with the idea of the non-canon twist from the Shatner books that v'ger was an early Borg probe and joining with Decker created the Borg we know today, its even more interesting.
  12. I fear Tampa. They are very similar to Pens. Should be a fast offensive series.
  13. Dallas has problems. Up against the cap, $10.5m tied up in goalies and both have two years left. Can't come back with these guys next year.
  14. If you haven't seen it since 1978 it's worth seeing again. I used to hate to too but have come to really appreciate it. In some ways it's very much Star Trek.
  15. Wasnt is said that they either sign or are forcibly retired? ie. They would be outlaws. I'd suspect Iron Man could track down and put a stop to Daredevil.
  16. Andre The Giant film in development By Dave Bath | @bath_dave | May 10, 2016 1:09 pm Variety is reporting that Stone Village Productions and Lion Forge Comics are developing an Andre The Giant film based on the 2015 Graphic novel biography, Andre The Giant: Closer to Heaven. The biography covers his early farm life in France and his rise to celebrity status through pro wrestling. Andre’s daughter, Robin Christensen-Roussimoff, will be involved with the production as a consultant. ***This is interesting. I would think they might approach WWE about taking part and letting WWE films distribute. Casting will be an issue but if they do it with WWE's cooperation, they could potentially use their talent. Vince as Vince? Or even Hunter as a young Vince? Hunter & Steph as a young Vince & Linda might be interesting... Hogan has to play Hogan. You could stunt cast with Jesse Ventura as himself too (Jim Ross as Gorilla Monsoon?). And then use other talent for various wrestlers.
  17. I agree. But marvel chose to have their tv characters exist in that universe.
  18. Good points Logan. But then why doesnt Iron Man force Daredevil to sign the accords?
  19. I agree Tackle - the plan was silly. I was looking forward to the 5 super soldiers actually and then when the plan was just to make iron man angry...what if Iron Man's reaction was "well, this is awful but I know Winter Solider was under mind control so Im not going to be mad at him"...whoops, end of bad guys plan. I liked young Spider Man. And I was dreading him to be honest. But I liked the actor and the youth. I like Marisa Tomei too so I liked her but it was definitely a lot different. I hope they cast her for a good reason other than the one note "MILF" (or in this case AILF) angle. It did seem odd that Tony would drag an inexperienced kid into a huge fight. If would be nice to see more behind that reasoning or sense of anguish on Tony's part that he put a kid in harm's way. The line when he basically took Spider Man out of the fight was good though. I imagine we'll get more of Tony/Peter in the Spider Man film and they didnt have time to explore that more. But ofcourse some people are asking, why Spider Man and not Daredevil? I suppose Tony might have thought that Cap and his crew wouldnt actually seriously hurt anyone so it wasnt a big risk to use the kid. In addition to War machine getting hurt, perhaps havign Peter get seriously hurt would have been an interesting angle to explore.
  20. Adam Rose just arrested for Domestic Battery and Tampering with a Witness. Should be released (from WWE I mean) shortly.
  21. I think the theme of aging or progress was a good one. Definitely Meyers' expanded on it. But for TMP, it was sort of parallel to the new look of Starfleet that came with a much larger budget and better SFX. It served the idea that Kirk's exploits had to be recognized with a promotion but in essence, it meant promoting him to a less useful role. It played up flaws in all humans too as Kirk was very flawed in many ways. Ofcourse some of the plots were hold overs from what TMP had originally been planned as, a new TV series. So Decker was there to eventually take over as the star from Shatner. Nimoy wasnt even in it at all. Meyers' take on the aging aspect was pretty smart. It gave meaning to everything and was an over-arching theme to the films from that point on. One of the best scenes from TMP was the "Enterprise Fly By" which, if I recall was about 12 minutes...you'd never get that in a film now and yet it was breath taking back then. And some great scenes from WoK and TSFS were the character moments in Kirk's apartment, scenes that the more recent films never slowed down long enough to mimic.
  22. Less than an hour after ESPN's Darren Rovell reported that the sale of the UFC appears imminent, UFC president and owner Dana White refuted the story, telling the Las Vegas Review-Journal's Adam Hill that "The UFC is not for sale. The ESPN story is overblown. Darren Rovell is not a fan of facts. His facts could not be further off.”
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