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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Flair isn't a joke. Still a great promo and hilarious. Has more charisma walking to the ring than the vast majority of the locker yeah he's 70 so he's old. Heavy. Balding. Dude is 70. Hope I can move around like that at 70. He loves the life and is super proud of Charlotte and loves helping her.
  2. It wouldn't last long under boxing rules. And like goalie said UFC owns his contract.
  3. It sounds like you liked it more than I did. But I'll say I did like it very much. Also it blew BvS out of the water in every single way.
  4. Question for you Madden gamers, I was reading about EA's NHL17 and Be A GM wish list and everyone wants the ability to hire and fire coaches etc. And its being referenced as "like Madden". So in Madden, are the coaches real-life coaches?? I wondered why EA doesnt sign deals with NHL coaches to be able to use their names/likeness in the games. Would be a lot of fun to have it mean something to hire the right coaching staff...and to fire them too.
  5. (CNN)Three people are dead following separate shootings in the past 24 hours in Maryland, and a law enforcement officer recently placed on administrative lead could be the suspect in all three shootings, police said. On Friday, one man was killed, and two others -- a man and a woman -- were wounded after being shot outside the Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, outside Washington, according to police. The wounded man is in critical condition at a local hospital, according to Captain Paul Starks, Montgomery County, Maryland Police. Separately, another woman was shot and killed outside a Giant grocery store in the same area, according to Montgomery County Police Department Assistant Chief Darryl McSwain. The suspected gunman remains on the loose.
  6. Henry is basically retired. Flair is always one step away from being canned though. WWE doesnt like to release anyone that could help the competition...even though they claim not to see TNA and ROH as competition, they do like to keep them down.
  7. WWE has done it before, releasing injured workers. I think they even released Dawn Marie when she got pregnant. But they usually dont. And the Kidd (see what I did there) has a broken neck, also appears on Total Divas. Plus Natalia is very well liked. So I doubt it but it would be nasty!
  8. There is talk of an impending release that is going to be seen as really nasty. Rumors of Tyson Kidd, but I dont see that being possible...
  9. Hes biggest name on the list and if I was TNA (and thank goodness Im not), I'd be ringing his phone off the hook. There was talk he wanted to try MMA as he was previously a legitimate strong man fighter or whatever.
  10. Add Sandow to the list: Hornswoggle Alex Riley Zeb Colter El Torito Cameron (who ill-advisedly tweeted support for Ryback yesterday Santino (who is retired so...yeah) Wade Barrett Damian Sandow
  11. More specifically its a lawsuit brought by WWE Doctor Chris Amman against CM Punk & Colt Cabana (but clearly WWE is behind it). After Punk quit WWE, he went on Cabana's pod cast and buried Amman saying he (Punk) had a very serious staph infection that he brought to Amman who said it was nothing. Basically said the Doctor was a quack. WWE released a statement saying they investigated Punk's allegations and found them to be unfounded with no records of Punk ever making a complaint to WWE medical. They further released a rather amusing video showing dramatic zooms in on Punk's ass to show he didnt have the "baseball sized lump" he claimed he did. Punk did show off the scar from having the lump removed though. Punk probably exaggerated things and in WWE's desire to stick it to him (since he buried them) they decided to support the doctor suing for defamation. Since Punk stopped following some WWE people including Lita (his ex-gf) I wonder if he had asked some to testify on his behalf and they declined. Who knows. He's a moody guy. Side note: There is a video of 12 year old AJ Lee meeting Lita at an autograph session and being overwhelmed with emotion at meeting her idle. She would grow up to marry Punk who dumped Lita for her. Punk has dated a plethora of wrestling women including Edge's wife Beth Pheonix, Kelly Kelly, Daphney, Alison Danger (fellow Winnipegger and sister of Steve Corino), Traci Brooks, Becky Bayless, Mickey James, Maria Kanellis..and ofcourse Lita and AJ. That's a hell of a list.
  12. Yes. He has been outspoken in favour of gay rights. Someone in my office mentioned they wondered if he has some sort of depression or something stemming from his son's death. I never paid much attention to him so I cant say when his appearance began going downhill but if it was after his son's death, that might explain it. Also, he has a young, attractive wife, does he not? That can do it too!
  13. Potential trouble in paradise for CM Punk. The WWE lawsuit against him continues to wind its way through court. There was an appearance this week and Punk has since stopped following best friend (and fellow defendant) Colt Cabana as well as a slew of WWE personnel. He also tweeted something about not being able to count on people. Punk seems like a very miserable person. Dont know how AJ Lee stands him.
  14. She was, yes. I didnt mind her. She seemed sweet enough. Just couldnt wrestle very well. She once tried to pin someone when they were laying face down.
  15. I foolishly stayed up to watch triple OT last night. Heck of a game. I need Nashville to keep winning for my pool (Im currently in second place).
  16. Hornswoggle Alex Riley Zeb Colter El Torito Cameron (who ill-advisedly tweeted support for Ryback yesterday Santino (who is retired so...yeah) Wade Barrett
  17. Word is, more to come today. Been awhile since WWE did a mass firing. Add Riley to the list
  18. Yeah, but when you see it I think you'll know what I mean. Having the formula down is good. The films all feel like they share a universe. But this one just seemed like...when it was done nothing had really happened.
  19. I think it was implied they had time to build the walls because there werent many walkers around at that point. Which might seem odd actually. Funny because in Season One I said to the gf, why dont they just go find a gated community to live in? Or go down to the Florida Keys, clear off one of the smaller islands and live happily ever after? Or go to the Miami Cruise Port, clear a cruise ship...and live happily ever after.
  20. I enjoyed Spider-Man more than I thought I would. He really worked. And while they draw him into the fight in almost a too-quick and irresponsible way (he's just a kid), they make sure to address that briefly but effectively. He added some nice humor and a different tone. They did a good job of showing how powerful he is but also how young and inexperienced he is. Almost a bit of a weird awkward sexual tension thing with Aunt May Also loved Ant Man. My buddy claims he doesnt "get" Ant Man. I like him and Paul Rudd is tremendous. Sometimes in these Marvel films they try to sprinkle in some humor where it doesnt feel right but characters like Spider-Man and Ant Man bring the funny in a more organic way. The airport fight was really great and a smart way to let the super heroes battle without worrying about civilians. I'd like to see a solo Black Widow film. Maybe it's hard because she fits as more of a side-kick character to Captain America. But she is sort of the emotional connective tissue of the movie because she has relationships with so many characters. Black Panther was very good too. Almost a back-to-basics Captain America type character. Definitely want to see more. The film definitely had a lot to pack in and that can slow it down a bit. It seemed to take a while to get going. I didnt really feel the Vision/Scarlet Witch romance. Isnt he an android? And he bordered on abusive relationship at times (I think thats what they were going for) with the "Im doing this for you're own protection" and "Are you not letting me leave?" The bad guy was more a back drop to the Civil War stuff and I thought the motivations and plan of the bad guy was somewhat weak. He was really relying on the good guys being predictable, emotional, egotistical and irrational. And the aborted Super Soldiers plot seemed more interesting.
  21. Saw Civil War. Some non-spoilery stuff: I thought it was enjoyable, entertaining and fun. They have their formula down, the cast are all strong, sweet and have great chemistry. I like that Marvel isnt afraid to really keep building their world and if you come into Civil War cold, you wont understand half of what's going on. That's good in that it rewards fans and connects the films and makes them matter. It was not "great cinema" by any stretch and I would say it wasnt one of their best films. Almost formulaic but not so much in a bad way. Just a familiar way. Some spoilery stuff (Ill make a new thread to avoid a series of eyeball posts).
  22. Alden Ehrenreich has been cast as young Han Solo
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