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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Also, looks like Adam Rose was reinstated after posting a note from his doctor concerning his Wellness Policy suspension...
  2. Matt Wichlinski, who had been working as the Strength & Conditioning Coach at the WWE Performance Center, was let go last week and replaced by Sean Hayes, a former NFL Strength Coach for the Houston Texans. This is interesting. Back before Bill Demott was fired as head trainer, the strength & conditioning coach was a friend of Cena's. He was fired because Demott's methods produced a lot of injuries and they blamed the S&C guy. This Wichlinski was in hot water awhile back for being a creeper with the female talent, even posting some surreptitiously taken ass pics. He had new ideas on how to train and the WWE has promptly seen its worst period for injuries especially shoulder injuries. Its amazing he wasnt canned for being a creeper but this move is probably a good, and long overdue one.
  3. Doesnt Roberts have an issue with being able to get here....
  4. The left cheering for the destruction of the right makes for fun reading on the CBC. I agree Trump likely doesnt win but the idea he has zero chance is the same thing they said when he announced he was running, that he had zero chance to be the nominee. Dont count him out. The Republican Party needs to be rebuilt. They let the far right get too much power. When Ted Cruz is the supposed voice of reason, the party is in trouble. Big trouble. I'd rather see the right wing nuts form their own party so the forces of moderation in the party at large dont lend any sort of credence to the nonsense from that side.
  5. Sort of a video game/wrestling story - we had a fans bring the weapons match between two really good local guys (Rawskillz & Robby Royce). Someone in the crowd threw an old NES console into the ring. Skillz smacked Royce in the head with it but he no-sold the shot. Skillz opened the front of the console, blew in it and hit Royce again and he took a big bump. Pop of the night.
  6. Its not like they had 6 rookies starting the season. Petan was a mistake that most of us called. Ehlers was ready to play. Copp was a 4th liner who's minutes were managed. Not every case is the same. If we drafted McDavid should we have sent him to the Moose "just because". Some players are ready and some are not. I think the over rippen thing was in regards to players that just arent ready yet. Lowry had time to develop on the Moose. Helle did. Morrissey is. Kossy is. Armia did. Chairot did. I see no change in their philosophy other then, if a player is ready, he's ready.
  7. Not a gaming nerd like you guys lol But for original NES, I played the hell out of TMNT! And ofcourse CONTRA! Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start.
  8. Best case scenario, Stemp somehow allows the Jets to get into the playoffs and lose in the first round again. Worst case scenario, Stemp being here causes the Jets to miss out on drafting #2. Which is way better then another sweep in the playoffs. Anyone touting the "why didnt we sign Stemp" nonsense just doesnt see the big picture. Like Goalie said, NO ONE wanted him. He had to do a pro try out. And Stemp wasnt going to get first line minutes in Winnipeg, period. Silly debate.
  9. I tend to agree. He gives them options by playing either wing and he seems to have the highest upside. Interviews might make all the difference but I also like the confidence and *swagger* he seems to have. He's a bit bigger than Puljujarvi (though not by much) and a bit older (not by much). A story I read on the hockey writers suggested Laine might even be converted to Center by some teams which is something I hadnt heard before. And while Puljujarvi might be more creative, Laine seems to play a more NHL-ready game.
  10. There was humor in TOS. I really like TOS. I think it was the original pilot that was released into theaters a few years ago when CBS did the restoration and new SFX for TOS. I went to see it. Pretty cool. But I could see how some wouldnt be able to get into a series from the 60's. Also, re-watch The Motion Picture...its really, really good. Yes, too serious, too overtly trying to be 2001, but there is a lot to like there. Considering the only basis for anything was TOS, they really added depth to the Star Trek universe, to what Starfleet was, how things worked. Its somewhat "boring" but still much to love with a nice twist ending. And ofcourse, Captain Decker is the son of Commodore Decker from an original TOS episode so some continuity too. Nick Meyer really had the most influence on the modern Star Trek universe when he made Wrath of Khan. I know some fans dislike the "militarization" of Starfleet, but I think it was much needed as far as giving it an identity and template and structure, taking hints of the naval basis from TOS and really expanding on it.
  11. It was stupid of Trump to run off half cocked about the Cruz/Oswald thing but the allegation is somewhat supported by a couple of experts. They dont say with certainty that it's Cruz' rather in the photo and didnt use face recognition software because the images are too grainy. They determined there was no photo manipulation and then compared by eye. One of the experts has asked Cruz to release more images of his father from that period so they can be sure. So it's not like he made up a story like Cruz' brother is bigfoot or Hilary Clinton is a reptile. There is *some* basis for the discussion but it's really irresponsible to do it and, in my opinion, says more about Trump's fitness for making decisions than it does about Cruz. But hey, if Trump is that interested, perhaps he can promise to release all classified documents pertaining to the JFK assassination should he be elected President.
  12. Yes but does Bo Dallas deserve to get pushed like Aj Styles so he can make more merch money? Some guys are upper card, some are lower. And true, WWE often gets that wrong. But there will always be a disparity.
  13. @Atomic - that's definitely the root of his argument. And I think what he means when he says its not about the money and then complains about money is that he doesnt care so much about money if he was enjoying himself and feeling he was being used to the best of his ability. Doesnt have to be the champion or PPV headliner every month, but clearly cant understand why he's on the pre show. He has a point. It doesnt matter how talented or unique or over you are. The only way to get a top spot and thus have more fun and make more money is that Vince and his creative monkey's choose you. And they arent choosing the most talented, best looking, most over...they are choosing whomever they feel and its very subjective and can be determined by many things including who's hand you didnt shake in catering.
  14. Seen Fabbro taken by Jets at 22 in some mocks.
  15. Fair perspective but completely unrealistic. 4th line goons dont get paid like first line superstars.
  16. One thing to consider when it comes to watching this in Canada is that Bell seems to be the exclusive home for Star Trek, airing the series' on Crave TV. So I wonder if Bell would pay CBS for the Canadian rights and use it for Crave. Rogers made a similar deal with WWE for "The Network", though put it on terrestrial TV rather than steaming.
  17. Interesting! http://3downnation.com/2016/05/03/an-exclusive-look-at-canadian-football-17/ The first thing you should know about the founders of Canuck Play is that David Winter and business partner Sherly Loucks are much more than just experienced game developers. First and foremost, they’re CFL fans (Saskatchewan ones if you want to be specific). More importantly, Winter and Loucks are proud Canadians and both take a ton of pride in Canada’s rich football history and tradition. As you get to learn more about Canuck Play, it’s easy to believe that there’s no company better suited to create the CFL’s first successful video game. Winter, who spent 10 years in the Navy before getting into game development, has 20 years of experience building games, doing everything from coding and designing to being a product director. Winter has worked for a number of studios, ranging from HB Studios to EA. During the five years he spent at EA, Winter was the producer and designer for EA Sports Online and was responsible for a large percentage of the online features for games such as Madden, NHL and FIFA. While he’s also worked on non-sports titles such as The Sims and Mech Warrior Online, Winter feels most at home when working on sports games. More at the link
  18. Sisko did manufacture evidence of of an assassination attempt to try and draw the Romulans into the Dominion War as an ally. And when that didnt work, he basically allowed Garek to murder a diplomat. Sisko was a badass
  19. To be fair, that was more in tune with Kirk and TOS. Just without good writing and good acting/characters.
  20. I think the rational for that was that it would take 70 years at maximum warp to get home so it was a death sentence for everyone on board anyway. And to get home any earlier than their grand children, they'd need to find new technologies or warm holes or the other "Caretaker" that could help them along the way. So it didnt cost them much to explore the Delta Quadrant so in the event they did make it home, they returned with a lot of information. But I agree about Janeway. She wasn't a favourite of mine either.
  21. Well they *should* try to get Worf in the new series, at least for a cameo since he's been in everything else just about.
  22. Kasich dropping out too. So there you have it. Trump is the Republican nominee. Amazing times we live in. Now...who will be his running mate?
  23. I think in a series with very little character depth or development, Seven and the Doctor were the two that had clear and obvious arcs. They were the "Spock" and "Data", the outsiders look at the human condition which is prevalent in Star Trek. Although I enjoyed TNG's take on the Borg who suddenly begins thinking for himself (Hugh) as he didnt have to wear a skin tight outfit or be used for sex appeal. Voyager made the conscious decision to neuter their characters. There was an early episode where Paris was in trouble (I think accused of murdering a man who's wife he slept with) and if I recall the story was changed to mute Paris' role in what happened rather then let him be more unscrupulous. And ofcourse, the major story coming out of the premiere was the co-existence of the Starfleet and Maquis crew which they barely did anything with. Can't have conflict.
  24. They had previously said there would deals in place outside the US for terrestrial channel viewing. They havent offered any details other than to say deals they have made account for most of the budget so the series is essentially already a money maker for CBS. Id be shocked if it didnt air in Canada on a cable station as one would think Canada is a big audience for Star Trek. We'll be able to see it...just not sure where yet.
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