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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. True. I guess I love a good story of redemption. They did sort of give that story to Dukat's right hand man..cant remember his name. He was an alcoholic who rose to the occasion and defended Cardassia against the Dominion.
  2. I assume it's to head off concerns from the competition bureau. It actually lowers MTS's market share and increases Telus'.
  3. Bell has a clause that allows them to match any better offer that should come along.
  4. I would guess they will stay use the network to a degree but as I understand there are many agreements that MTS must unentangle themselves from before this deal closes. And Bell's deal with Telus to sell them customers and stores is conditional on the sale going through. When the dust settles the market share in Mb will be a lot closer. 40-30-30 as opposed to 50-30-10 as it is now,
  5. Morty is already being downplayed. MTS is doing a brand refresh currently.
  6. I hope Theon gets his hands on him in the end. As for reinstating Jon, then we'd need the Lanister's to do it? Its an interesting dynamic. Jamie seems honorable and I like him and I want him to go to town on those faith jackasses. But whatshername is not sympathetic. Could we see a Lanister/Stark alliance with Jamie & Tyrion supporting it?
  7. So can we assume Sansa and her pals will overthrow Ramsay and take back Winterfell? Will they enlist Jon's help first?
  8. Wouldnt Sansa be able to? She is the eldest living Stark now, no?
  9. I'd add "Spoilers" in the heading so everyone knows.
  10. If they are being honest about using Bell MTS, it would seem to indicate they see value in the brand, and well they should. In time, "MTS" probably gets swallowed up wholly by Bell, but in the short term it has a lot of value they should take advantage of.
  11. MTS has a long term contract for naming rights. So it will remain MTSC for awhile or switch to Bell at some point but wont change to a third party until the contract is up. I think Bell will be cognizant of not erasing the MTS brand in Manitoba as it means something to a lot of people.
  12. I know MTS has been cognizant of their poor service reputation and have worked hard to be better. Im with SHAW probably because they were very good to us when we moved into our current home. The line was degraded and we had many issues but they ran a line off of a neighbor and gave us a large discount for over a year until a new line was installed. I appreciate that and have trouble switching. However, Im scheduled to move homes sometime this year and will almost assuredly switch for a reason Im not comfortable divulging (but you can figure out lol).
  13. That 6900 includes 2700 MTS employees.
  14. I have SHAW at home so I cant entirely compare but everything I hear indicates MTS has better quality TV and Internet. Im considering switching.
  15. I heard it was remaining MTS Centre. Time will tell. Deal wont be official til 2017 probably.
  16. That's a good point and its what I'd like to see. if he ends up somehow on the throne, I'd be happy.
  17. I agree Taynted. I dislike the constant changes. And it sort of switches characters from good to bad or bad to good. If the end result is a "King" being a new character, I will be unhappy. I assume there will be some sort of deal made between various factions to bring peace to the land.
  18. MTS made major efforts to improve their customer service and has continued to do so.
  19. He could be a guy that transitions to other jobs with True North after his career ends. They obviously seem to like him and he seems to be a good character guy. Make your NHL money to help mentor kids on the farm, still based in Winnipeg, wife and family arent impacted etc. But the Jets have shown they will cut ties with loyal soldiers when they feel they need to move on so you never know.
  20. I wonder if there could be a three way deal to be made with Edmonton, Winnipeg, Islanders.
  21. I'd suspect Stu is gone or 7th D. He's an "A", right? The changing of the captains will allow them to get the A off his chest without it looking odd. Probably Wheeler, Scheif, Buff as the "Captains"
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