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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. No Ehlers? Lol. Laine is rw ehlers-scheif-wheeler Connor-little-Laine
  2. Good on the Jets for not tanking and playing tough to the end. They were rewarded for being honourable Now...who is consensus number 2? Laine
  3. 14: Boston 13: carolina 12: Ottawa 11: new jersey 10: Colorado 9: montreal 8: Buffalo 7: Arizona 6: Calgry!!! 5: Vancouver 4: Edmonton 3: Columbus 2: Winnipeg 1: Toronto
  4. On now and 1290 is now covering it. Didn't realize there would be an hour plus of talking head BS before the results revealed.
  5. Is TSN1290 not covering the draft lottery? Baseball is on right now....
  6. I remember some people not liking that as it was essentially a Dues Ex Machina finish where the Gods interjected to save the day. But given the totality of the series, it made complete sense. DS9 was very religious and it climaxed that sense in the end. Loved it. The only thing I disliked about the end of DS9 was that they had Ducat so insane and end up as the big bad guy. I see why they did it, to pay off Sisco's arc with a suitable counter-character. But if Ducat had been redeemed by stepping in to save the station and the Bajoran's, it would have been a nice pay off to him too.
  7. An awful lot of praise and expectations being hoisted upon Lapo. If the offence is anything short of top three in the league, it will seem like a let down. If the offense is really good but the team isn't willing more than losing it won't take long before fans are calling for Lapo to replace MOS.
  8. If I worked for the Bombers or the Freep, and read some of the insights here, especially some of the details of training camp and games, I;d be asking those posters to provide those reports "officially". We usually end up complaining every year when the reporters at training camp tweet about everything but the players and events on the field and seem to relish in being paid to sit around all day while fans here attend and provide much more insightful reports. Although it reminds me of when the owner of Jetsowner forum took a deal to work for the Freep and as part of the deal he had to kill Jetsowner and ask everyone to join the Freep's official Jets forum. Went over like a lead balloon. I don't even know if the Freep has a Jets forum anymore but I do know the Jetsowner owner wasn't kept on staff for very long.
  9. It had been referenced (I believe in an episode of TOS) that the Prime Directive was developed after First Contact with the Klingons ended disastrously. So Enterprise showed us First Contact with the Klingons and it didn't end disastrously. Sure, they weren't pals, but it wasn't a disaster. Not to mention Earth was made to be a lot closer to Kronos in Enterprise than it should have been. Additionally, the Vulcan's acted all wrong, Ofcourse they eventually corrected this. Then again, because that creative team coudlnt do anything that didn't involve time travel, they introduced the temporal cold war and thus, anything that happened could have been "wrong". Really lazy. However the good things Enterprise did: The uniforms were great. A nice combination of NASA flight suits and TOS unis. The ship was pretty good. The trouble was making a ship that was before TOS but using modern effects. And they did a nice job. Nothing there bothered me because some of the changes, like flat screen monitors are more about using modern tech that WOULD have been used if it were available in the 60's. I think Enterprise should have been more focused on being the furthest deep space ship, more akin to TOS being out there on the frontier with little to no communication. Instead it became just another TNG-lite show akin to Voyager. If the DS9 writers were in charge of Enterprise, it would have been infinitely better.
  10. Yeah I think, if I recall, he was injured and gone for awhile, and they made his return at WrestleMania with a return to the deadman look and that combined to really make the gimmick one people appreciated. But there were many times in his earlier career where he was not popular and people were sick of him and his work was pretty bad. Undertaker as a top flight worker is something rather recent, like since his first match with Michaels.
  11. 6'6". 218. 18 years old. Two way centre. Interesting.
  12. Well undertaker debuted as managed by Brother Love. He was actually called Cain The Undertaker. There were definitely times when the undertaker act was considered passé and "old" and boring. But he reinvented himself a few times and built up a lot of respect. But ultimately I agree with Goalie. There's not a perfect formula though. Look at Roman who should be super over and isn't. Bad booking, lame character and poor worker. The trifecta of suck. Randy Orton. Great wrestler. Boring as hell. John Cena. Lousy wrestler. Biggest star in the business. Nowadays fans expect you to be a good worker though. I assume Jose can work. Haven't seen him work yet just wait til Nak is on raw. Big time star.
  13. Looks like Young only worked one of three weeks of taping a so perhaps it's a short term deal or try out. Or it might just be giving him a big debut to get him over and use him mostly for house shows. Plus on the subject of Jose this sounds like a lot of fun. No Way Jose beat Noah Big reaction for No Way Jose in Full Sail as you'd expect; he's a fun personality with a lot of charm. The chants included "No Way, No Way, No Way Joseee" to the tune of the Sami Zayn "Ole'" chants and his song's style "No Way Jose" chants as well. Salsa dance style offense and solid work before the big baseball pitch wind up punch and then a full nelson slam for the win. Post match, No Way Jose was able to convince referee Drake Wuertz to dance with him to a huge cheer. Some fancy footwork by Drake.
  14. The website should make a deal to make this forum the official bombers forum with the current regime in charge of moderation rules. Yeah I guess that wouldn't work but the insight offered here by some of you smart guys is the best coverage of the team by anyone.
  15. I tend to agree unless someone pretty special falls to where the jets could get him in a fair deal. But if they pick top three the 22nd is gravy is the lottery only for the first round or for all subsequent rounds? Ie will the jests draft 36th or could it be, say 33 or whatever?
  16. Phlox was probably the best actor on the show. And his character was good. There were some good moral discussions with him. The cast wasn't great. But I thought they were decent enough. Tripp was good. Yoshi (wait what was her name?) was oka. The security guy wasn't pretty. Lol. The Vulcan was fine. The problem with Vulcan characters is they don't want to repeat TOS and do a half Vulcan but they don't want a character that is always stoic and unemotional. Voy was actually decent with this but it doesn't make for a very interesting character. I might be in the minority but I thought the season three story arc was horrible. Worst season of the series. The 4th season mini arcs was better with the new head writer. But even at its best enterprise was never going to be as good as any of the other series' except maybe Voy.
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