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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Which is why I would have kept BB. But if they miss the playoffs next year they will try to trade those guys and go full rebuild. They will find teams willing to take them.
  2. I like Bakula. But he was all wrong for that role. The supporting actors weren't bad though.
  3. That's a mistake. Look for the Ducks to falter and start trading assets in about a year.
  4. Miz is fundamentally sound. He's not a great worker. He's not Bryan or AJ. But he's way better than Roman and that guy is world champion. Miz has carved out a good career and is probably a lifer. Nice guy who works hard. Does everything asked. Definitely needed something to rejuvenate him and Maryse might be it. Knowing wwe they will split them up and have her cheat on him or something
  5. Not true. If they first season was them sitting in an office discussing details of the build then yes that would be boring. But there is plenty of intrigue good writers could write. And assume they would have been in space in some way just not on the enterprise. The first storyline with the Klingons were terrible and violated canon. It drives me crazy when they either ignore canon or they complain about being handcuffed by canon. Good writers would love the challenge. If a writer wants to ignore what has come before then go write for something else. Only write Star Trek if you love it and appreciate.
  6. Can't imagine the NHL would be thrilled about the NFL stealing their thunder and sponsorship dollars in Vegas. You snooze you lose.
  7. I wonder what a gig like this pays. What does he do all winter? Should make a deal with the Jets to share him.
  8. So jets are forced to protect Toby and buff even if they didn't want to. But can choose to protect or leave available stu and Myers. Not sure they'd expose Toby anyway. But it removes the decision.
  9. interesting. edit. Read it wrong. If I understand a team with players under no movements MUST be protected. So jets must protect Toby and Buff.
  10. Im not sure how sincere he is either. It was said previously that money mattered more to him than some because he was active in the PA and this under pressure to not give a discount
  11. Yes but those are silly excuses to bypass limitations that would normally be used to create more challenging stories. But due to laziness they invent reasons why it's ok. Silly.
  12. From what I hear buy outs were offered. I'd assume Tait and Kives opted to take the buy outs. Interesting...
  13. No. TNA tapes so far in advance now. I believe that was Roode's last appearance on TNA tv. He should be signing. Wouldn't be surprised if he actually was on the main roster.
  14. I'm shocked by this. Bobby Roode for sure. But I see. I thing in Eric Young. But perhaps they just need bodies for touring. Weird.
  15. They do love Miz. When he was champion he did tons of media and PR and asked for more. But I admit I like him and his schtick with Maryse is great!
  16. The problem with Enterprise was it never lived up to its concept. The prequel concept was the best idea they'd had since TNG. But lousy writers who were the same old same from TNG and Voyager were burned out and had nothing left. They specifically wanted to avoid episodic story telling. Much like Voy. So nothing meant anything. Amd all the "new" tech they introduced they could never maintain their "canon". Can't use transporters. End up using them all the time. Just like Voy where they couldn't use holodecks or replicators because they had to preserve energy. Then that fell by the wayside. Enterprise became a more boring Voy. supposedly the original idea was to spend the first year on earth developing the new ship and dealing with the intrigue of trying to get it off the ground but the network wouldn't let them
  17. Ziggler was crazy over when they did that Authority vanquished angle. Was that Survivor Series two years ago? He got the big push in that match and scored the win. Hugely over. And we all thought they were finally going to do something. And they didn't. They clearly see him as a B guy. So be it. Unfortunately.
  18. They know it's over but they are positioning themselves as the guys who tried to save the country and the party. Announcing a running mate, a woman no less who was picked on by Trump is all about four years from now.
  19. It's up to the bookers to maximize what they have though. Heyman had a ton of nobodies in ECW that he booked in such a way people thought they were good. public Enemy had a career off of it and they sucked. Ziggler could be better in some ways. He is too quick with the moves and could slow down some. But better to be too fast then not fast enough. Ziggler was in the doghouse for giving an interview once where he said if he and Randy Orton went into a dark alley and only one came out it wouldn't be Orton. Petty heat!
  20. Im really looking forward to a better GM/Owner mode. Thats really all I play it for and after one or two seasons its pretty tough to stay interested. This looks like it has a lot more depth to it. I wonder if I can relocate the Pens to Regina.
  21. Apparently that aspect of the "rumor" has been withdrawn. Im not in favour of it. A lot of Trek fans point to Roddenberry wanting to "always go forward" and take it too literal. When you get that far into the future, we're talking fantasy. Trek already has technology way beyond what we will have...I want something grounded more in modern reality.
  22. Finally watched this week's episode of Fear The Walking Dead. And at least now that "mini-series" that played during The Walking Dead commercials (Flight 462) makes sense. But man...this show is so poorly written. Really stupid characters that do stupid things or act in unnatural ways to move the plot.
  23. New NHL 17 trailer will seems to indicate, among other things, custom arenas and relocation.
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