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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. There is a fresh rumor that Sinclair Broadcasting, parent of Ring of Honor, is interested in acquiring TNA.
  2. You think Vancouver thinks they can add talent and compete? Seems to me their window is closing...
  3. I could see Montreal trying to sign him. Otherwise a low cap team needing to spend a few bucks.
  4. Sure Rich. They scoffed at me saying how hard it is. Didn't say it was easy. There's a fairly wide coverage between hard and easy. And they love the perks. All true. But we don't have to discuss bad teachers or gloss over my prior statements. I'm happy to keep discussing them. Where would you like to start?
  5. My friends never called it easy. Just that it wasnt the dire scenario often presented, especially in America. But all three really love it. One is now a Principal. I agree with you Rich. But one of the problems in the education system is the "bad" teachers and how difficult it is to get rid of them. I had mostly "good" teachers, a few amazing teachers and a few "bad" teachers. I actually when to university for a year with the intention of going into Education because two teachers in particular inspired me, one in Junior High and one in High School. The friend who is now in administration spent a lot of time working with his students, using social media to keep them engaged. He used to tweet out math problems and his students would try to solve them. Way over my head. Math seems to have changed since I was in school....
  6. That would be a comment and a stupid one at that. Do you need the names and schools? Three western Mb schools. I know a lot of people. Geeeeez, tough crowd.
  7. Im not one to wish for Ladd to return because it's highly unlikely in this situations, though not unheard of. But I think it would be difficult for Ladd to come back because it would be for less money and it would be hung around his neck. And he'd be coming back without the "c". Although Chipman was asked and said he told Ladd he'd be welcome back (or something to that effect). But it would be very difficult to allocate resources to him for 5-6 years I think...But as a 2nd line LW who probably ends up a really good 3rd line LW as time marches on, I wouldnt be against it...if the price was right.
  8. Im not sure Dash & Dawson will get their big break. Especially with Bullet Club there now. There are some similarities between them as far as being a tough, not flashy team. Vaudevillains likely have a short shelf life, but they got over a tiny bit finally on Monday. Jordan & Gable will be big. If Im WWE, Im bringing in Angle to debut them.
  9. As much as the tease of Shane vs Steph is interesting, the set up is pretty ludicrous. they make a big deal about Shane vs Undertaker with the stipulations, Vince disowns Shane...and then just puts him in charge anyway. Its rather absurd. Like they realised Shane is really over and presumably Shane wanted to stick around. It will be a really interesting angle because I dont want to say there is "heat" but imagine normal family dynamics and competition combined with office politics and the normal wrestling politics. The reality is really interesting and will be curious to see how much reality they put in. Because the lead up to WrestleMania saw some interesting promos and changes in plans. Hunter and Steph basically removed themselves from Shane's angle after Steph did the big promo burying Shane for leaving. Shane was supposed to retort and had his promo changed right before air time. The real story is Shane quit WWE when it became clear he wasnt going to be the heir apparent to Vince. Rumor has it there was some sort of "conversation" where Shane basically made a power play and Vince finally had to spell out the plan...which was Steph & Hunter running WWE, not Shane. I heard it described as "he quit or was fired but both would be somewhat accurate". So this could be really really fun. Especially once Hunter gets involved. He is very smart and will try to cut Shane's balls off left and right...Im not sure Shane is witty enough to do the same but if anyone has the stroke to "shoot", it will be Shane. Looking forward, Payback actually looks really interesting. They are foreshadowing Bullet Club turning on AJ. I think the more important question is, will Roman turn and be aligned with Bullet Club, will Finn debut and be with them (he just lost the NXT title to Samoa Joe), will Bullet Club attack both and AJ/Roman are together?
  10. Im not a teacher so cant speak on specifics but I will say three of my friends are teachers (one is a principal) and they have scoffed at me in the past when I have said 'oh that must be a really hard job'. And they list off all the perks you'd think - summers off, spring break, Christmas and lots of time throughout the day for lesson planning and whatnot...and the money is good.
  11. What happens with Ladd will be interesting because I dont think his play in the playoffs really showed a lot either. In Winnipeg he was a big fish in a small pond and in Chicago it was somewhat the reverse. He should have offers, but teams being more cognizant of spending arent likely to make him top tier offers. Maybe he looks at $4m to move back into his house in Winnipeg.
  12. Enzo & Cass are tremendous! Will be huge hits on house show circuit. Enzo has unbelievable charisma. Cass is 7 feet tall. And you can't teach that. RAW was pretty good tonight. Will probably get decimated in the third hour with Roman vs Del Rio. But the storylines are improving. I have a suspicion the guy who used to book NXT is booking RAW. We actually have real angles. Shane vs Steph. Roman vs AJ. A mystery involving Bullet Club. Miz is completely rejuvenated. Tag team scene re built with entertaining and talented acts.
  13. It only makes sense if they are acquiring Hamonic.
  14. If you believe the rumours Hanonic doesn't have a short list of multiple teams. He has one team. Period. Burmi could be thrown in as well and something else. Myers is what they need and he and a great contract.
  15. So why are you reluctant to explain why? If you don't want to, so be it but then its sort of odd to argue the point without being able to say why. There are a couple of links in this thread you should read. Perhaps you're not as opposed as you think. Perhaps you might change your mind after careful consideration. I used to be a steadfast opposer of pot. Never done it. But I watched a couple of documentaries, read some things, listened to some opinions and changed my mind about the use and legality. Minds can change if they're open.
  16. Why not? What is your concern? Knowing there is zero evidence to support an irrational fear of LGBT as predators.
  17. Regarding HB2, the law passed in North Carolina that impacts LGBT from using bathrooms in line with their gender identity. Many entertainers have cancelled shows in the state. Heard but bit confirmed that NBA is considering cancelling All Star Game (or moving it) from there. Impressed with Gary being on the right side of this. Interesting that the State bill was passed to over-rule a law passed by Charlotte that favoured LGBT rights. What a **** show. Wonder when this will impact sports...if any will cancel events or speak out about it.
  18. I have little interest in another stupid Jurassic film unless it features Sam Neill.
  19. One interesting thing was hearing Chevy recently discuss the drafting of Connor. He said they had looked at him strongly prior to the draft but didnt give him much thought as the draft approached because where they had him ranked made it very unlikely he would be available when they picked. So they were over-joyed when he was. So you just never know.
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