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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. When I was 19/20 I worked for a popular nightclub in Winnipeg and on Monday's they had "alternative night" which had a large gay clientele. Most of the bouncers didnt want to work it but I was new and I wanted to work. I recall being hit on or complimented many times by guys (in a similar way I was hit on or complimented by women) and couple of my co workers would get physically agitated and ask me why I didnt punch the guy out etc. And I remember saying why would i? it's a compliment. This was a long time ago mind you but I always thought it odd that the guys who professed such outward masculinity were seemingly so concerned about being turned to the gay side.
  2. The results of the lottery will directly impact the excitement level of the draft, no doubt. Top three = exciting.
  3. Agreed Goalie. The idea of specific bathrooms for Trans people is akin to marking them. its degrading. And like you said, people use the bathroom to use the bathroom. What's next? Marking people who are gay and forcing them to pee in a separate bathroom because it makes the macho straight guys uncomfortable? Just so silly. Here is an account of a law-breaking person from North Carolina: http://www.vox.com/2016/4/25/11490498/north-carolina-bathroom-law-transgender
  4. According to the American Psychological Association, children are not more likely to be molested by LGBT parents or their LGBT friends or acquaintances. Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men. The Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends, and the majority are men married to women. Most child molesters, therefore, are not gay people lingering outside schools waiting to ****** children from the playground, as much religious-right rhetoric suggests.
  5. Thanks Nate. It will be finding that right combination between looks great and priced low. lol If anyone has done a small bathroom reno (master bath though...vanity, toilet, bathtub) what price range are decent renos? I literally have zero clue on costs.
  6. Why? Those comparisons are apt. Its literally a solution to a problem that doesnt exist. Its merely a method to further an anti-LGBT agenda, whether it's subtle or overt. Scroll through this thread and you'll see posts mentioning data and stats and stories that show the "fear" is irrational and unsubstantiated. Gay people use the same bathroom as you every day and you likely never know. Trans people do too and many of them you'd never know. So what's the problem? Why not make LGBT people wear a large yellow H or W or whatever on them at all times? What happens in these public bathrooms that Cruz and his ilk are so sensitive about? Does Cruz like to remove his pants in the bathroom and is worried about the trans people being overcome with uncontrollable desire? It's ludicrous. How many times have you seen a father bring his young daughter into the men's bathroom because she needed to use it and he was the only adult with her? Same goes for mom's taking their young sons into a women's bathroom. What's the big issue now? Because LBGT people are gaining for rights and acceptance and Cruz and his peeps dont like it? Its an effort to force people back into the closet. LGBT people make up only 8.5% of the US population and Cruz acts like its war. Explain how this law would be enforced? Genital police? Will the government post security at every public bathroom? Signs posted saying no trans allowed? or straight bathroom only? A Trans Woman being arrested for using the bathoom? Its lunacy. Comparison to the civil rights movement is apt. Because this is a civil rights issue. There was once a time when many people thought it perfectly acceptable to have separate bathrooms for blacks, separate water fountains, get to the back of the bus. We generally as an enlightened nation accept how horrible, demeaning and wrong that is. So why is it okay today to do the same thing to LGBT people? People are free to think and feel what they want. But they arent free to hinder the rights of others as a result of those thoughts and feelings. If someone hates gays, that's their right to feel that way. If they dont hate gays but just dont like the idea of shared bathrooms, they can feel that way too and then they can use the bathroom at thier home. Its really that simple. There has not been one single rational, reasonable reason for it. If you have one, we're all ears.
  7. Is the lottery aired live on TV and is it SportsNet or do we get some real coverage with TSN?
  8. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/05/16/how-a-change-of-heart-led-to-a-backlash-from-the-church-of-nasty.html
  9. What did you all think of GoT's season debut?
  10. But what are you concerned about? You said you never had to worry before so why now?
  11. I'm not sure what happens in bathrooms Ted Cruz uses but quite frankly if a man or woman gay or otherwise was in the public washroom with me I wouldn't bat an eye. I'm there for one purpose. And it isn't sexual.
  12. Google Ted Cruz. And his views on LGBT and tell me it isn't bigoted agenda and if you never had to worry about this before why do you now?
  13. come now. That's silly. Cruz isn't trying to protect LGBT people from attack. Please. Besides if a trans woman walked into your bathroom it wouldn't stand out as unusual to you? That wouldn't be identifying them akin to a yellow badge? Please
  14. There weren't LGBT people when your kids were young? but you're right. You never had to concern yourself with it. And today no one has to concern themselves with it. This is part of a hate agenda.
  15. Okay so you can't. There was a time when a vote would hbe supported sept ate bathrooms for blacks how would you suggest enforcing this law? It's akin to yellow badging.
  16. What does sex and using the washroom have to do with one another? This isn't a pressing issue in Canada right now. How do you protect your children from LGBT people when you're in public?
  17. Can you prove LGBT people are inherently predatory towards children? Because I say they are not. Prove me wrong.
  18. good thing the gays mind their own business.
  19. What rights are being trampled? You're advocating for introducing laws that trample people's rights. How many times hbe you been in a bathroom and the guy next to you was gay? A lot id bet. You just didn't know it. I would never admit to sharing these views: http://www.towleroad.com/2015/11/fresh-off-death-gays-rally-ted-cruz-host-anti-lgbt-hatefest-south-carolina/ thats not political opinion. It's hatred. The same way we don't tolerate racism and say well that guy hates blacks but you know it's his opinion and he has merit. We say he's a terrible person and we don't stand for it. Cruz doesn't hide who he is.
  20. I'm a conservative. Google Cruz. I'm not saying he is anti LGBT because I disagree with his outlandish and unsubstantiated claims that prejudice group of people. I say it because it's true. If you are anti LGBT then so be it. If you share Cruz's values then you are. Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). doesn't that definition fit? Creating laws out of a fear that LGBT people are predators? That's lunacy. If you think about this issue logically there is simply no need for this. What problem os it addressing? Zero.
  21. Goldblum is terrible. He doesn't act. Plays the same stuttering sarcastic nut in every role.
  22. Disagree. That would be pointless. There is right and wrong. Some very brave politicians fought for civil rights when there was a great deal of opposition. It would be like having a referendum on banning Muslims. Cruz is anti LGBT. So logic tells us he's not concerned about the safety of children. He's concerned about pushing his agenda. And making Trump look reasoned and level headed in the process!
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