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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I'm with you Jacquie. This is one of those really obvious common sense things. Cruz is a nut and presumably a homophobe. Dresses his bigotry up in the flag of protecting children. It's silly. I mean really, even Trump the king of hyperbole and rhetoric gets it.
  2. I'm interested also. Planning to move and have an awful bathroom. Previous owners put a tub/shower liner over the tile and it's cracked and water seeping through. Moldy. Need someone to make it look good for a good price. Since we're moving it isn't about making it awesome for us. Just making it presentable for sale.
  3. So someone can make outlandish claims and until we see data accumulated over many years to prove its outlandish then it should be taken as fact? drawing a link between trans women and pedophiles is offensive enough. The fact it's so stupid is even worse. This is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. If men were just dying to dress as women to invade public washrooms and abuse children they'd do it already it's just beyond silly. And how does one enforce it? Bathroom cops? Now you have to show your genitals to a security guard before entering? It's laughable trump is 100% correct. People use the washroom and that's that.
  4. On the subject of Connor and what he might have been told, Trouba said when he turned pro that he'd play at the end of that season but would be battling for a spot in training camp. Assume the same Connor. Could start with the moose. He seems special enough to make the jets. But they won't make the same mistake as with Petan and if he's going to play bottom six they might prefer he ply top line minutes with the moose. But I expect him to make it.
  5. I hope not cause that probably means Caps win!
  6. Cruz and Kasich teaming up to try and block Trump. Interesting. Also interesting Trumps position on transgender bathrooms. Makes a lot of sense. Cruz' wild "all men are predators" rhetoric is silly and dangerous.
  7. Hal Jordan. John Stewart. Kyle Raynor. But Guy Gardiner is far more interesting.
  8. Harper had a terrible recession where they were pressured into more deficit spending they intended and had the opposition got their way it would have been even more.
  9. Game 7 will show how wellCoached they are and their leadership. Play their game and they will win. Play as if they are afraid to lose and they will lose.
  10. Yup. Choke choke choke. Tarasenko appeared to blow off Hitchcock end of second too. Psyching themselves out.
  11. Crawford hurt. End of second. 4-3 Hawks. No shortage of drama.
  12. I agree but a lot of people will disagree. Chelsea Dagger is great though. I was going to assign that name to a female wrestler.
  13. My team Pens advance and look good doing it without Fleury. My other team preds appear in full choke mode. St Louis poised to do Jets a favour and eliminate Chicago. Talk of changes in New York this summer. They have no first round draft pick either. If Hawks are eliminated I'd be curious as to whether they make minor changes to stay under the cap or larger changes. As good as they are they seem completely out classes by Blues. Now watch them win the series...
  14. Very very strong gun lobby which has convinced a lot of stupid and intelligent people that gun reform is the first step of a slippery slop to repealing the constitution and subjecting the people. Sure it's stupid. But people can be dumb.
  15. I have to improve my reading comprehension.
  16. If he's willing to accept that with a positive attitude, that could be a win-win. Still makes his money, contributes to the teams development and is available if half the D corp gets injured. I read somewhere (probably here) that he is married to a Winnipegger. So its a way to stay in town too, if that is important.
  17. Well to be fair the Liberals also abolished the GST like they promised. Oh wait...
  18. Is this confirmed? Just heard the morning news (radio) say one man is still at large... spared several children.
  19. According to the liberals Others say there is a $4 billion surplus
  20. It would be moronic to test for pot at this point. Some drug testing does test for it though. I know WWE, which had a very good testing program at various times did test for it and issues fines rather than "strikes". The boys call it the pot tax.
  21. They seem to portray Kylo as more of a pretender then a truly powerful "Jedi". Although Snoke did say in TFA that it was time to complete his training so perhaps he will rise in power. Nothing I've read but logic tells us perhaps Snoke trains Kylo, Luke trains Rey and they end up battling to the death in IX. I hope we see Luke wield his original sabre one more time though. I'd love to see him, with more modern choreography, show off some great sabre and fighting skills.
  22. I believe it was Lawless, could be wrong, who said he thought if Dale left Barrie it would be for an NHL job, not an AHL one.
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