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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Im a spoiler junkie so I love the speculation. And generally there *can* be some kernel of truth within the nonsense. Disney did a great job on TFA in providing enough information to keep people hyped up and satisfied but keeping much of the details under wraps. With a longer production time this time around though, it might be harder. If they had kept their original premiere date we'd be virtually a year away. December 2017 seems so far from now! Thank goodness we have Rogue One coming and I HOPE it has some bearing on the saga at large. But I am really looking forward to Luke Skywalker in action. I really want to see a scene showing his power. There had been rumours of that for TFA where he's, in anger, lash out with the Force and it would be magnificent. But I want to see a veteran Jedi who has mastered the Force and can wield it with ease. I aways liked the idea that even though Anakin was born with more power, and Yoda had perfected his power over 500 years, that Luke, due to his unique interpretation of the Force and his ability to walk the dark/light line, had grown to truly be the most powerful Jedi.
  2. In the fun battle of Reddit speculation/rumors/BS comes a new set of "leaks" that do fit closer to other information that has been out there:
  3. I wouldn't mind Yeo. Lots of experience. And apparently his area of expertise as an assistant was special teams.
  4. Apparently it uses the first two rounds and divisions winners are ranked higher. Pretty convoluted.
  5. I don't know if I can handle this OT. Getting tired. But it's awesome.
  6. Apparently the flu last week was a cover story. His plane made an emergency landing and he was rushed to hospital. Said it was the flu but he received an anti opiates shot.
  7. Yes for sure. He's on friendly terms. Still a close friend of Hunters. He helps out as a guest trainer in Florida too. Tjey just won't let him wrestle because he can't be medically cleared due to HEP.
  8. 22 I thought I read somewhere. But you could be correct
  9. King Henry pulled in New York. 4-0 Pens.
  10. Do you think we can pick their pocket this summer? I'm not a big Hawks fan so not super familiar with their line up and cap scenario. But I keep seeing how they will have problems this summer.
  11. Interestingly, my sister's Nurse Practitioner was pressuring her to use the birthing centre and a mid wife. When she was uncomfortable with that, my mom began asking questions and the nurse actually continued the pressure right in front of her, telling my sister it was HER decision and not to be influenced by my mom. This was a first birth with some potential for complications. Fortunately my mom insisted she see a different doctor who when asked about a mid wife said absolutely not. So I wonder, was this just a hippy dippy Nurse or a directive from above to push to the birthing centre?
  12. That was the point in the film i turned to my buddy and said "uh oh".
  13. And they still have cap issues and no first round draft pick. Who gets shipped out next?
  14. I didn't see that either but saw it mentioned on Twitter. I guess ladd was being bullied for taking a bad penalty or something lol. What do you all make of the Hawks in general? Is St Louis just really really good or is the Hawks window closing
  15. lol if you don't want to read don't read. I was trying to be nice to you. Lost cause. Goodbye.
  16. Good for us. Teams draft based on regular season record and order of elimination (I think, its confusing). So all first round teams eliminated then draft in order of their records. So whether Hawks get eliminated in four games or 7, its the highest possible draft pick for us. If they advanced to the second round, it would be a worse pick. So cheer for them to be eliminated!
  17. Well there is always a bigger issue. But if you were a gay person today this would be a really big issue for you. The reason Gary and others wrote their article is because they see the opportunity the NHL and the players have when something like this hits the mainstream in a big way. The opportunities to be leaders and show positive role modelling. How many kids play hockey? How many are gay or confused and closeted? And are subjected to these words? In the past it might be black kids being called the N word or other racially motivated insults. And we all agree that is unacceptable, right? Its the same thing for gays. It just is. This is a human rights issue. And because we didn't live through the civil rights era (most of us), maybe we don't understand. We just accept it, we think its crazy that a time existed when blacks were considered sub human. But we're living in an era where gays struggle every single day to be treated equally. If your son was gay and subjected to slurs, you would be outraged I am sure. People on here know who I am so I don't want to get too personally and speak on others behalf my a family member, a young family member just broke up with her gf and I've seen her struggle with being bullied for being "different". And as I said, my best friend has gone through it. We have yet to have an NHL player openly come out as gay. And we can guess as to why that is. It will happen eventually and it will be a positive thing for the struggle of the gay community. For the record I don't think you or Goalie or Brandon or whomever are homophobes. I don't know you guys well enough to say but I would always assume the best in people. And Im glad the moderators have let this discussion go because i thinks a worthy discussion. And again, I apologize if I over stepped. But its near and dear to me.
  18. Well it was a newsworthy incident in the 2016 play offs being discussed in a thread about the 2016 playoffs.
  19. Iso, while I appreciate your backtracking, why would I or anyone else engage in a discussion where I accept your perspective on the acceptance of a gay slur? Im not being over the top to say it is 100% unacceptable. I posted some time ago my thoughts on how the NHL and Shaw handled it. You turned it into a discussion on political correctness which was not the issue at all. My offence comes not from Shaw because I think he handled it professionally and sincerely. My offence is from you and Goalie trying to argue that the word is acceptable and if not for sensitive PC'ers getting their panties in a knot over nothing, we could use the word and live happily ever after. I apologize if I came across over the top. Not my intent. I just have a hard time understanding why there would even be a discussion along those lines. I think the suspension is appropriate. And Shaw's response was too. And the articles written about it are contributing to educating the masses to the hurt that comes with using words that cause pain and perpetuate hate. I don't think Shaw is a homophobe. So no, Im not advocating for treating him like an axe murderer.
  20. Your post is interesting but has nothing to do with the topic. People over reacting to stupid things has nothing to do with the use of a gay slur.
  21. How is it falling on my sword? And why am I not allowed to provide my opinion but you are? Yes, I am offended when people express a bigoted opinion that promotes hate. Call me crazy. The word is a slur. We don't argue over the N bomb but it amazes me in 2016 anyone would feel there is an argument to be made over this word. My best friend spent 36 years in the closet because he grew up in an era when this word and others were "acceptable". So does it offend me? Yes.
  22. I am being offensive? lol Thats a new one. Yes Goalie, you're right. You have a habit of insulting people who disagree with you here. I often agree with you so I don't really care because those you routinely fight with give as good as they get and I enjoy both sides of most debates. But here's a newsflash. I am not always right. I am absolutely right (as is the vast majority) on this issue. You ARE absolutely wrong. So I accept your tap out. The word is a slur. Period. There is no argument in favour of it. Goodbye.
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