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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. That seems like a terrible premise. Im not a fan of how DC separates the TV and Film universes as it is. Though since these superhero shows seem to garner decent enough ratings without being overly intellectually deep, I suppose its for the best. The worst parts of Man of Steel were the goofy scenes on Krypton. So this would strike me as a poor idea.
  2. Im not seeing that at all. Do you mean you don't like us discussing a serious issue and event that happened in the immediate aftermath of it? That is the world we live in. That is why twitter and other forms of instant news exist. I don't see your argument that its piling on or bullying. Its not bullying to express a correct opinion about someone using a slur. As I said earlier, I thought the NHL and Shaw handled it very well and very professionally and everything I've seen online and heard or watches is in support of that position. The fact it was major news would certainly deem it appropriate to discuss. But oddly enough, you don't want it discussed but yet take part in the discussion. We can't put the genie back in the bottle in regards to social media or instant news. EDIT: Im sure there ARE losers online that are going over board but realistically those people will exist for any thing. You could post good morning and someone will take exception. But we're not discussing the extreme goofballs. We're discussing use of the word and your position that its acceptable if not for the PC'ers taking all our fun words away. If it hurts a group of people, isn't that reason enough to reconsider its use?
  3. Good God Goalie, the voice of the bigoted.
  4. I would suspect her contract spelled out terms of nudity. So I guess maybe she didn't think it was going to be as explicit. But to be honest, it wasn't that bad. The theatre version even cut out most of it if I recall. It was very quick. The director's cut lingers for an extra moment.
  5. You miss the good old days when we could be bigots, use hate speech and maybe lynch someone without twitter getting involved?
  6. And this is directed to those that understand the word used by Shaw is offensive? Just because someone could say a word in the 60's or 80's doesn't mean its some sort of affront to your freedom of expression for that word to be considered a slur today. Gays just earned the right to marry in the US. in 2015. And we;'re debating the use of this word? You guys need to give your heads a shake. No one taking this position wants to answer the questions. Do you think the N word is also acceptable? Do you have a problem with homosexuals? Because the answers to those questions will speak volumes about the people that are seemingly running uphill to argue that this particular word isn't offensive. It IS offensive. It IS a slur. It IS hate speech. No its not PC run amok. No its not over sensitive *******. In fact its the opposite. Those that don't see that are ignorant bigots. And I imagine should you have kids and one or more are gay, you're opinion will change.
  7. I would be thrilled if we had more civil servants. One servant for every Manitoban, a personal servant so to speak. But we want efficient service. And cost savings. Lower taxes. Lower debt. Those things are important too.
  8. I dont believe that story for a second. I've heard it before but dont believe it. Why on earth would she spread her legs wide, pause momentarily while the other acts react? She knew. She knew.
  9. The Benicio role is intriguing to me because if he is First Order, we already have Snoke, Hux, Kylo...now Benicio? I assumed Laura Dern would play a senator or Republic leader so that is certainly possible but perhaps she is playing the Republic leader's assistant in my posted spoilers.
  10. I dont know exactly how much I weigh but I know it's too damn much.
  11. Honestly, I think they will stay far away from clones. Because how much the prequels sucked. And also because a clone of someone feels inherently weak and lame. In the same way many people dont like the new Kirk & Spock because they arent the "real" Kirk & Spock. The spoiler almost seems to fanboyish but it would be in keeping with the director's style and rumors we've heard of "secret" cameos. In Rogue One, if they have Palps bowing to whomever (Snoke) with implications to the sequel trilogy, Ill be impressed. Because its a way to do these "Star Wars Story" films while also adding to the saga.
  12. Yes, against the Sharks. So they will feel they can do it again and the Sharks will have it in the back of their minds. Probably important for Sharks to win the next game lest they psyche themselves out. Philly also game back down 3-0 not long ago, didnt they? Cant see it happening against the Caps but I would LOL
  13. Is a full year's pension really fair though? I could work for my current job for years and while my pension will be decent it wont be a full years pay. A previous manager retired last year and she told me between her pension AND OAC and CPP she would take home about the same. She worked for about 40 years. A good pension is one thing. An AMAZING pension is quite another. And should they not be putting more into it?
  14. So some spoilers have broken for Star Wars VIII that are certainly unconfirmed and should be taken with a grain of salt. Ill post the title without a spoiler hide as I think its pretty cool and its just a title. Star Wars: Echos of the Dark Side So the spoilers would seem to indicate more of the "poetry" and "echos" or homage to the originals, in this case Empire. Read at your own peril, if these are real it spoils a lot. Honestly, I can see, if that was legit, how some will be upset. But it sounds really interesting an a new take on things. The spoilers come from Reddit where legit spoilers have been posted before and I got them from Latino Review, a legitimate source which claimed to confirmation of said spoilers.
  15. Yes but she was only charged with improper storage of a body I think (or something like that). So the Crown didnt feel they could prove murder. the thought she might have given birth to six babies she didnt want and let them die is incredibly disturbing. Ill hold my outrage in check until the trial's conclusion.
  16. Sharon Stone is no great actor. But she was great in Basic Instinct. The scene in question is pretty tame by todays standards but I remember it being incredibly controversial at the time, to the point protests were held at screenings with protesters shouting spoilers for the film. But aside from the crotch shot, she was very good and Basic Instinct is a terrific movie.
  17. Ill admit there were only three things that made me watch Swordfish. John Travolta was one. You can guess the other two. Monster's Ball was better if you like Halle Berry...but then you have to put up with Billy Bob Thornton's balls.
  18. That's true. But I guess you also want to be popular for your talent and not your body. And there still is a double standard. Male actors who do nudity including full frontal, which is becoming more common, arent talked about the same as female actors who do.
  19. If I had a great physique I'd have no problem with nudity. I'd want to show it off well I was young. But for women in Hollywood, I can understand their perspective. I depends on the reasoning. many women are seen as courageous for nudity in roles where it is important to the plot or not being nude would be a distraction to a scene. Its always amusing watching love scenes on TV and the actors contorting the sheets in magical ways to hide themselves when in reality, that is rarely the case for people having sex.
  20. Off topic. I used to know Burton Cummings quite well and spent many a night at his place. Here was a guy who was actually quite cognizant of taking care of his body in that he was into vitamins and "healthy living" with the exception of booze. Anyway...he would just wreck his voice belting out songs, screeching out songs over and over. And I thought many times that he was going to ruin his voice. And then he'd sit down at his piano and make music that was just incredible. Truly talented vocalist. Then again, maybe his voice would be even better if he treated it better.
  21. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/04/21/reform-gold-plated-pension-plan-for-mlas-lobby-group A taxpayers' watchdog is calling on Manitoba's new government to reform its MLA pension plan, arguing doing so could save tax dollars. For example, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) estimates long-term MLA Steve Ashton is set to earn $86,000 per year after losing his Thompson seat on Tuesday. The tab for Ashton, who was first elected in 1981, would reach $2.5 million if that benefit is paid to age 90, the CTF said. "The big problem is these MLAs will get their money regardless of how much they put in their pension plan and how much that pension made. That's not how it works for the rest of us," said Todd MacKay, the CTF's prairie director. "We're taking a huge risk with taxpayers' money." This is very interesting. I lucked out in that my type of pension is "guaranteed" in the same way. I put in a significant amount but I believe my employer has to contribute any shortfalls. Whereas newew employees have the type that if the pension plan is short, they get less. I generally know very little about this stuff so I could be wrong. And I wont get $86,000... I guess the argument is that the pay and benefits must be sufficient to attract the best people to a position that could easily be very temporary. On the other hand, shouldnt the allure of public service be servicing the public rather than money?
  22. if it's a hoax, every news agency in North America is falling for it. It's everywhere.
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