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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Testimony today indicates the babies were likely alive when born. But so badly decayed they cannot determine cause of death. I suspect this woman is going to get away with murder or manslaughter (since she wasnt charged with either). Horrific.
  2. She was 25 when she began wrestling so there were a few years "before wrestling" where she could have dated him. Odd that they would have connected though. But apparently she lived in the Florida Keys in her early 20's and I think Beefcake lived in Florida too. She also did fitness competitions and worked in a strip club, two other places they might have met!
  3. Thats the deal though. We make a deal, we live by it. They made the deal before they knew there was video (if I recall) and her testimony was very important. After the video, it wasnt, ofcourse. But the deal had been made. I dont think she has been anything but a law abiding citizen since her release, though...? However if I had a good life in the Caribbean, Im not sure I'd come back either!
  4. ohhhh I like Shae. I can understand their concern. The nudity in GoT is often pretty gratuitous although thats part of its charm.
  5. Yup. I recall her talking about the impending scene beforehand, knowing it was coming and saying she was prepared to do it. But then didnt. Which one is Shae again?
  6. And then she refused to do nudity after the first season. Who the hell does she think she is?!
  7. Here is something I didnt know
  8. Im not a huge music person but I really really love how they use music on this show. They really invoke emotion. I love the "interludes" or whatever you'd call them with impersonators doing great jobs portraying classic artists singing. And the episode with Elvis was awesome. I've read several reviews that say the low points of Season One was the mob angle because it shoe-horned in a "Sopranos-lite" aspect that the show didnt need. Terrence Winters was canned so there will likely be changes to the show. One thing I know Winters indended to do was jump ahead in time, much like he did on Boardwalk Empire. Not sure if that aspect will change now but given the way the season ended I dont think they can really jump too far ahead. I was never familar with Juno Temple and now I think Im in love. She's terrific.
  9. I didnt watch Bourne until all three were on DVD and someone told me they were good. its a rather complicated narrative and I cant imagine watching them without doing so in succession. Even now, I cant recall a lot of details to the story and intend to watch the first three again before seeing the 4th. But saying that, I really, really like them. I used to hate Damon but Bourne made me a fan. Agree about Clarke. She was SO wrong for Sarah Connor. Maybe not that bad...but she seemed more akin to the Terminator 1 Sarah which to me, didnt make a lot of sense given the plot. She should have been more like the T2 Sarah after being raised by a Terminator. But the story was the bigger issue. I guess she wasnt the worst casting job on that film. Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke were terribly mis-cast. The story was a mess. They had the right idea and the "flashback" type stuff was great, the CGI Arnold from the 80's etc. Should have been much more Back to the Future 2. The second they killed Connor and made him a machine, it lost it's heart. Not using Michael Biehn and Robert Patrick was silly too. I know Patrick declined due to his age but I would have convinced him anyway.
  10. CFS has had a poor history dating back way before the NDP though. I know there are wonderful CFS workers. But there are many terrible ones too and the power they wield can be very painful. On the other issue, I work for a company that replaced their CEO and undertook a massive audit like the one you described above. And it was the management level that was targeted and a huge amount of money spent on buy out packages to reduce the management work force. Many departments were merged or remaining managers given larger departments. The upper executive was streamlined and an entire layer eliminated (the President position). I imagine the PC's will do this. Im curious if it will be business as usual within the context of auditing and finding savings of if there will be investigation into potential unscrupulous behavior...
  11. Chyna and Eddie were gold together. Went a long way to Eddie getting over as a top star in WWE and people realizing he had tons of charisma.
  12. There was a story that she was cleaned up and living over-seas teaching English and engaged. Vince Russo contacted her and encouraged her to come back and get back involved in wrestling. Coming back was the worst thing she could have done. Hunter & Steph definitely treated her very poorly. But she has to own her actions too. Im trying to recall a story about X-Pac. I believe Hunter staged a one man intervention, showed up at his home and forced him into rehab which saved him. Chyna was there and ofcourse her and Pac were enablers for each other. Im not sure if Chyna ever did WWE sponsored rehab. But while Hunter went out of his way to help X-Pac, its somewhat of a shame he didnt for Chyna. Now ofcourse, Pac was a close friend and Chyna was his ex. But Hunter opened all the doors that Chyna walked through in the business and while that comes with great things, it comes with really bad things too.
  13. Oh I agree. I had a serious argument with a friend as someone at his work mentioned Li was banking there and my friend said he would not serve him and in fact, if saw him on the street would run him down. I scoffed and he insisted he was serious, which is obviously silly. Li is a really difficult case for a lot of people because you need to find a balance between consequences and caring for the sick. I recently saw an interesting episode of Dr Phil (yeah yeah) where parents brought their 10 year old daughter to him because they feared she would grow up to be a killer. She killed animals, hurt her siblings, raged etc. They felt it started after she suffered a head injury but doctors said there was no brain damage. Phil sent her to a leading brain scan clinic and they showed the scans indicating over-activity in one part of the brain and a lack of oxygen in other parts. The part of her brain dealing with empathy just wasnt working right. How many killers have brain damage? Anyway...Im not sure why, but the outcry makes me feel somewhat sorry for Homolka, but I think more so because Im thinking of the impact of this on her kids.
  14. How do you know your next door neighbor isnt capable of brutal murder?
  15. One could argue that Homolka also had mental health issues. The nature of the crimes would suggest that. Im not arguing that people who commit such crimes should be given some drugs and sent on their way. But she was also a victim as well as a perpetrator. I think the odds of Homolka murdering anyone again is incredibly low. If this was just about her, I probably wouldnt care. But her children are no doubt being victimized as a result of this. If Im the principal of the school, I would have accepted her children also. And any parent who demands her children be expelled or they will remove their children, I would politely offer to help transfer the angry parent's kids out of the school
  16. Firstly, the Wideman incident has nothing to do with this. There is no comparison. Please explain how you draw a connection between the two. Secondly, Im trying to determine the best way to word this without being disrespectful. It's difficult. You're saying it is bullying to be critical of someone using this slur. *sigh*. Let me preface this by saying that I acknowledge I can't change your mind. I cant make you understand. Those that hold on to prejudices or use of offensive slurs arent likely to change until they want to. Having said that, Iso, I know you're a smart guy. I know Brandon is too. So I think the thing that surprises me is that you dont seem to accept the fact that the word is a slur. That part isnt a debate. Sure, some people might use the N word and argue they should be allowed to and the N word is just a word and if not for pesky over-sensitive PC'ers taking away all our fun, everyone would use it. We dont give serious consideration to those people for obvious and correct reasons. This word is a slur that is used in a condescending, demeaning way. It causes pain and anguish. It propagates and promotes hate. There was a time when the word was used more often. But we are more enlightened now. If you have ever had a gay person in your life and seen the pain it causes them to be the victim of hate and prejudice, the pain it causes to be called this word, perhaps you'd have more empathy for the human rights struggle that is still being waged. When everyone tells you something is wrong, there is a good chance it is wrong. If a child read about the Shaw incident and went to his parents and asked why the word was wrong and what it means, I would hope those parents would explain that its a hateful word used to demean a group of people based on sexual orientation. Shaw knows it was wrong. Why do you still think its ok. Its not political correctness. It's right vs wrong. What Shaw did has not been blown out of proportion at all. In fact, I think the response has been very proportionate. And I think the vast majority of people reacting, including the NHL and Shaw have done so admirably and correctly. If you have an issue with gays, I cant convince you to change your mind. And honestly, thats a debate for another time anyway. What isnt in question is the word used is simply not an insult. Its a hateful slur. If you can accept and admit that, then you understand. If you dont believe the word is a slur and is fine to use, then it probably speaks to something deeper within you that no one here is really qualified to help you with.
  17. One has nothing to do with the other. Political correctness. Good God. Shameful
  18. I had a long reply but decided it wasn't worth it. No reason for me to argue the majority position with the one person who doesn't get it. So Ill accept your statement. But Ill add that Im often wrong about things and don't mind admitting it. But Im not wrong about this.
  19. Again, you simply seem incapable of comprehending the difference between an insult and a slur. Do you feel using the N word is okay? Do you have an issue with homosexuals (I ask because that would explain your barrier to understanding here)? Even Shaw himself apologized and admitted he was wrong. Would you argue with him that he should keep using the slur? Do you acknowledge that its a slur? Are you being obtuse on purpose?
  20. Well unfortunately someone has to govern. And it was either the party that wrecked Manitoba over a 16 year reign or the party that hasn't been in power. I can't say PC's don't deserve a shot. The election was yesterday. Give them a term or two and see what happens.
  21. TMZ reporting early suspicion is OD. There were prescription drug bottles found but no illegal drugs.
  22. Yup this is going to be a big one
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