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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. i think there will be an outpouring of positive memories. I recall hearing many times that she was a real sweet person. But drugs are an awful thing. She was very ill with addiction.
  2. I have a different opinion. I think the people reacting to Homolka are indirectly hurting her innocent children. Im not sure what people want. We all accept that she did an unforgivable thing. She served her time. I don't recall any incidents since her release. The people going nuts are making it a story, not Homolka quietly going about her business. I doubt I'd let my kids go to her house, but I wouldn't over-react about her living in my neighbourhood or her kids going to my kids' school.
  3. Hunter seemed to not really hold a grudge when he was on Austin's podcast. Although Vince was not happy with him for discussing her. It was about the HOF and whether she deserved to be in it. If I recall, Hunter said she did deserve to be in and might be one day but the issue was she had done porn and he didn't want his kids googling her and seeing porn. Which was a laughable excuse since surely his kids have or will google their father's career and see an awful lot about Chyna including that their moms and dad were cheating while their dad lived with Chyna. And of course Hall of Famer X-Pac was also in porn with Chyna. Chyna didn't help her cause by accusing Hunter of hitting her. X-Pac actually confirmed an incident saying Hinter shoved her when she was flipping out, so lets assume its a matter of perspective. But she also made an implication about Hunter and "little boys". So...she wasn't helping herself. The consensus seems to be WWE can't ignore the death. She was too big a star during the most popular era in wrestling history. But I doubt you will hear Hunter or Steph say a thing. Unless Hunter is sandbagged during an interview down the road.
  4. You don't know the difference between a horse f***** and a ******???? Do you know the different ce between an insult and a slur? If not, trust me, there is a difference. You realize you're wrong, right? Like the guy was suspended. Articles, stories, overwhelming against the use of this slur. If you feel being gay is wrong and sluring gays is okay, then so be it. But please don't pretend that using slurs is ok. Like really. 2016.
  5. Brandon, if you really believe this, neither I nor anyone will be able to explain to you the difference. But you keep thinking that slur is acceptable in 2016.
  6. Crybaby Dave Gaudreau: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-election-gaudreau-selinger-1.3544763 "It's clearly the Greg Selinger factor that destroyed everything," he told CBC News in an interview. "I mean, that's all I heard for the whole campaign. People hated Greg, and I heard it day in and day out for six weeks. I called it Groundhog Day, everyday on the doorstep."
  7. That I can agree with. But the NHL has long had issues with how it metes out discipline. Shaw should have been tossed for a game misconduct too but I dont believe he was. Refs have thick skins.
  8. So if the NHL is awful at handing out reasonable suspensions for violent acts then they shouldnt punish him for using a slur? Again, and no one wants to answer this, he calls the ref an N Bomb, everyone is still defending him? Not a chance. The overwhelming opinion is he was wrong and punishment is in order. A playoff game suspension? Thats awfully tough. But honestly, it wouldnt just be abut Shaw, it would be a message from the league. Whether thats right or wrong is a different story. I dont expect him to be suspended though. But I wouldnt be upset if he was. This is too important of an issue. And these slurs are all too common in sports. Its time it stopped. And if Shaw is the poster child for the crack down on slurs in sports, so be it.
  9. Jimmy - hard to imagine this is still a debate. http://www.tsn.ca/players-have-power-to-turn-shaw-incident-into-a-positive-1.475276 Gary writes in part: Bruce Springsteen won’t play North Carolina. Neither will Pearl Jam. Bryan Adams took a stand in Mississippi. They put actions and dollars behind their words in support of the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. One has to wonder if National Hockey League players are willing to do the same. On Tuesday night, Chicago Blackhawks forward Andrew Shaw was twice caught on camera mouthing what appeared to be a homophobic slur. Shaw was asked after the game what he said. Twice he said he couldn’t remember. Wednesday afternoon, Shaw admitted he’d made a mistake and the Blackhawks released a statement on his behalf. Shaw’s admission took courage and hopefully marks the beginning of a new era of understanding for him and other NHL players. There’s really no argument here. There’s no place anywhere in society, and that certainly includes hockey rinks, for racial or homophobic slurs.
  10. Yes. Ofcourse. Because different words have different meanings and different heaviness applied to them. If I say to my gf, mom, boss "you're being a jerk", Im probably not in trouble. if I say "you're being a real C***", Im in trouble. This is common sense. But also not overly relevant here. This wasnt just a word. It was a slur. So if they argument is, well, some slurs are okay, I would argue that is not true.
  11. So you'd have no problem with use of the N word? Also, he didnt call him a homosexual. Im not sure the "if they allow this they have to allow that" excuse is a good one.
  12. He gave an interview where he credits Karl Anderson with saving his career. He said after being in TNA, his indy bookings dried up and he felt there was a "stench" on him. Anderson brought him to New Japan and the Bullet Club and the rest is history.
  13. The union actually started recruiting me for their cause. I was in a department that allegedly had heavy grievances but no on-site rep. So I had an issue that required me going through the Union. They liked me and encouraged I attend training and become the rep. But then they found out that I was "fair" and "reasoned" and didnt want to screw management, just wanted a fair resolution and they soured on me, ignored my inquiries to take the training and become a rep. They instead left the department with no rep. And other employees often came to me knowing I had some knowledge. Well that annoyed the Union even more and they started telling people to avoid talking to me. It became worse when I became a Leadhand. I was still a clerk but they considered Leadhands to be Management stooges, probably because most leadhands *wanted* to be in management and were being groomed for that position. I've never seen a more insane bunch of paranoid, angry people that went out of their way to fan the flames of discourse. The last thing they ever wanted was a positive relationship with anyone. Saying that, my Union has helped ensure some positive things for us. I make good money. Good vacation. Okay benefits. But as much as the union has done, when I went from an anti-company stance to a fair and reasoned attitude, I got a lot further in the company. I could be an angry bitter union rep stuck in the same position making the same money I did 6 years ago. But Im glad I took the Union's snubbing and said screw it, Ill just be a good happy employee that wants to get ahead.
  14. As soon as Vince realizes its the same guy!
  15. I always laugh when someone says unionization should be an anonymous ballot and Unions think its so unfair. How can anyone argue that with a straight face? I worked for Wilmar Windows when they were unionizing and there were many stories of threats, bullying and intimidation. I attended a Union meeting at my current workplace a couple years ago and it was like trying to have a mature discussion with a group of two year olds. If you raised a concern or asked a question that was not unabashedly supportive of the union AND anti-company, you were met with sarcasm, condescension and a dismissal attitude. I went with a co-worker and both of us had been acting-managers at various times and the first thing said was "dont trust your manager." and the union leader went on and on about how management were low lifes out to screw you. And he specifically said front line managers, not just the negotiating team, not just the company executive but the front liners who were not only unionized themselves (brotherhood, right?) but most had been in the clerk union before being promoted to management (and changing unions). We looked at each other in disbelief. There were many people in the room who aspired to rise up in the company and join management...but the Union crapped all over it.
  16. Drives me nuts that my union dues are spent on political parties. I'd prefer they refund that portion of my dues or let me choose which party it goes to. And give me the tax credit for the donation.
  17. You think using a homophobic slur is silly? If he called him an N Bomb would you think it was silly? And no I dont think guys punching each other in the head is ok. But fighting being "allowed" has nothing to do with this.
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