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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Thread Sounds like the new prosecutors have pushed back on Barr. They defended the original sentencing ask and have asked for it again. Either Barr was forced to back down or these prosecutors are ignoring him. also sounds like Nunes is the one who threw stone under the bus by providing his testimony to Mueller showing stone lied. Lol.
  2. Yup and unless they can find a 2C on the trade block, our options are either a revived Bryan Little (who has been replaced at 2C every trade deadline), Roslo or Copp. So you cant trade him.
  3. Yeah Manson would be a great pick up. Namestikov would be a really strong forward addition actually. But not sure what it would cost. Keep seeing Roslo name come up in trades and I don’t like it.
  4. Good lord Dynamite was sensational. That tag title match was unbelievable. Kenny is on a whole different plane of existence. Cody doing a moonsault off that cage. Wow. Firing on all cylinders.
  5. https://winnipegsun.com/sports/hockey/nhl/winnipeg-jets/trade-deadline-four-possible-fits-for-winnipeg-and-one-bold-idea/amp?__twitter_impression=true he suggest Dumba Manson Namestnikov and....Subban.
  6. Someone check Bloomberg’s pulse after this evisceration
  7. Here's a look at the first two weeks of XFL ratings in detail:
  8. I hope I’m wrong. so who’s the ideal running mate? I like mayor pete. But two white guys?
  9. Any candidate but Bernie makes the election about "do you want more Trump". Bernie as the nominee makes it about "do you want socialism". It's a field day for Trump. They cant talk about Trump's age, they cant talk about Trump's health or wellness, they cant demand he release any personal info. God forbid Bernie have a health issue or another heart attack...I mean, its just crazy to even think about it. He'd have to have one hell of a running mate. But so, he chooses Harris, let's say...she got so little support. A Bernie ticket makes his VP a de facto candidate for President. Who's he going to choose, Biden? Not happening. Warren...? I guess maybe, but the age thing works against them.
  10. Dude. Bernie wouldn’t have won. Hilary was cheated. If Hilary stumbling after making an appearance with the flu screwed her then trump will have a field day with a 120 year old Bernie who has a heart attack *during* the primaries. He’s toast.
  11. This is what I’m talking about. It’s absurd Having said that, if he is the nominee then Ofcourse every sane person wants him to win and he shouldn’t release anything unless trump is willing to as well.
  12. Maybe before the national campaign he did. Its different when you're the nominee. And Hilary beat Trump in every way but criminally. It will be easier to cheat against Bernie because the moderates will already be uneasy.
  13. Bernie is bad news. I’ll keep saying it. He can’t win. Trump will celebrate the day Bernie gets the nomination.
  14. It’s like the final scene of The Godfather. Trump is settling all family matters.
  15. Kanaly was in the revived series. I think pretty much everyone from the original made appearances. I liked that they didnt just focus on the "kids". Even casting Mitch Pileggi, Lee Majors, Judith Light etc. And while I hated John Ross at first, the actor really grew on me. And Emma Bell turned out to be a lot better than she seemed at first. They even had the Knots Landing cast appear. The storyline of JR arranging his own death seemed pretty goofy though. But it was funny in that it implicated Cliff, didnt it? lol Oh, JR!
  16. Shows you how desperate they are to win. Its literally the difference between wealth and prosperity and the entire house of cards tumbling down and a vast array of people ending up in jail. The greatest thing that could happen is Dem control of the White House and both sides of Congress. It would be glorious...and shocking, what the resulting investigations would reveal.
  17. I thought the suspect might be Trump but headline read Mexican citizen. Just wait til Trump finds out Mexicans are working for Russia, he'll pull that wall right down.
  18. Im guessing the usual alt right folks here will implode over the idea of a criminal Democrat being pardoned by Trump. Does. Not. Compute.
  19. Have they tried to revive Miami Vice yet? The Dallas revival was actually pretty good. A bit too night time soap operaish but you could tell the show runners loved the original. It lost something when Hagman died and they had to write out JR. He was tremendous in that series, even at his age. Loved his line "Blood is thicker than water. But oil is thicker than both."
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