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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I like how the image of the trailer is a major spoiler (though not unexpected).
  2. Thank you, I needed that laugh after a long day.
  3. Why do you think if someone you dislike says something stupid it automatically makes the words by someone you like less stupid?
  4. Oh look another Democrat thrown in jail for his crimes. Oh wait
  5. Yeah it doesnt seem like he's reflected on his behavior since getting sick. Rotten human being. But guys, Toobin is a hack, remember that. The guy that hates gays and immigrants and children is a medal recipient though. Right?
  6. Hopefully the next President has the authority to revoke these medals. Not too worried about pardons because I think the real crooks have state charges being kept on the back burner for just such an issue. Plus, when Trump is finally indicted, there will likely be a congressional investigation into whether a criminal president can pardon co-conspirators.
  7. His son Brett was arrested. Ted Jr apparently works for the foundation as well. Not good. Eveyrbody has a price. EDIT: Ooph what a story https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2020/02/13/ted-dibiase-nonprofit-mississippi-welfare-money/4756719002/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=usatodaycomsports-topstories
  8. This is the suit preview right? I like it. Im not sure they *have* to change it every film but thats what people do. It looks interesting. I like Pattison, though his face looks a bit overwhelmed by the cowl. But its not a clear video. Batman is the best comic character ever and I always get excited for the films...hope they dont screw this up.
  9. Plus it makes it easier for him to sexually harass women as the phrase can be used for that too.
  10. Remember folks, anyone that isn't a Trump pal is not to be trusted, and has no intelligence or insight. But anyone who had committed crimes but IS a Trump pal, are very fine people. Unless they eventually turn on Trump, then they are morons again. You cant make this stuff up. lol Once again, an alt right person pointing out their belief that no one can be remotely impartial or honest...what does that tell you.
  11. Barr is desperately trying to be corrupt for trump but behind the scenes. Trump is making that hard for him. Lol
  12. What a class act. Does he still want the innocent Central Park guys executed?
  13. How dumb is trump when even his hand puppet Barr is like whoa hold the tweet train moron Bloomberg lol though.
  14. If I made millions of dollars doing a job where if Im fired, I still get paid and have a virtual guarantee of landing another job that also pays millions, I'd probably never worry about job security...lol
  15. For starters, we know Trump committed crimes. Secondly, impeachment isnt a criminal trial. Thirdly, what trump was charged with are violations of the constitution. If you want to argue they dont actually fall under the criminal code, fine, but thats an obtuse argument to make. He was charged with crimes against his oath and the constitution. I mean sure, its not a BJ in the Oval office, but some people think bribery is a crime.
  16. Just because you dont know how impeachment works, thats not any one else's fault.
  17. Actually he named Trump in sworn testimony. And it was detailed in his case. There was never any doubt that “Individual 1” was President Donald Trump. But now, in his testimony before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, Cohen has confirmed it. “I pled guilty in federal court to felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with ‘Individual 1,’” Cohen said, reading from his prepared statement. “And for the record: ‘Individual 1’ is Donald J. Trump.” Now, do you understand?
  18. Yeah they're really good. Supposedly it was Kenny that turned her heel. Good thinking. All good heels become faces but I think MJF might break that mold as he seems to relish being a heel lol. Future world champion for sure. Sammy is a great heel too. Kid is fantastic. Jack Perry is a great babyface too. I really want a secondary championship for those guys to fight over.
  19. I think an apology would suffice for this transgression. Can assume NBC didn’t love him to begin with.
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