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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Come on. That’s ridiculous. No one suggested removing Democrats and Republicans. Just remove Democrats.
  2. Thats absurd. But it's telling. An alt-right person assumed that a Democrat would instinctively and maliciously screw a Republican even when sworn to be impartial. And that Alt Right person feels that way because its how they would act. Intriguing. Its really like how Trump always accuses people of doing what he has done. Its fascinating.
  3. Not sure Im going to make it to Double or Nothing this year, but I bought tickets just in case I do...lol Taking a gamble and sitting on the floor.
  4. hahahaha you're suggesting the Stone trial was rigged because two jury members were Dems? You really are twisting yourself in knots to defend horrible people. I liked you all more when you pretended you hated Trump and his cronies...lol
  5. No, when someone suggests acts by Dems, essentially policies, are equivalent to corruption & crime, that is false. Hence the term. Why is that hard for the Trump lovers to grasp? My God...lol
  6. Even the Republicans, when talking about "legitimate" impeachment refer to Nixon...a Republican. lol
  7. Yeah, I actually paid for the upgrade at time of booking when I went to Vegas last year as I was travelling with the GF and she was a very nervous flyer, so decided to surprise her with a better experience. Before that, I just tried to upgrade in the 24 hour window for a trip to Mexico. Got it going down but not coming back...fortunately, had a very tiny person beside me.
  8. I upgraded to Premium on a flight a few years ago and now I want it every trip. Even when its crappy Premium like Westjets planes that havent been renovated, which is most of them since the MAX problems.
  9. Im 6'2 so my preference is no reclining (I dont recline even though it would make my experience better). But in the video he isn't a big guy, had plenty of room. Anyone with an issue with reclining should take it up with the airline. Her seat reclines = she can recline.
  10. You know this is a lie, right? Are you suggesting that had Cohen named Trump, that you would agree Trump is a criminal, should be charged with a felony and removed from office?
  11. Dossier is either confirmed true (as in, most of it) or unconfirmed (the little bit left, like the pee tape). And yes, we agree, Trump should be held accountable for the lies and abuse of power.
  12. If you have to lie, you're argument is pretty weak. One more time, okay?....he can't be charged because the DOJ won't allow it. Mueller even said so.
  13. You cant be serious with this. He's "Individual 1", mentioned in numerous cases. And literally, he could kill someone with his bare hands on Fox & Friends and per the DOJ, cannot be charged. So by your logic "Why hasnt he been charged, must mean he's innocent" when you know damn well he cant be. You cant be this obtuse.
  14. Oh yeah, I wasnt a fan (much more a Republican supporter) but that investigation was a textbook definition of witch hunt. Clinton deserved to be censured but ofcourse the GOP's new standard on lying has changed greatly.
  15. Funny the people that argue against the criminals getting suffering their consequences but Clinton gets a BJ? IMPEACH! lol
  16. You asked why is wasn't charged. I told you even though you already knew it but hoped no one would notice. Who gets to decide which felonies are bad and which ones arent, maybe the guy in jail for those felonies, I dont know. He wasn't impeached for that. Not sure why you love Trump so much but I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. Good luck!
  17. lol ummm, because the DOJ has a policy that a sitting president cannot be charged. He's actually an unindicted co-conspirator in felonies.
  18. I guess they’ve run out of only the best people and are now recycling them Lol
  19. Oddly people are divided over this. What say you!
  20. Yeah, they wont accept that "Obama wore a tan suit!!" is as bad as Trump trying to bribe a foreign government to investigate his political rivals. Im sure they're really outraged over Rush Limbaugh too, right? Funny you never see those people here express disgust with the bigotry of Trump and his pals. Hmmmm
  21. Anyone comparing Dems to trump is a troll, maliciously ignorant or both. It’s not even close. it’s the difference between policy and morality.
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