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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. When Dems win can they revoke a medal of freedom? Another trump chump.
  2. Yeah it ignores the fact that impeachment is a real thing the founders created for just such reasons. If we believe the idiot GOP's argument that only voters should decide on the conduct of a President, then what they're saying is, the President can literally do ANYTHING...literally commit crimes, jail critics, act as a dictator and if he's not voted out, so be it, all the while voters are being cheated anyway. These morons would believe in this right up to the point Emperor trump marches them off to the firing squad for some perceived slight, like his hero in NK.
  3. Lets start a rumour that Huddy is a head coach in waiting so someone else will hire him.
  4. Its fun when the usual trumpologists chime in with everything wrong with the party that whooped their hero Don were it not for massive cheating.
  5. Id be looking to boot Huddy. But I bet the "injuries" save him even though the D has consistently under-performed.
  6. Well, they like him. He's not a bad coach. In fact he's a good coach but all coaches have a shelf life. Maurice managed to extend his.
  7. What worries me is the deeper the GOP dig, the more desperate they will be to never lose their grip on power. They have to know, if the Dems were to keep the house, win the Senate and win the White House, they're all screwed. I dont buy for a second that the Dems would "just move on". They'd do it the right way by empowering the DOJ and FBI to do their jobs and it would end up with a lot of Trump cronies in trouble. Barr could end up before Congress.
  8. Id have said that we were looking better this time but what has happened since the Senate made Trump King, has been rather shocking. The DOJ is now an arm of Trump International Crime Syndicate and Barr is his underboss. Its wild. People really need to get out and vote and hope the GOP doesnt actually cheat so overtly as to ignore votes or rig votes./ We know Russia will do their thing unmolested. But overwhelming voting is really the only thing that can save the US.
  9. Yeah, sometimes cheaters prosper.
  10. Nobody would get destroyed by Trump. lol Thats laughable. Hilary whooped him and look what she was up against. But Bernie is the biggest risk of moderates turning away (or staying home).
  11. I hope im wrong but....it wont be about character. It will be about age, health and "do you want your taxes to skyrocket to pay for socialism?"
  12. The Mayor has really surprised me. I didnt think the US was ready to accept a gay candidate. It almost seems like it doesnt matter. How refreshing. He's be excellent against Trump. They cant really attack his experience since Trump's an idiot. And you know him and his base will get real dirty and that will turn off moderates.
  13. His socialism wont and his age wont and his heart attack wont. And God forbid he have another one during a national campaign. He's the best candidate for Trump because the election turns into a referendum on Bernie and not Trump.
  14. This roger stone stuff is incredible. Wow. I remember when W was president there were all these crazy conspiracy theories of him wanting to suspend elections and take Over etc. And we could laugh and say come on don’t be nuts. we are officially on the slippery slope to nuts becoming reality. And these criminals will have to do anything they can to stay on power because if they are ousted they are going to go down. Hard.
  15. I mentioned previously my belief that revivals should always be sequels to the original. In other words, be more like Dallas than Magnum. Well, 30something is being revived and its a sequel with the original cast returning to support actors portraying the kids of the original parents. I only watched the show here and there way back in the day (I think it was too mature to appeal to a young me). Neat idea though.
  16. Well, the first one had Will Smith among others. This one has Margot Robbie as the main lead.
  17. Who was saying those were terrible numbers? lol Seriously though, it means nothing until we get into week 3 and beyond. But if these hold at all long term, Vince is a genius and will get big money.
  18. Margot Robbie was the highlight in Suicide Squad. But she likely doesnt have the resume to carry a film yet. Too bad, she's good.
  19. Interesting. It has received pretty good reviews but is under-performing. I do wonder if the idea of it as a female-led cast (not entirely) is keeping the male fanboys away. Or if its just little demand for a Harley Quin film.
  20. That was the part that jarred me. We see his hands and we assume its Lloyd (i think was his name in the original) and then when Danny refers to him as his dad, its like ohhhhhh, but it doesnt sound like him. But I was waiting for a wider shot and sudden reveal of it being Jack. Actor looked enough like him but still, that voice was no good. Didnt even have the right inflection. The actor playing the wife was pretty good though. And the dude playing the "Caretaker" was spot on...looked identical. lol
  21. Yeah it wasnt a ten. But I thought it was well acted, well produced etc. Their shining powers were a bit all over the place. If it didnt have the connection to The Shining I probably wouldnt have liked it. As a big Shining fan, I really enjoyed that aspect. Im sure it was tough for the people making it for the reason you mentioned. King hated the Jack Nicholson film. And Dr Sleep novel was a sequel to The Shining novel not the film. But in making the film, they clearly made the Shining aspects look like the film. I think it would have been pretty cool to see Jack in it, de-aged. Or like I said, Christian Slater might have been an inspired choice lol. But otherwise, it was pretty neat. Im surprised a Hollywood sequel hadnt been made already that has some stoner inheriting the hotel and taking his 20-something friends to re-open it for a weekend of drugs, drinking and sex only to awaken the spirits. Hi-jinx ensue.
  22. I tend to agree but it’s probably a good deal for pens too. Player is under contract for three years I believe. Reasonable cap hit. Will be a force especially in playoffs.
  23. LolTrump Bloomberg’s ad campaign seems to be working well.
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