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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yup. I doubt it works. But with the rights fees and streaming. Who knows.
  2. There’s a difference between losing $400 million on nothing and betting it on what you think will be a billion dollar idea. Vince can afford it. It’s not like he took out a loan. He sold stock for the entire amount and still controls 80+% of voting shares. Compared to previous gambles this is actually not that bad for Vince. If he loses it all he’s still super rich
  3. It’s all about tv rights fees which are through the roof. They’re getting a billion dollars for pretty low ratings with wwe. And bad demos. If XFL can get better demos and consistent ratings even if there not huge someone will pay. That’s the gamble. And I don’t think he cares much about his initial investment. He’s 74. And he’s flush wirh cash. Can’t take it wirh him. I think it’s ego. He wants to prove he can make something other than wrestling work. He’s failed at everything else. It’s about legacy. I also have a feeling he might sell the wwe.
  4. Mitt had his revenge. And good for him. Anyone can disagree wirh his policies. That’s what politics is but trump has changed it. Romney did the right thing and deserves respect. He stuck it to the idiot and rightfully so. And whether you like him or not he’s probably one of the few GOP who isn’t compromised. If Russia hacked his email they’d probably fall asleep.
  5. It raises questions, same as retirement vs termination. I think its part of the negotiated settlement, to walk away. Buff might get some money this year out of it. Its taking some time so it must be complicated (ie. lawyers going over the fine details). I think he has to actually do rehab to be considered for LTIR which he seemingly isnt doing. Leaves open the potential to sign somewhere else. He's practically untradeable at this point.
  6. This settles it then, Mitt's one of the good guys!
  7. Mitt just showed bigger balls than he’s ever shown before. Good for him. Lol
  8. McMillions on HBO...fantastic. Its a Docuseries about the McDonald's Monopoly scandal. One of the participants is an FBI Agent named Doug Matthews. That guy is going to get his own series. He's hilarious.
  9. Yeah I didn’t get into it deeply so I don’t know if this is just an average of the quarter (like how wwe reports). I doubt they had a ton of churn though. Very big numbers for an initial launch I believe CBS announced their All Access subs at 10 million which is on pace with what they wanted I think. Surely Star Trek was a big part of it (and hence why we’re getting so many Trek series’). Ans Netflix subs were up too.
  10. Lots of people still have land lines. But cell service has been around for a generation and land lines still exist. Im not sure thats the best example. In the US where the cable companies are part of massive media conglomerates, you begin to see this already where they get streaming options as part of cable packages. Bell sort of does this with Crave. I think the big Canadian companies will become mostly internet...everything will be internet. And everything will be streaming but there are lots of streaming options that dont have great aps or dedicated aps on every platform where a cable company can act as a gateway, like Amazon does. Either way, its fascinating.
  11. If They somehow add combo of a dumba or Manson or Dillon, the team is a lot different next season.
  12. Dumba would work. What’s his story? Minnesota trade him? I do like Dillon form San Jose but he has no term. Be a good target in free agency. Same with hamonic
  13. We’ll keep in mind buff signed off on his end of season medical and did report to camp. So if he decides he’s never play with wheeler or whatever, he made the decision awfully late. Also if every report of a physical altercation were true then the jets have spent more time fighting in the locker room then playing hockey.
  14. I don’t think it’s revenge or scoring points. I think it’s justice. And I think the criminal activity that has occurred and continues to occur will drip out for years to come. The trump era will be taught in history booker 100 years from now and not for anything good.
  15. There were rumours of a falling out between buff and wheeler but other reports that they are still tight and wheeler was the first person buff told about his injury and leaving the team. That sort of internal stuff doesn’t hold a lot of water for me. Players work with teammates they dislike and coaches they hate all the time. Id guess it’s pretty obvious here. The injury and how buff handled it led to bad blood. Buff maybe doesn’t want to come back or can’t commit and team isn’t sure they want him back and can’t trade him. With the grievance looming it’s a negotiated settlement to walk away. We lose whatever we could get on a trade but gain loads of money. Buff loses a boat load of money but can sign anywhere for whatever he can get if he comes back. Someone on twitter angrily said if we had known about this last summer we could have signed Myers with that money. So I guess we can thank buff for not letting that happen! His last gift to Winnipeg!
  16. I’m sure the province will be happy to tell this elderly hero that it was his own fault. Maybe charge him for the bottle he broke with his head.
  17. If the greatest thing happened and the Dems kept the House, won the WH and won the Senate you better believe Trump and everyone associated with him would be in deep deep trouble. really they don’t even need the senate. A dem White House will unhinder the DOJ....
  18. Meh he didn’t have to sign that deal with the Jets. I think it’s more whatever happened behind the scenes to sour both sides on each other and this being a negotiated settlement to the impasse. He loses a lot of money though.
  19. That’s really brutal. Too bad a trade couldn’t happen but at the very least they get the cap space. If he was unhappy here he should have let them trade him. But he’s a weird cat so you just never know. definitely gives the jets room for a 2C and top 4 d. Just have to find them.
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