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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well it’s for the mass market that subscribes to MTS. I think they’ll be bundled. The benefit to the streaming service is ease of use and promoting directly to cable customers. Not every streaming service has an app. Prime does this too. They act as a hub or gateway to other streaming services.
  2. Actually MTS already has Netflix as a terrestrial channel option. It spiked tv installs.
  3. Yeah steaming for me is mostly what I watch when nothing else is on. That might change as they add more original programming. Or if we can watch network programming on streaming. Eventually you’ll be able to call Shaw or MTS and add a streaming bundle and get all the various services.
  4. Well aside from whether he wanted to or not, he was obligated to. He blew it off. Sometimes players do that when it’s a particularly bad game or something but there was no reason to here. He might just be a jerk. Anyway, someone wrote a nice thank you and slapped his name on it so there
  5. Well I believe the Blues told the media Steen would be available. So he was sort of obligated. Sometimes players don’t feel like it for specific reasons but it’s not like this was an embarrassing loss. It’s more that Steen doesn’t really give a rip about Winnipeg and his refusal to talk about it shows what he thinks about the honour. I don’t really care about steen but I understand the job the media have to do. No skin off Steens teeth to spend a few minutes answering his home town media
  6. That’s cute. Does the GOP think they’re going to win the House? Although I love the idea they’re strategizing for a Biden win. It would be fantastic if the GOP tries to push for impeachment over nothing. It will blow up in their faces worse than the Clinton impeachment.
  7. I think this is very possible. The period where people wanted to cut cable due to expense was a short one. The only thing changing is how we watch not what we pay. And I think streaming represents more obvious value to people. It’s possible Disney coming made some people cut cable but then spend that money on more streaming. Disney. Netflix. Amazon. Etc.
  8. He was honoured during the game so that’s why the media is upset. It’s a story.
  9. Amazon announced they hit 150 million subs for prime and had a particularly strong 4th quarter. Netflix is 167 million subs and I believe I read they actually increased since Disney was launched. Pretty crazy.
  10. So either buff makes it known he’s playing next season and we trade him for less than we should get or he comes back to the jets next season.
  11. I really hope they dont lose one and win one the rest of the season and Chevy trades some picks for help that doesn’t help and we just squeak into the playoffs and get swept. Anyway Maurice can breath easy tonight.
  12. Maybe if you don’t set off the detector they give you a gun to borrow for the length of your stay in the capital
  13. I suppose selective morale outrage is better than no morale outrage and unbridled support for a criminal, serial sexual abuser. right? Lol but you’d only think people are selective because you equate differences in policy with all the horrible things trump has done. You’re an apologist for a criminal.
  14. Eventually there will be a Dem president and it’s going to be so hilarious to see the GOP go nuts when that person exercises the new power of the presidency the senate has given the position. executive order banning guns? Sure. Executive order on health care? Sure. Executive order on climate change? Why not.
  15. Vince firing the two presidents of wwe with a quarterly earnings call that is expected to be below expectations and the XFL about to launch. Dude is spread very thin.
  16. In news that should surprise no one, at a Bernie rally a staffer led the crowd in anti-Hillary chants. Bernie really is a first rate a$$hole. Only left wing delusions would embrace a guy who is 1000 years old and had a heart attack during the campaign as its nominee. The shame is that it’s over shadowed Warren, a legitimate progressive option who could whoop Trump. Bernie should have dropped out after his heart attack. Now it will be Biden who should beat trump handily but he’s got the stink of Burisma and will face attacks from all sides. He’s also not going to choose Warren as his running mate due to age so the progressives are going to be hot. The trump trial went exactly as expected. Now Dems have to use it to their advantage and punish the alt right not each other.
  17. It seems Maurice would rather lose 2-1 then win 5-4. That just seems to be his style.
  18. The clock was a great scene. What doesn’t make sense? I think the story is pretty good. They’ve set up a mystery but it’s not nonsensical at all.
  19. Yeah I think winning cures that. But people don’t want to watch a high powered exciting team struggle to play half assed team D and still lose. Team should be built around the speed and offense
  20. I liked episode two. I think Stewart is acting his ass off. There were moments I didn’t love. The backstory of the secret Romulons seemed convoluted, convenient & and unnecessary. The bad guys seemed a bit too moustache twirling. But yeah, it was good!
  21. I remember in the first few years we would be so happy to lose to a good team and not get blown out. Are we really back to that. Was our window of contention really a head?
  22. The fact two voted for witnesses is shocking enough. But If there is a clean member among the GOP it’s likely Mitt. He was beat up badly by trump too. Not shocking unfortunately is GOP taking their chances on no witnesses. I mean, they don’t have much of a choice lest a bunch of them end up implicated. Hopefully the electorate remembers this. But you can never count out the Dems to self destruct.
  23. The crown is great! Was hoping they’d go right through present day.
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