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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Trumps WH lawyer was in the room. He’s a material witness.
  2. If it’s a tie vote it will be real interesting what chief Roberts does. I tend to think he’d decline to break a tie since it won’t matter anyway.
  3. Trying to have his cake and eat it too. Tried that at epsteins place didn’t he?
  4. Alexander is voting against witnesses. That will lead to a quick acquittal. No surprise there. We’ll see how this cover up plays in the election. One thing seems clear. This goes beyond trump. The GOP is rotten. How many knew...how many have been compromised?
  5. Early speculation is they’re scapegoats for lower then expected revenue report coming next week. But it sure sounds bigger than that. Firing your senior leadership team? Crazy. And wirh the XFL about to lunch and divert Vince’s attention. I almost wonder if there was a quiet coup attempt. Maybe the presidents wanted Vince to move aside. It could also be disastrous network subs. Or the Presidents wanting the slash payroll rather then continue to throw money around and maintain a very bloated roster just to keep them away from the competition I guess we’ll find out next week.
  6. Trump thinks stealth jets are actually invisible to the eye.
  7. Trump thinks stealth jets are actually invisible to the eye.
  8. Does Dershowitz really believe this nonsense or does someone have video of his “massage”?
  9. That dude I embraced? Never heard of him.
  10. I’m curious to see the ratings for last night. See if there is a post PPV bump for nxt (there wasn’t really for raw). Dynamite was....it wasn’t bad per se but kinda dull which some weird booking decisions. The opening segment was tremendous and I was certain they’d set up a big main event. Figured it would be inner circle vs mox, Kenny & Page. Oh well.
  11. Yeah...but, if you were offered $1million for ten minutes of work, would you take it? lol I think all those older guys can be protected but WWE sort of screws it up. Goldberg/Taker was terrible and it shouldnt have been (notwithstanding Goldberg getting hurt). Taker/Kane vs DX wasnt very good either. HBK would have been better in a singles match against someone who could work (or DX vs a good team). I think they might use Taker as a special attraction in the sense he might not be advertised (or advertised last minute) at WM, do the big intro, choke slam a lower card guy and be done. You can do that for a few years. But those Saudimania shows....the Prince wants wrestling and he wants guys from the 90's.
  12. Edge did mention in passing he had another surgery that made it possible to come back. But man, he was very seriously injured to the point he couldnt even drop the title. Although Bryan was ordered on the shelf forever by WWE doctors but had numerous private docs willing to certify him. It was him getting close to his contract coming due and making it very clear he was going to go somewhere to wrestle that seemed to change WWE's mind. Sting had the same issue as Edge (and Austin before him). I could see both getting cleared. I think they've both said (at least I seem to recall Austin saying) he could work one more match if he wanted to. With the TV deals and especially the Saudi deal, the money is so absurd, Im surprised Austin hasnt gone yet...Sting would probably do it if he's in shape. Sting vs Taker maybe?
  13. That would be an improvement over the current President. Also not sure what pre-dementia is.
  14. Im mystified how he got cleared. And I certainly have suspicion about AEW starting up and the sudden medical clearances of guys who reportedly were one bad bump away from paralysis or death. But...you see that emotion on Edge's face...Im happy as hell for him. He's a great guy (had the pleasure of meeting him and know guys locally who worked with him in Manitoba a long time ago). He's also getting $3m a year for a small schedule of matches. He was in talks with AEW before WWE made the big offer. Always loved Edge. He was awesome. He was always a guy that seemed to lag behind his potential and then stumbled onto the role as a sleazy heel (with the affair with Lita). Pure gold. He's in great shape too. I sort of thought they would do Edge/Orton team first (working Buddy & Seth would be great). But it doesnt surprise me as they are tight and Randy is a very safe worker. Good heat segment (although, we're to believe Edge has no friends?). If it was me I'd have had Beth come out at least (rumour has it the angle might overlap with NXT so that might yet happen). I actually thought he should have pointed out he retired as World Champion and had to right that wrong "see you Friday!" and go after Bray. I think that would have been hot into WM. But its all good. Great news story. Rumour has it Sting might be next for the magical medical clearance.
  15. And he’s going to be the nominee. He better have a popular and dynamic running mate.
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