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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It’s funny if it’s true they’re talking about a 2nd rounder for a rental when presumably they balked at a 4th rounder for that Dallas kid (who’s name I always forget). I wouldn’t mind Dillion but only if he signs here. He’d certainly add some size to the top 4.
  2. I always loved the war bird too (bird of prey was a different ship usually associated wirh the klingons but also used by romulans when TOS, to save money, used the same design for both). I was surprised to see a trek forum with fans saying how they hated that ship. Defiant is classic. I love the Enterprise re-fit from TMP.
  3. Sounds like Nixon’s defense “if the president does it it isn’t illegal”. Or “if our guy does it it’s ok.” Meanwhile Clinton should have been impeached for lying about a BJ. Uh huh
  4. I can understand if true North is nervous about fans apathy. They really don’t have too much to worry about in terms of season ticket sales with the large waiting list. But they don’t want to see that weaken too much. They obviously timed this with ticket renewals. But honestly I’d rather miss the playoffs this year than have a disappointing first round exist. Sure you never know what can happen in the playoffs but this team isn’t good enough on paper. Let’s sell some players for assets. Let the chips fall where they may. Get some good picks in the draft and be active in free agency to shore up D and Center if possible. Reload. and we can reload. But gambling on the playoffs risks hurting a reload and getting us closer to another rebuild. There just isn’t any reason to trade picks for rentals this season. There arguably wasn’t a good reason last season either.
  5. I wonder how much pressure is coming from above to make the playoffs even if it’s temporary. I once read each payoff game is $2 million to the team owner. Probably more now. Plus all the indirect revenue. Trading assets for a pending UFA to try to limp into a first round loss doesn’t seem to make much sense. If you want this player, offer him a deal in the off season.
  6. Yup which actually makes him a great witness. As did the other trump appointees and Republicans. It’s hard to argue someone is an anti admin partisan hack when they work for the admin And since everyone including trump thinks Bolton is loathsome, the fact trumps actions even have him pause is something.
  7. Yeah I think they are former members of the romulan spy agency.
  8. Both Bella’s are pregnant. charlotte going to nxt to work a program with ripley to try and get those ratings up.
  9. I’m surprised they think their one D man away from contending. And if so why have they waited so long.
  10. Two take aways here. 1) Bolton has him rattled (and when trump calls someone a liar it means they are telling the truth) 2) of Bolton was so awful what idiot hired him in the first place? Lol
  11. I don’t believe for a second these gop sources saying they can’t block witnesses. It’s a ruse to lure everyone in and then Acquit quickly. but hey there is this
  12. Who is this guy? Surely trump doesn’t know him. Never met him.
  13. I wonder if they would mind a bunch of Dems storming the SCIF. And yeah, the book will be public so whats to hide? They clearly want to preview it before they decide if it will hurt Trump (or how much). The fact the White House kept it a secret should tell that tale. The fact Trump publicly called Bolton a liar should lift any gags.
  14. Interesting that they looked at Arbuckle too. Seems like they wanted to move on from Nichols. Can we assume this is some big Buck influence too? I assume he had a big say in who the QB should be...
  15. Biden adheres to an international effort to clean up corruption by pushing out a guy who would *not* investigate Burisma. If Biden did anything, it actually was to the detriment of his kid's company. Trump loves stomping out corruption so much he surrounds himself with criminals and fraudsters and seeks to investigate ONE thing he considers corrupt that happens to impact his likely opponent who he thinks can beat him. Everything Trump did was so on the up and up he proceeds to lie, cover it up, refuse to let anyone involved explain it. Trump doesnt want the children of politicians trading on their parents fame and positions....ummmmm yeah. lol I mean...its absurd right? Anyone arguing this is a troll. Its not about whether Trump did it, its about whether he should be removed. Its a fact he did it. They admitted it!
  16. Guess the team is beginning to feel the pressure of a disappointing season
  17. I hve a feeling trump isn’t very smart. Maybe he should check with lawyer before tweeting. Oh never mind
  18. I hve a feeling trump isn’t very smart. Maybe he should check with lawyer before tweeting. Oh never mind
  19. Loads of money but the intend it to be a success. if it is, its a great deal. If it isnt, it didnt really matter. Great to see this given everyone saying he would never sign here. If he stays healthy, he's tremendous. He was so good here, best QB we have had in ages. Maybe Nichols can stay on as Buck's understudy!
  20. Ive heard conflicting things that his remarks were him being himself and others saying he was told it was all good to build heat. Goldberg for sure takes himself too seriously. Remember him confronting Hunter at a video game convention or something before he ever went to WWE, over remarks Hunter made (to be fair, they were stupid remarks about how Goldberg was a nothing). Brock usually doesnt have anything to say to anyone unless they come at him. So could be a work. But I agree, Riddle has super star potential. And with his history, would be idea for Brock. Im sure Brock will put Drew over great and maybe Riddle should be his fall program to set Riddle up for a run next year. Ive seen Riddle & Kenny converse...Im sure AEW would back up the brinks truck for him. He'd surely do better in AEW than WWE but because of that, he's going to get a push eventually...or at least a boatload of money.
  21. Yup, separated shoulder. Hopefully back for WM. He shouldnt bump like that!
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