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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The only deals Id look at are shoring up D but not a playoff rental if it costs us a 1st rounder. Keep our picks. That kid from Dallas, I'd have taken him. Krieder? Would love him but not for a 1st
  2. And missed the really big news of a second TV show being added to TNT. Lots of wild speculation that its AEW DARK moving to TNT.
  3. Beat me too it! Incredible news especially with all the talk of ratings. Tnt obviously thrilled. Which we knew because Meltzer reported tnt expected 500,000 per week and growth from there. They’ve far exceeded that. Great news. Be interesting to hear if it’s same terms or if there was a raise involved. I’d suspect same terms.
  4. I hope everyone who bet with @Brandon took the “over”. 😛
  5. So, could go in World Politics but I think this is clearly US-related. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/15/europe/russian-government-resigns-vladimir-putin-reforms-intl/index.html Trump presidency has been very very good...for the bad faith actors of the world.
  6. Wait, you think murdering political opponents is bad, wait til you hear about Bernie wanting universal health care! wow! Progressives!
  7. Same guy as above. Same guy seemingly offering a hit on the ambassador and running fro congress. Who also is a pal of trumps. This stinks. These guys aren’t just bad news politically. This ain’t breaking into a hotel. How low does trump and his ilk go...?
  8. No wonder the gop wanted the impeachment trial ASAP. what?? Is this real?
  9. This is incredible. One of rudy’s henchmen provided texts. the guy offering to take out the ambassador, trump knows him. Remember trump said the ambassador was “going to go through some things”.
  10. Unless jets scouts know something we don’t about Pul. Could still be Roslo wanting out too.
  11. Kross has a lot of upside. His gf works for wwe. He just signed with MLW but probably not long term. He has a falling out with Impact when he wanted to renegotiate his contract feeling the deal he signed before he was a star wasn’t fair once he became one. They held their ground and it blew up and they finally just released him.
  12. Cage and omega were teasing this at a recent show. Cage’s wife denies it and reports are he’s injured. But it sure sounds like he’s AEW bound. And I agree. He gives them something they don’t have. Delierious has been roh booker for a long time. So it’s a good change. There’s no value in AEW working with ROH ( not for aew anyway). And there are rumours Cody and Marty don’t get along. But who knows.
  13. Nah. Good writing is good writing. And disco has suffered from poor planning and some shoddy writing. many shows have had limited episodes and been fantastic. Plus when Trek has 20+ episodes they weren’t serialized so there were no 20 episode storylines. they’d also have to have cheap episodes so they could spend more on bigger episodes. The current format is better for FX and serialized story telling. As long as the writing is good. I bet Picard will be better. I doubt Stewart would let them get to the point where they run out of episodes like happened on disco. (To be fair it even happened on the sopranos).
  14. I tend to agree. I think cbs sees Star Trek spiking subs and they likely see a drop when trek is off. it’s a bit of a surprise because the shows are very expensive but I guess CBS opened a lot of budget for the streaming service. Plus they likely see savings based on re-using various things among the different series. For that reason I’d expect them to have a split between eras. Like Picard and probably Academy being post TNG era. Pike and Sec 31 being tos era. Although sec 31 could be future too. Who knows. Disco will probably end up using some Picard era stuff too I bet. they have also been successful at getting tax breaks in various locations for filming.
  15. I also have no interest in a section 31 series, not based on what they’ve shown us in disco. The only weird thing with Pike series is the writers and producers of disco made such a big deal out of how they had to time Jump to the future to free themselves of canon. So doing a pike series sort of undermines that. And can they restrain themselves from screwing it up?
  16. Marty Scurll signed with ROH which surprises some but hes been pretty consistent in downplaying other options. Sounds like he for a heck of a deal. Money. Can work for nwa, japan and apparently AEW door isn’t closed. And word is he’s now head booker of Roh.
  17. Just like trump wanting the Central Park five put to death because he “believed” they were guilty (we’ll probably less that he thought they were guilty and more so other reasons if you catch my drift).
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