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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I’m not sure Dr Luther is a win in 2020. Have to see how it goes. Chris taking care of his buddies though. the thing about Brandi is she always seems like Brandi playing a character. She never seems authentic. And the gimmick is goofy. Unless they plan to combine it with dark order it’s a dud. Plus she’s a Rhodes. She should know how to be a heel without burying your opponents. She was verbally squashing all the women. Kenny looked jacked. I’d have have him a vs page team without issues before starting the angle. Seems to have done out of nowhere. “They have issues!” Then Team them up! Weird. Page is over though. Kenny most Over. inwas fine with the mox segment. A bit too long. But everyone loves them. Don’t put liquid in sugar bottles. Sammy is tremendous. Just keep doing why you’re doing and he’s going to be huge. Same with luchasaures Daniels is great but he’s called the fallen angel, has the Freddy mercury mic gimmick, wears a military uniform and dances and sings while pushing 50. Nope. Pick a gimmick. loved loved hearing Arn cut a promo. Dude still has it. Can’t wait for him to turn on Cody! Lol
  2. Okay this confirms it. Graham is totally compromised. The same speech everyone is openly wondering if trump was sedated or on drugs? When he sniffles throughout, could speak clearly and mispronounced several words? What a joke.
  3. I think Putin would love open warfare. Oil prices would go up. Russian arms sales would go up. Russian influence would go up. I think it’s more likely trumps embarrassing rhetoric the last few days got a ton of behind the scenes push back from advisors, Congress and allies. And he was desperate for a way out.
  4. I think it also has to do with guys having more input. So the Lucha bro’s work Lucha style which is cool. Bucks work the way they like and so on. Whereas in wwe the agents are carrying the water for Vince and hunter and the way they want you to work. Kenny is sort of a hybrid. He does that modern high spot style but sells a lot more. He always did though (I was always big one selling and always say in our meetings sell with your facials!). Kenny vs pac always have more tightness. Page is good that way too. I will take it Over wwe’s over produced style though. And as they add more experienced guys I think you’ll see more. Plus more House shows. Guys are working to wow every week right now. I know Jericho has pushed similar feedback. In the early shows tag teams were working Lucha style. No tags. In and out. And Jericho pushes back saying they had to work a more traditional American style. And they have been. Good change.
  5. I think too, that WWE has a very specific way of working which is why almost everyone, no matter how good, is sent to NXT to "learn" the WWE way. They dont care much about the live crowd, its TV. But great workers will adjust based on the crowd. Way more emotional. I keep thinking of that spot in a long Omega/Okada match where they were on their knees barely able to lift their arms but trading punches and Kenny was nearly in tears. amazing. Makes you feel its real. WWE is so wrestling-by-the-numbers. And before I come across as an Elite homer, one thing that drives me nuts about some guys in AEW is lack of selling. My gf laughs every time we watch but Im constantly yelling at the TV to "effen sell!" The modern style is very lucha, to not sell after the moment of receiving heat.
  6. Yeah and just swapping out Kenny for Jay...not equitable at all. If they were smart they'd have made a deal with AEW to keep them. On Kenny's side he had this huge offer from AEW and yet still insisted that it include the right to work New Japan (or as Kenny said, "I can do anything I want" lol). Loyalty is important in Japan and they wanted to keep their deal with ROH...but man, that bit them in the ass. They should be happy AEW exists or else the likelihood is Kenny and the Bucks work for WWE right now, Jericho might as well. Mox probably still leaves though. At least the door can be opened with most of those guys because of AEW.
  7. As I recall, Kenny would have kept the IWGP World title through the MSG show. I cant remember if he said he was to drop it to Naito at WK this year like Okada did but that sounds familar. So in that vein, Kenny would have been a long term champion...or longish. But its really really hard for an American (or Canadian) to get the push as THE guy. Kenny was extra important due to US expansion and he was a huge draw on every show he was added to. New Japan were pissed when he left. I agree. Gedo doesnt adjust to organic things either..like I really would have considered Kota this year...
  8. Great stuff! Interestingly, night one sold out but night two, which was a better card on paper didnt (they still did very well). Over-all, I hear it was a huge success for New Japan. Gedo books so far in advance, I was really hot for Naito a year ago but feel its Ibushi's time now. But Gedo sticks with his plans. Apparently some of the heat with Kenny was him leaving (hey if you make 24 month plans for guys, sign them!). Kenny basically confirmed New Japan's plans for him was everything Jay White had this year. One thing I noticed watching New Japan (for example Kenny/Okada), was their long matches never felt long. WWE is so over-produced but New Japan feels really organic. Not that WWE work is bad, it isnt. They have tons of talent. But the emotion of the top New Japan guys is really incredible. Kenny/Okada, you'd almost be crying along with them. Okada is probably the best wrestler in the world right now. New Japan have no US dates this year and lost their TV deal (on Impact-owned AXS, when Impact insisted they work together and NJPW declined). So...lots of chatter NJ and AEW might be warming up to one another. Clearly Jericho wants it to happen.
  9. I’d say yes. Didn’t watch this year (lack of Kenny) but read about it. Sounded great. How long til WM becomes a two night event too? Lol I do wonder if they’re waiting too long on Ibushi though.
  10. Awful Winnipeg sign dimmed in memory U of M engineering professor Zahra Moussavi lost her good friend, Forough Khadem. Two other U of M grads — Pedram Mousavi and Mojgan Daneshmand — who went on to become professors at the University of Alberta, were killed along with their two children, U of M Iranian Students Association spokesman Amir Shirzadi identified five other crash victims from Winnipeg — a staff member, two students and a family of three. They’re identified as Amir Ghasemi, 32, Amirhossein Ghorbani, 21, Mehdi Sadeghi, Anisa Sadeghi, 10, and Bahareh Haj Esfandiari, 41.
  11. Those are real?? lol I saw one on twitter and assumed it was a joke.
  12. I keep seeing the Buff situation handcuffing the Jets but it doesnt make sense to me. He's either suspended and it costs the Jets no money and no cap or he wins his appeal and is put on retroactive IR and it still costs the jets no cap space. Unless simply because there is an appeal, the Jets are prevented from using his cap, but still, he isnt playing so how would his salary count? Plus, they are recouping cap savings with Little's injury and Kulikov being out awhile.
  13. Just do a search. That one I posted worked at the time but there will be region-free ones avail.
  14. Story from Variety (per Trekmovie.com). Some minor spoilers about general plot points. Picard is still haunted by the loss of Data, as seen in a dream sequence from recent trailers. Patrick Stewart was initially reluctant to return to the role of Jean-Luc Picard, eventually the 34-page pitch Alex Kurtzman, Kirsten Beyer, and Michael Chabon wrote swayed him. Stewart came on not only as an actor, but also as an executive producer with input on the storylines for the show. CBS Trek head honcho Alex Kurtzman said of working with Sir Patrick: Stewart explained his point of view on the new TV show: Mirroring real world 21st century events, the Federation of the late 24th century has become more isolationist. Stewart says that this aspect of Picard, “was me responding to the world of Brexit and Trump and feeling, ‘Why hasn’t the Federation changed? Why hasn’t Starfleet changed?’ Maybe they’re not as reliable and trustworthy as we all thought.”
  15. The justification was impeachment.
  16. You cant really spend your time in this thread flag waving for Trump and ask others to be smarter. Trump handled this like the moron he is and made Iran look positively statesmanlike. Maybe you try being a bit more progressive. Its not a bad word, certainly compared to alt-right anyway.
  17. Sure, is John Kerry the President? Or the Presidents lawyer? Or operating a shadow State Department? Or caught up in investigations of fraud? And who's Noah? Its getting laughable at this point, pal.
  18. If you haven't seen the Omega Man documentary (as part of the Engraved on a Nation series), it airs tonight immediately following AEW on TSN 2 at 9pm. Its fantastic, partially filmed here in Winnipeg (a lot of the sit down interviews were done here) and there are a few clips of PCW in Winnipeg (both archival and contemporary). It really should have been a 2 hour doc as the 60 minute TV edit is much too short. Kenny was unhappy they had to cut out most of the PCW footage so they edited it into the end credits. For the US Premiere in Las Vegas last year, they actually added more of the footage of Kenny's return to PCW and additional remarks from Don Callis & Chris Jericho (sort of outtakes...with Jericho ripping Kenny for being from Transcona etc...really funny). I wish AEW would "buy" the doc, I think its a great look at Kenny and Im surprised it hasnt aired nationally in the US yet. Still to come, Im sure! Anyway, if you haven't seen it yet, tonight on TSN2!
  19. Should this be in the airline thread now? Not suspicious at all.....hmmmm I saw some people noting the video of the crash had a lot of flames for a mechanical issue. Anti aircraft fire?
  20. Yeah I cant stand most of this stuff. I kinda feel like his ideas have merit but its like if the average person submitted a spec script and a studio then hired a real writer to make it work, its like Smith's stuff is BEFORE the real writer was hired. Although it does make me feel like if he can write movies, we can all write movies! 😉 But I dont begrudge anyone who enjoys it. Art is in the eye of the beholder.
  21. Mine is a 65" LG OLED. Its our primary TV and is in our living room. I hear what you mean about brightness as we have a large window opposite the TV and I always have to pull the black out curtains. But it does look awesome with those deep inky blacks. I paired it with an OPPO 4K Blu Ray Player which was a splurge as at the time it was the best rated player but pretty expensive. There are lots of options now but its pretty awesome to throw in an older Blu Ray (as I did with the Sopranos) and have it be practically a new viewing experience! Let us know what you get if you do get a new one! On a semi related topic, Im slowly working on our basement. We bought my parents home and the basement was finished by my dad about 40 years ago (wood panneling, stucky, mirrors etc). I want to tear it all out and do a simple dry wall & carpet combo for a nice dark home theatre. I've always shied away from projectors but I'd like to go with a very large screen for a movie theatre experience. Anyone do this? (If I can afford it, we'd do an Atmos surround as well). Probably a year off at best.
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