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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. For sure. Although for someone like Dixie passing up partnering with hulk hogan was too tough. Bisch was very good as certain things (performing for one). He reportedly tightened a lot of the production and backstage. Creatively he had nothing.
  2. Don’t worry, Hannity will fix that The war hawks are soooo happy tonight What are the odds trump calls it even?
  3. Too busy to make a statement about an attack
  4. He has a couple okay films...I dont know what it is. His bad stuff is sooo bad. Like, he got his kids to write the dialogue. And he seems really immature. Even Chasing Amy, which is great, the dialogue is...silly in many ways. Movie was made great by the performances I think. The porno film was pretty good too.
  5. I have an OLED I got to replace my several year old LED. I notice a difference when Im watching a great source. But honestly, I doubt I'd lean towards a more expensive model in the future (I was able to get a deal cause I knew a guy who knew a guy). Check out Costco if you're able to. They have some non-name brand TV's, great prices and ofcourse, their warranty is great. I bought my mom a TV from there and it looks as good as mine (or at least comparable) for a fraction of the price.
  6. Yeah true but thats really a cover. Not many people would say, "I hate the KKK but man, their economic policies are pretty good."
  7. Kevin Smith sucks. His movies are mostly high school level crap. I did enjoy Chasing Amy though, his best film by far.
  8. Its actually interesting to go back to page one of this thread and see who predicted what. I was trying to hold out hope that Trump would rise to the occasion. Others called it more accurately. Some of the Trump supporters have given up but its wild to see some still doubling down.
  9. And Trump is best buddies with Saudi. Didnt mind their crimes did he?
  10. And notice Bibi wants nothing to do with it....
  11. The film seems really over-cooked but I am hopeful. Some interesting casting choices!
  12. Further to our discussion of money marks and whatnot, its ten years ago this week (Jan 4th 2010), that TNA moved Impact to Monday nights to go head to head with RAW. Hogan, Hardy, RVD, Flair, Bisch, Nasty Boys(?) plus, Joe, Styles, Angle etc... WWE countered with Bret Hart's return to WWE for the first time since the Montreal Screw Job. WWE did 5.5 million (or so), TNA did about 2.5 million. Which, by the way is more than RAW gets most mondays now. It didnt last long as TNA soon got their ass kicked and went back to Thursday nights. This was a critical turning point for TNA as Dixie Carter had the option of Bischoff/Hogan or Paul Heyman. Bisch/Hogan wanted to feature more former WWE guys, go head to head on mondays, get rid of the six sided ring, get out of Orlando and go on the road etc. Heyman wanted to cut all the 40+ guys except for two, bring in Gabe (his protege who booked ROH for years and now books Evolve), sign Daniel Bryan etc. But Heyman wanted 10% of the company and creative control. So is there a bigger money mark in history than Dixie? She even had a crew meeting where she dressed down the roster and said they need to stop publicly whining and show more support with her or else and actually aired the meeting on Impact. Yikes.
  13. Not enough face palms in the world for the gop.
  14. It’s like the three stooges become president
  15. They didn’t say why but an easy explanation is they are both of the force. Which to me is a better explanation that Palps knocked up a hand maiden or something. But even if he did rey is a let if him and do are the Skywalkers. It would help explain the bond between luke and Leia too when she had no training but was able to communicate with Iuke in Empire (or her to him). It’s kinda an example of the dark side seeming stronger. If the force transference and force bond thing is a dark side power and the Skywalkers have it through their relationship to Palps.
  16. It doesn’t seem as big of news right now because trump has done this before but the US attack on Iran isn’t just military. They are holding American citizens at border crossings including Canadian/US crossing. It’s outrageous. A vile racist regime.
  17. Hey rudy how should we handle a potential key witness like Bolton? Should we perhaps be respectful and try to create a unity? No let’s insult him! rudy is the best ally trumps opponents have.
  18. This is bad news for trump because Bolton is as batshit crazy as he is but way way smarter. Now the gop have to say “we don’t want to hear from a key witness who is willing to testify”. Hmmm
  19. All their progressives in the situation room I guess lol
  20. Trump has gone full troll. we know the GOP will look past his crimes and his conspiring with foreign governments against the US. Will they continue to let him snub congress and pretend to be a cowboy diplomat when he’s an ignorant joke who’s becoming the laughing stock of the world? Aren’t they embarrassed?
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