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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Wasn’t it a couple years ago where it seems jets never had calls for their way and it was believed the jets complained too much and refs had them marked? Even if true the nhl should fire any ref who decides his calls based on personal like. Those missed calls were atrocious. Maybe they need three refs on the ice.
  2. Oh for sure. And Trump is a simpleton. We know he accuses everyone of things he does or wants to do. His remarks about Obama are a perfect window into trumps thinking. He doesn’t want a measured response because he doesn’t think it will trigger the war he badly wants nor would it take down coverage of impeachment which gets worse for trump everyday. I think trump sees this very very simply as his racist base is all about fake demonstrations of power and strength (hence his behaviour at so many rallies) and that you can’t replace a war time president. He’s mad he was caught and polls are turning so he wants to punch someone in the face and get cheered. We’ve all known fake tough guys and trump is text book. And what he really wants is Iran to do something they would be considered an act of war so trump can take America to war and claim it was self defence. He badly wants a 9/11 though he’d probably prefer it be on foreign soil so no one can say he didn’t keep them safe. He’s a mad man. Worse he’s a mad man that is also very very stupid and prone to ignoring the smart people around him. Remember when trump talked tough on NK and then was going to use his charm and negotiating skills to bring them under control? Yeah well he’s gonna to be as successful in Iran as he was in NK. He’s playing right into their hands. He got worked like a hand puppet.
  3. Well seeing critical but accurate remarks about trump but then trying to change the narrative to some sort of criticism of remarks progressives as if being progressive is a bad thing seems...strange. Also you completely made up the quote in your post and literally no “progressive” is making that argument. You might want to debate false narratives and fake news but it’s irrelevant to the actual discussion. Are we now at a place where trumps own advisors that advised against the strike are considered “progressives”? Lol. Soon it will be “if you don’t believe in nuking Iran and suspending elections you’re a do nothing progressive”.
  4. They should seriously do away with review if they can’t even get that right. The point of review is to get it right. That’s crazy.
  5. Imagine not knowing the difference. I can’t Imagine anyone still being a cheerleader for a racist, criminal, serial sexual abuser.
  6. Some people have trouble with others’ material. JJ for example is a technically strong director. But his Star Trek movies were generally quite poor. I think Rian wanted to take his shot with Star Wars and the biggest issue was he didn’t use his movie, the middle one, to appropriately advance the story and set up a satisfying finale. But the film looked fine. knives out looks great.
  7. Trumps foreign policy seems to be to yell as loud as possible, make bizarre threats and turn everyone against the US. He continues to tweet incredible things about how big the US military is and threatening Iran. He’s an absolute joke. And you get the real sense he’s going to do something really really bad before it’s all over. If he appears to be losing the election or impeachment he’s going to do something....bad. Very bad.
  8. If Hollywood portrayed a president as this much of a doofus they’d be ridiculed for being too unrealistic. This guy is like a 12 year old playing call of duty online.
  9. Haha wrong. The irony is the trump chumps who have spent years burying the intelligence agencies are now using them to say see see we had to act. Can’t have it both ways. no one is pretending this guy wasn’t bad and the world isn’t better off without him. The reasonable people are rightly convinced this is ill conceived without a plan other than to distract from trumps crimes and because president bone spurs believes war guarantees him a second term.
  10. Goalie interference no longer exists if that isn’t goalie interference.
  11. I don’t pretend to fully understand all this (need to do some research) but I thought Iraq was an ally. So this seems bad. I wonder who benefits if the US is kicked out of Iraq and their power in the Middle East is greatly diminished. I wonder who it could be.
  12. Mr Bring The Troops Home, End the Wars is triggering a war to distract from his criminal activity. I hope Congress and the American people treat this as it is, another criminal act by a shameless coward. I feel awful for US troops, some of whom I know (and they tell me Trump has zero respect as Commander-in-Chief), being used in this manner. Im not sure the US will rally behind him as a war time President the way he thinks. Lets hope not.
  13. Not as much as they used to. Winnipeg/Minnesota, as Goalie said, is a good match up. USA vs Canada and all that. Serves the Canadian TV coverage well. How much does it hurt US TV? If not that much, it could be the choice. Plus you have multiple Minnesota players on Winnipeg. And you'd get a large number of Jets fans down there. Might be the right call.
  14. I totally agree with trump here! Ohhhhh
  15. Geraldo seems to have accidentally stumbled across some common sense It’s going to be great when trump and the gop cite American intelligence saying they had to take this guy out. The same intelligence they claim are boneheaded idiots who can’t be trusted
  16. Really good thread on the lawsuit with speculation it could become a class action The basic gist being that the pension fund suing (they own a very small number of shares) is challenging how separate XFL is from WWE and how much work WWE is doing for XFL, feeling the work is not being charged at fair market value. Vince's employment contract also prohibits him from working in competing businesses and pro sports is listed as one of the competitors he is barred from working. The BOD amended his contract to specify the XFL as not being competition, which the pension fund disputes. XFL had a big drag on WWE the first time around and these shareholders dont want it to this time. I cant see it going very far but WWE certainly isnt cooperating in providing info
  17. Desperately wants to be a war time president because he’s such a coward in reality.
  18. Trumps new taking point will be “how can you impeach the president when we’re at war?”
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