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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is the new radical right narrative. That trump wasn’t really impeached because House hasn’t sent the articles to senate. Ofcourse it’s totally wrong. White House is pushing this too.
  2. I was thinking the exact same thing. Like there must be so much edited out to keep it from being five hours long. Theee were those rumours early on that this film would be a two parter and I can see why.
  3. I think the non spoiler revenues I read are pretty spot on. it’s fast paced and doesn’t have much time to let things breath. There is fan servicing but in my opinion, needed. I feel like the film is a salvage project and makes TLJ look even worse in comparison. all the characters shine at points. Fight scenes are cool. They do answer a lot of questions though often without much explanation (and seems like lack of time was a factor). there are many plot contrivances. Ie when they need a ship there is a ship. When they need help there is someone to do it. But while that usually drives me nuts I kinda give JJ some slack because this is basically two films in one. It’s fixing TLJ. Actors were all good. Driver and Ridley especially. And ofcourse Ian Mc. There was genuinely some big emotional moments and some “yes so cool” moments. A few things I’d change. But I’d go see it. If you liked TFA and hated TLJ go see it. If you hated TFA you probably won’t like this one.
  4. Well.....JJ did it. He pulled it off. All the reviews are basically correct though. But main stream critics often don’t get the source material. The movie speeds through a lot, doesn’t slow down to breath, has a lot of plot holes and contrivances. But...overall it works. And it works because it had to fix TLJ. A few times I turned to my buddy and said “oh that’s an F you Rian Johnson!” A lot of the spoilers were true but worked better on screen than on paper. I’m usually critical of silly plot holes and JJ’s Star Trek has a ton of them. But in this film they were more minor to move the story along Yes Rey is Palps grand daughter. Yes Snoke was a clone Palps created. They didn’t explain how Palps was alive other then having him repeat the exact line from ROTS about the dark side being a pathway to unnatural things. Which has the effect of adding depth to that scene between Palps and Anakin. I think it confirms Palps was lying to Anakin when he said he didn’t know the secret of cheating death. As for Anakin. Well damn it. There is a scene where rey is defeated and calls upon the Jedi to be with her and we hear their voices. They got the actors back for it. Ewen. Hayden. Sam Jackson. Etc. I had read the scene was originally conceived as the ghosts appearing. The voice scene was awesome but I don’t know how you don’t have Anakin appear. There was a way to do it. After kylo visits Palps, he knows his previous visions of vader speaking to him were just Palps pretending to be vader. Kylo goes back to the vader mask in his quarters and touches it. That’s when I’d have had Anakin appear to tell Kylo he now knows the truth of the dark side and how it’s a failed path and that his destiny lays elsewhere (foreshadowing Ben giving his life for Rey). A small scene but it would have worked. At the very least Anakin and Ben should have appeared with Luke & Leia at the end. Yes Han Solo appears to Ben. He isn’t glowing. He’s not a ghost. They never explain it. I think their implication is it’s all in ben’s head. And that’s a fine explanation. It could be Leia made it happen too. And Harrison was terrific. they struggled with Carrie’s death. And took her out part way through in a way that would have been more emotional had she been able to film it. But it’s a critical moment (calling to Ben to set up his redemption). fight scenes are great. Good saber battled and force powers. Palps was awesome of course. Although I sort of wonder why he’s dead now. He wasn’t dead before. What’s the difference. Lando really added to the film. Small role but added that fun of the OT. rey and Ben kissed. I would not have made that choice. Nope. Not at all. Creepy and gross. This was essentially JJ’s version of 8 & 9 rolled into one. I wonder how much was cut. It really makes you wish JJ had done all three. The glee he likely felt in showing off Palps powers makes me wonder what he’d have done with Luke in 8. I bet it would have been awesome. this was a salvage project. No doubt. But it was as good as good be expected. Meaning, it wasn’t perfect. Had issues. But with the albatross of TLJ, I thought it was really quite satisfying.
  5. I can’t remember the last time I watched wwe all the way through. It’s awful.
  6. I know they have said they don’t need writers and they certainly don’t need writers like wwe. But there are many good boomers all over North America that could help them edit the stories.
  7. I’m not watching live so can’t say for sure. But I’m not surprised. Almost half an AHL roster. Feel bad for the jets after doing so well against adversity.
  8. I didn’t mind it with Kenny so much because I know Kenny would be the first one lobbying for others. And the problem is if you treat Kenny the way he should be then he has to be world champion. But Jericho as champ was the right call. kenny got screwed a bit with PAC it coming in and then Mox getting hurt. But those are two high profile programs. But I agree they can’t be using all the elite to try and shot gun lower card guys up. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with masked jobbers killing them all. I almost think they’re being too cute. Lucha bros should be beating guys and winning the tag belts. Jericho vs Mox is good. If they’re going to turn page so it so he can work with Kenny and Cody. They sort of need a secondary title I think.
  9. Almost surely the intention is to back up On the Moose. Apparently Comrie is a really great locker room guy and loves it here. If they didn’t bring him back they’d have to probably make a trade for a legit AHL goalie. they still have to get him through waivers to get him to the moose though. I wonder if they will hve to send something to Detroit to keep them from claiming him back.
  10. As much as I’d like to watch the us commercials too, the ruling makes sense. What value does the game have to Canadian networks if everyone watches the US channels.
  11. I’m going to see the movie tonight. What’s our process for spoiler discussion? Did we start separate threads for the previous films? im sort of emboldened by the fact the critics seem to hate the movie. After they loved TLJ, I think them not liking Skywalker bodes well.
  12. This is telling. Trump thinks witnesses will lie for him. Mitch knows most people won’t risk jail for trump and the truth would be very bad. I can’t fathom why the GOP would announce publicly that they were biased and intended to run a quick show trial. They have the Dems all the leverage in the world to refuse to send articles under those conditions.
  13. I think they’ve butted up against that issue a bit. They’ve had angles during commercial breaks. They need to let things breath. We were just seeing a dispute between Kenny and page and suddenly pac is on the screen and it’s forgotten. they have three “join us” angles going on plus Dark Order and Brandis group are similar anyway. And Brandi comes across as Brandi Rhodes playing a character rather than seeming natural. ive long said they do too many long matches especially with people who aren’t over yet. Case in point, Swole’s debut last week. Nope. Not at all. They also announced Cody vs Darby which should have been something announced at the show and had a reason. having a not over tag team gimmick made up mostly of random hooded jobbers killing you’re top guys is....well, a very very bad idea. I think I know who’s idea it was...very bad. Kenny should have vetoed being any part of it. Although his running v trigger was the best part. on the flip side nxt more or less shotgunned an angle and it paid off. People wanted to see Ripley win. The only thing on AEW we really wanted to see was Jericho vs jungle boy. There are too many shades of grey. Bucks vs SCU is going to be good but why am I emotionally committed to it? Because it will be athletic? Not enough.
  14. Cable news hurt them both. But nxt finally with a big demo win. AEW has to do better than what they did last night.
  15. You have to read this twitter thread. A summary of trumps Long rambling rally last night. It’s absurd. He’s losing his mind.
  16. Good to be back I bet. Jets have to keep for x amount of time but will need to waive him again to get him to the moose.
  17. Mentioned earlier but worth watching this video. It really sums up the type of gross person trump is. He thinks every honour a person earns is his to dole out like currency and nothing he does for anyone is free. he has to tear down everyone to satisfy his own incredibly fragile ego. It really shows how he was compromised by Russia and why he feels so indebted to them. Nothing is free. Everything is currency.
  18. Okay. Fairs fair. That was a rough Dynamite tonight.
  19. Important to remember. And honestly they shouldn’t send it to the senate as long as senators are promising to a fake trial. They should frame the senate as corrupt and refuse to send articles
  20. That’s a major indictment of the product. Aren’t prices crazy though? TV rarely sells out so I don’t think wwe will assume a sell out but they won’t be very happy and they likely won’t be back if they don’t do a big number. but lots of time left. Maybe they’ll send some guys here for some PR.
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