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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Its interesting because I think Clinton overcame impeachment and is thought of as a good President. But I think history judges his impeachment as a real witchhunt and he likely should have been censured. But with Trump everyone knows he's corrupt. Everyone knows he illegitimate. So being impeached is a big cherry on top of the media and historians who would have to treat him as a legitimate, but disliked President (sort of like W.). Now they wont. He's going to be impeached and that will dovetail to how he was the most corrupt, moronic President ever, who lost by millions and millions of votes who'd have lost the election if not for Rudy's FBI pals in New York and Russian interference.
  2. He already said he thinks he can. I recall hearing a brief discussion on CNN about it with some people saying it was absurd and others saying it hadnt been tested in the courts. One thing that might make him leave is if he is certain of a loss but polling indicates a different candidate might win, he could make a deal to step aside in return for a pardon (like Nixon/Ford). But I bet he still tries to pardon himself.
  3. And ofcourse, A New Hope was allegedly an absolute disaster until George's wife got a hold of it in the editing bay. There is a youtube video that goes through some of the edits that were made (showing scenes that were cut, shortened etc). When you watch some of the behind the scenes stuff on the prequels, it sure looks like Lucas was surrounded by yesmen. Whatever he said, everyone nodded enthusiastically. My issues with TLJ are more creative. I agree, the Canto scene seemed included simply to give the B characters something to but it really does nothing for the story. To me it seems like Rian looked at TFA, looked at JJ's story ideas for Episodes 8 & 9 and said "nah, Im gonna throw it on its head and lets see what happens". Luke was all wrong. Rian was hamstrung a bit because TFA ended with the Luke/Rey scene so TLJ had to start there rather then be able to advance the story. But still....a million things he could have done with Luke. I have come to appreciate what he as trying with the force hologram scene with Luke. When you think about it, it really is an incredible show of power by Luke to be able to do that. But I think that point was missed. There was a scene earlier between Kyle & Rey where they do their Force connection thing and Kylo thinks Rey is doing it but then says "No, it isnt you, the effort would kill you" (meant to foreshadow that yes, it DID kill Luke but he was able to do it, showing how power he is). We never get any more to explain who was connecting Kylo & Rey. Presumably Snoke (as he was able to appear across long distances too) and now, presumably Palps. But it was glazed over. I think people wanted to see Luke in person, crushing walkers, pulling star destroyers out of the sky etc. We feel cheated cause he never actually does anything. I think Rian also killed Snoke to advance Kylo. Problem is, as the big bad, Kylo is so weak. Rian set the table for Kylo but served a sour meal. Same with the Rey parents thing...seemed more designed to do the opposite of what we expected. Felt like a let down. Sidelined Leia and replaced her with a character that was essentially a copy of her...didnt make sense. And a totally laughable demonstration of the force by Leia. Totally crazy. I know Leia was meant to be a big part of 9 but they should have called an audible and maybe killed her off. And have her appear to Luke maybe and use that as the thing that pulls him back into the fight for 9. You can still do a mother/son convo in 9 with archival footage etc. But 8 needed to end with more....threat and feeling of loss. Luke's death didnt feel like that cause it was so "wrong".
  4. Important because Trump's last act will be to Pardon himself and his family. And NY surely wants a piece of them all.
  5. Did Disney pay everyone off? lol I think a lot of reviewers just dont understand what they're reviewing. For example, Kevin Smith loves everything about Star Wars but he's said he just turns off his mind and enjoys the ride without really thinking too hard. I think general audiences reacted to the backlash that TFA was too derivative and so watching TLJ and seeing something different and "risky" made them think it was good. Now you see a lot of non-detailed reviews saying ROS is amazing and people are still being cautious. No Anakin = No fresh
  6. Absolutely. As I recall the story is Vince tried like crazy to sign the Road Warriors, to no avail, and decided to create his own. But Demolition really became big stars in their own right. Recall the Powers of Pain came in (another Road Warriors knockoff) and were used to turn Demolition face. Demolition is on the do not call list as Vince and Ax have had issues for years over the gimmick. I think Ax said he was made promises over it (and used Ax The Demolisher) on the indies for awhile) and was part of a law suit. I *think* whatever happened, Ax is allowed to use the gimmick as I've seen Demolition work indies (they did Winnipeg, even) without the cease & desist. Ax & Smash were also not happy when Road Warriors were signed and immediately went over on them. They should totally be in the HOF though. They'd be super over.
  7. Whoof. Wwe just turning fans away by the droves.
  8. Agreed. My caveat is, we dont know the deal. Its possible his team mates love him and support him. Although we've heard rumours there were issues (supposedly Wheeler/Buff had issues but Wheeler also seems to have taken some responsibility for being a hardass last season). Recall when Trouba held out and Perreault made surprising comments that it was letting the team down...players never say that so we'd expect them to all be supportive publicly but who knows. If there is an issue there, absolutely trade him. Jets have been surprising in how they've managed to band-aid D this year (mostly due to Helle but still they've worked hard). If Buff gets you a big return, make the deal. He's the type that every contending team would see as an X factor to put them over the top. Yeah and I think that was sort of his point too. You're right though that its not as if Maurice will say "man, I cant wait to get out of here" but he also can answer the question without saying anything one way or the other. He made a point of saying HE wants to be here and its up to the Jets. Makes me think the reason there is no extension is the Jets havent been convinced to do it yet.
  9. Man I really wonder what his return does to the room
  10. I’m fairly sure Maurice isn’t being held hostage. If he’s the lowest paid coach, he chose to accept the contract. Isn’t he on his second contract with the Jets? So he chose twice.
  11. It was Lucas who said the films should “rhyme”. So it makes sense. Plus, in terms of the idea that the movies need to be different, make new movies. The Skywalker Saga is a 9 series epic. They need to relate. There is a sense of destiny or “will of the force” throughout so having similarities and repeating story beats makes more sense than not. i also believe that any film (or series for that matter) that takes place during the saga has to relate to the sage. It’s one of the reasons Solo wasn’t well received. It was basically unnecessary and added nothing. Whereas Rogue One, which is arguably the best of the Disney projects, is essentially episode 3.5. The Obi Wan series should definitely relate to the saga. It should be epic. I’m not well versed in Star Wars to ever write it but I’d like to see a hermit Ben finally compelled to leave his post secretly guarding Luke to help a Jedi who reaches out to him. Show us Vader hunting down the last remnants of the Jedi.
  12. For sure he didn’t. But it was clearly at his demand (or to appease him). He couldn’t string together three of the sentences in that letter.
  13. What a nut I have no doubt the Senate will sweep the impeachment away. But it sure seems like Trump has some doubts
  14. I don’t think it’s a very good trailer but I’m looking forward to the film.
  15. I guess it’s a matter of opinion. I see the similarities but I liken it to homage and not rip off because it provides new things too. And hinted at larger stories. I think JJ blew Star Trek badly. But he was right for Star Wars. He understands that it’s a 9 film saga and TFA had to be familiar in terms of source material especially because it introduces so much new. I think his TFA mystery box stuff was intriguing. Who is Rey. Who is Snoke. Where is Luke. Why. What happened between Han & Leia. the problem for the narrative is they couldn’t show us what happened between Jedi and TFA. And unlike the space between Sith and ANH, way more time had passed. I think JJ’s ideas probably were that Snoke was Plagius. Rey was a Skywalker (either Luke’s daughter or Han/Leia). Rian screwed it all up. if TFA is the rip off and TLJ is the original new idea film, give me rip offs all day long.
  16. Yeah it wasn’t that bad. I just didn’t like the characterization of solo. I think it came too soon after TLJ too. the actor is ok. I know he’s widely considered to be awful. But I’d have liked to see Anthony Ingruber. I imagine they didn’t want an “impression” of Han Solo but the kid is spot on.
  17. Kevin Bahl: 19. 6’6. 240lbs. LHD. From B.C. Chosen #55 over all in 2018 Nick Merkley: 22 5’9” 195. RW/C. Calgary 30th overall 2015 draft Nate Schnarr: 20. 6’3” 181 Centre. Waterloo. 75th overall 2017 and yes I’m bored which is why I’m dissecting a NJ/Arizona trade.
  18. Seemed to get a lot for a guy that might be a rental. Unless those prospects are bunk
  19. Solo had a lot of issues. Generally I didn’t mind the plot. And Lando was great. But the actor wasn’t right for Han. And plus they didn’t really have the guts to make him more unprincipled Lost for sure was one of the greatest and worst shows ever. But it shows you need a plan which TLJ didn’t follow. TFA wasn’t lazy. It was a homage and it set up several story threads to be touched on later. Which makes sense in part 1 of a trilogy.
  20. I had no issue with porgs at all. They were minor background characters and probably sold a ton of merch. the issue with TLJ is that it wasn’t a one off. solo sucked too but people don’t really talk about it. TLJ was part of a trilogy so it’s awfulness is magnified. Plus you could make a case it negatively impacted the entire brand. JJ has his work cut out for him
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