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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think it’s key of the alt right grossness. They think of poor people as deserving of suffering. Especially minorities. Again, true Canadian conservative would uphold Canadian values no matter what and that includes health care.
  2. What do people think of Watchmen? I just got the last two episodes and bits of previous ones. Seems interesting. I know it’s a sequel to the comic and not the movie but I thought the movie was brilliant (just watched it again) and there were some elements of that tv show that could have “sequelled” the film in cool ways.
  3. I believe the premiere is tonight so spoilers will be all over the place. I’ve actually been reading spoiler threads on this film for awhile but I’ll probably go dark on it now. the one thing the Palps trailer showed us is that even though spoilers might be right there are context things we don’t know. I’d like to not ruin everything for myself especially if it’s bad lol i saw TLJ in Mexico cause I was there and couldn’t stand to avoid social media until I got back. And even then someone ruined Luke’s fate for me. I remember disliking that but being so excited for the film. What a let down. I’m much more cautious now. come on JJ! Just please have anakin!
  4. Listen, I loved Harper. He was a great PM. But “outside personality”? Lol. Cons are desperately looking for someone that can win without the party having to change. They want to keep the support of the gross alt right and gain support from the middle. Not going to happen. If you can’t beat an empty suit with the baggage of JT you can’t beat anyone. with that said, my early favourite would be Peter MacKay.
  5. Agreed with you guys. I’m sure Rian was laughing his ass off by snubbing everyone’s expectations with Luke in the very first scene. Gross. I know one of the original writers said they struggled with Luke because every scene he was in he began taking over the movie. But I think they missed the point. If Luke dominates the narrative why force a scenario where he plays The backseat to new characters? im sure it was a Disney thing. And I like Rey. I also think JJ did a brilliant job sidelining Luke in the first movie. So he does take some blame for letting Luke be someone else’s responsibility. I think there was a way to show us a super powerful Luke (like force crushing walkers and stuff) without side lining new characters. Ben turning is fine. id have made Luke’s story about his guy and anguish and his internal battle of what to do. Does he see goodness once Ben and will refuse to fight him like he did his father or be forced to? That’s an obvious potential conflict point between Luke and han and Leia. luke goinf into exile is fine. Maybe looking for wisdom to help him know what to do. Maybe han blames Luke. Creating a rift between them and han and Leia. maybe Anakin goes to Ben to show him the truth of the dark side to no avail and he tries to convince Luke Ben is gone. Like shows up on time to see Ben kill han. Hans dying words are to Luke to do what he must (so they reconcile at that moment). You end TFA with an anguished Luke back in the fight. it’s not like hamil needed to be sidelined. I thought he was completely enthralling in every scene he was in in TLd. They were just the wrong scenes. His fight scene with Ben, he was incredible. It just meant nothing.
  6. Pretty tough to lobby for a new coach with the jets playing well above expectations this year. Sure Helle yadda yadda. Still they’re doing very well. rumour was Maurice deal was up this year. If so it would be a story that he hasn’t signed a new deal.
  7. Rian was the worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars. Actually maybe not. He can’t be blamed for his boss allowing him to smirk his way through a **** measuring contest with JJ. Kennedy takes the blame. JJ should have tasted with planning the entire trilogy from the start (which he did to a degree) and if he didn’t want to direct, they should have at least maintained his vision. It always seemed to me Rian was playing a game of oneupsmanship, trying to screw the plan. he literally screwed every character and plot from TFA. And laid down nothing new. And then ended the film without any real jeopardy. Compared to how Empire ended with the heroes essentially defeated physically and emotionally. Don’t get me started!!! Lol
  8. All their programs do rehearsals. I think it was nxt UK that recently had a rehearsal leak when it was accidentally uploaded to YouTube. But even raw & SD do rehearsals although they often change their script so close to bell time. Their tv call times are so early for that reason and some guys end up sitting around all day while the script is changed. but yeah nxt does more intensive rehearsals probably because they have time (they’re in the performance centre all the time) and because the scripts are prepared in advance. some of wwe documentaries show little glimpses of rehearsals even as simple as guys practicing their entrances. most promotions, even little ones like ours, guys will sort of compete for pre-show ring time if they have spots they want to go over. But certainly not a rehearsal level of detail. interesting tidbit. There is a local guy who is a veteran and very talented. But he once told me he has trouble remembering all the spots planned in matches. Whereas another guy who became a star has a ridiculous memory and not only always has every spot down, will know where every other guy in a match is supposed to be and when. One of the factors of success.
  9. I totally agree. Wwe are terrific television producers but it’s too slick. Too scripted. To formulaic. i can forgive snafus because they’re trying to be less refined. It’s about the wrestling after all and they’ve been great on that front. And let’s be honest even with some rougher production they are second only to wwe in that category too.
  10. The problem is Snoke specifically said he had watched the republic rise and fall and that the empire failed due to arrogance. Certainly seemed older than Palps and not an ally. I think JJ intended him to be Plagius but Rian killed him off and screwed up plans. If Palps was the plan all along he shouldn’t have been saved for the final movie with no foreshadowing. I do like JJ so I’m hopeful he can pull it off and correct the disaster that was TLJ
  11. Got my tickets but Im wavering on being excited and dreading it. I read some of the spoilers and was excited then read some more and not. I dont know what is real and what isnt ofcourse. But Ill say this, Last Jedi seems to have really screwed things. If Anakin isnt in this film, its a big fail. The new clip was cool though. Although it raises more questions. Seems now Palps was Snoke and was "Vader" in the sense Kylo seemed to be having conversations with Vader (he referenced this in TFA). But...huh? I think the idea that Jedi can be anyone made the story less focused. Its not the story of how anyone can be strong in the force and change the universe. Its the Skywalker Saga. They sidelined Luke & Leia too quickly. No anakin thus far. I dont know. I have a bad feeling about this!
  12. Agreed. I thought Dark Order was a bit weak at first but seems like the plan was to let them debut, let people see them and then start a bigger angle. The videos have been awesome. The only complaint I think has some merit is its a big similar to Brandi's angle. Maybe by design....? I also like Butcher & Blade. Some complaints about their debut but man, I thought it was good. Its nice to see new people. Darby is going to be huge. Reminds me of Jeff Hardy. Luchasauras is going to be huge too. He's awesome. Keep hearing people say AEW guys are unavailable for indie bookings. Maybe it depends who you know...maybe 😉
  13. Yes Page has great music and they did a great job with him too. He was cold cold cold after losing to Jericho and now is very over. One thing I think AEW could use is like an editor. They dont want "writers" and basically its Cody, Bucks, Kenny, Tony K booking with a few producers. But I think the four VP's all have very different creative visions which is good...but they could use a couple people who are sort of helping keeping things on the rails. Tough for guys to do it while working full time too. They might have that, who knows. Weekly TV is hard. And its really hard to book from scratch. Once they get a few months of creative, it almost organically books itself. WWE has been around for decades and suck so AEW being better than WWE after a couple months is great lol
  14. This isnt true. They havent lost a million people. Nor do they have "real problems". The only demo they dont routinely beat NXT is the 50+. So I would agree, in terms of the older WWE fan, AEW isnt grabbing them. AEW debuted with 1.4 million. They were always going to pop a number for their debut. They dropped to 1 million the following week. Keep in mind NXT had a two week head start and still got beat almost every week. They're averaging 871,000 viewers per week. TNT wanted 500,000 to start and grow. They've beaten expectations in every thing they've done thus far. There are over 1.6 million fans watching wrestling on wednesday nights.
  15. Hmmm I have to question if you actually watch it lol I think they've had one show that was not *that* great so being the same show every week is pretty good. Their PPV builds will be slower because they only do 4 per year. A major complaint of WWE is their constant PPV building leaves little room for stories to breath (and Vince's new thing is PPV's dont need any build). I think its very clear there are key creative directions. They just dont blow six weeks of booking in one three hour RAW. Although I'd love to hear an example from you (maybe you have a point). I think everything with Jericho and the World title is clearly well thought out. Cody's angles are all well planned. Hangman. Bucks. Kenny. Pac. Dark Order. Darby. Janela. SCU. There's obviously plans in place for just about everyone. They're cycling guys in and out of their TV show though so not everyone appears every week. Other than one segment with Jericho there is really nothing that seems like WWE-lite (and even then, I think that was the point).
  16. CFO$ are also available. They parted from WWE earlier this year (or last year). They replaced Jim Johnston and did a lot of the newer WWE music (most of the cool NXT themes were theirs). If I was AEW, I'd look at them, depending on why they left WWE. But many of the themes that guys seemed to get themselves (ie. pre-dated AEW) are good. Cody, Bucks, SCU. Mox is good. I like Kenny's (some people dont but I think because his old one was so great). But I agree, they almost need a big punchy opening to some of the themes.
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