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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The musical cue thing is an old wcw thing too. I personally agree with you but I suspect it’s a homage to Wcw. I read that they chose to have the music less prevalent on the sound mix, I think to make it sound more like you’re an arena spectator at home But I agree they need to get the audio issues fixed no excuse for that when you can hire pros Video isn’t bad and that’s harder than music since the director has to control live switching for matches where he doesn’t know what’s going to happen I’ll give them time on the actual music. Pretty hard to have great entrance tunes for everyone right off the bat. Unless they wanted to spend big and license music. Although Jim Johnston is available....
  2. I thought AEW was really good except the Swole match. It was fine. But I think they book too long matches with people who haven’t had a chance to connect yet. Should have been a glorified squash.
  3. NXT did have an overrun which juiced their number. But this is remarkable.
  4. For the best. Cons need a come to a Jesus moment and stop pulling to the right. Don’t be trump Jr.
  5. The problem the trump chumps have, including Rudy and Barr and Nunes and others, is they are so deeply implicated in treasonous collusion that they have to keep pushing the conspiracies and gaslighting or risk going to jail themselves.
  6. If given a choice been Zack and Matt, it’s Zack all day long. Either way Streveler should also be signed. But we won’t win a cup wirh him as starter. But he’s a warrior and appears to be the heart and soul of the team. So it should be him and one of the other guys. Preferably Zack.
  7. This is a point often overlooked. I mentioned it several times in this thread. Elements of the fbi WERE biased. They DID leak. But it was to hurt Hilary. they forced Comey to make that stupid statement about hilary’s emails that arguably have the election to trump. And Rudy knew about it. The only “scum” in the fbi helped trump
  8. Is there a bigger racist POS than this guy?
  9. It was the Harley Race camp that got Kenny discovered by WWE. He used to have a yearly camp that included NOAH (Japan) scouts and WWE usually sent someone as well. It was a bit of a work because there was a cost for indy guys to do it and they'd separate the talent into two groups (Advanced & Beginners). The indie guys would all be put in beginners and Race's guys into advanced so they got more heavily scouted. So Kenny goes down there and is put in the beginners group. Trevor Murdoch, a Race guy, sees this and tells Kenny to go into the advanced class. Johnny Ace was there and immediately offered Kenny a WWE try out. He was flown to Georgia for the try out and signed right after. As I recall, Johnny Ace said Kenny reminded him of Brian Pillman. Kenny does a great Race impression.
  10. Very impressive that everyone in wwe has been clean since 2016
  11. The only thing that mystifies next is how quickly Dems are moving. They have multiple court cases pending that could compel very important witnesses and documents to be presented that could prove even more crimes. The fact trump is pushing for a speedy trial would give me pause. He’s obviously trying to beat the court cases. Unless the Dems have some sense there are senators willing to break with trump it seems the only reason is to run the 2020 election with an impeached incumbent which won’t matter to his alt right racist base anyway.
  12. The Trump Chumps seem to be clinging to any idea that the FBI’s efforts weren’t entirely perfect. As if to say sure trump colluded with Russia, sure he invited foreign interference, yes he committed illegal acts. But you didn’t properly dot an “I” so you shouldn’t be allowed to know any of it. As if that is worse. Insane. just remember what they impeached clinton for. And the months long investigation on Hilary. also love that Chris Steele and Ivanka were personal friends. When team trump attacked Steele she sure didn’t admit that did she?
  13. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original all the way through. But from what I’ve read this sounds like a better take on a “re-boot”. Sounds connected to the original. So...sort of a Ghostbusters The Next Generation. ive always said that when reviving an older beloved franchise you can’t really-boot. You have to have it feel more like a sequel. In that vein I even wonder if the next Bond will be the usual re-boot with a new actor or continue with the new 007.
  14. Always is. Usually 90 days. They can generally do Indy bookings but no tv. Harper would good in AEW.
  15. Luke Harper, Sin Cara & the Ascension have all been released from wwe.
  16. Wheeler seems to have learned something about being a captain from last year as he admitted. Maurice told a story too, when asked about “old school” coaching vs a different sensibility today and said wheeler told him, in regards to a young player, just be nice to him.
  17. I would think so too. Especially for TV they’d use the arena. Probably even a house show. It’s not like wwe sells out the arena (they will for tv). And as you said the arena scales down. I’m pretty sure true north would want the event with Jericho and Kenny on it. in fact Tony Condello was trying to book Jericho vs Kenny and it would have been the arena or convention centre (the CC held many big wrestling events years ago)
  18. Last week was a weird drop for aew I guess. Oddly nxt very narrowly won the key demo this week but they were all really close.
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