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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Great post. its even worse. He's 30 in March so his final contract year he turns 31. Right at that cusp you mentioned of his play potentially declining. His cap hit is good for the impact he brings. He's a top six forward and/or a top pairing D-man, special teams, and many teams will consider him the difference maker in the playoffs. In real dollars, he's $6 million next season. Are the Jets really going to sign him to a long term contract at that point? And if not (hopefully not), why pay him $6m next season and end up exactly as you said, on the bubble in February and Chevy keeps him and we just miss the playoffs.\ I'd be trading him this year. The good news is Chevy has a repuation for not making deals. So other teams know he isnt easy. Team *will* pay big for a player who's worth it so there will be plenty of interest. The problem I see is actually a contending team that wants Buff for the playoffs will not want to give up the quality of player we'd need in return. A deal like that happens in the off-season. But if you look at a team like Boston that has long been rumoured to be interested in Buff, they have lots of depth and potentially a willingness to shake things up. They have the cap space too. Pens are another team. I dont know if Buff is what they envision and they only have $3million in space but Buff's would be pro-rated plus they'd free up space with whomever they'd send back. Would sweetening the pot with a potential top six winger like Burmi make them interested? Get Sutter+ back.
  2. Yes for sure. I do see improvement. Ive always looked at the Jets through rose-coloured glasses. But this win one lose one has to stop. Regardless of the division. This is the division they play in. They wanted to be in the West from day one. That is the team they should have built. I think they play better defensively. I think they are a better puck posession team. But all that simply equals another season with the same record. Its not that they havent improved, its that they are still within the same general level of success. And thats not good enough. Yes Dustin Byfuglien is good for on average one or so mistakes a game but he brings such a dominance to the game that is hard to replace. Not too many players in the NHL can do what he does, e.g. defense, forward, PP, PK. He'd probably play Goalie if he had to and do it well. He helps give us an identity that other teams would kill for, e.g., the Oilers. If it was up to me, no way do we trade him. If anything, we build around him to help him even play more to his strengths. I used to think this way. But to what end? He's 30 years old with one year left on his contract.
  3. haha yeah maybe! I just want the team to do well. Like seriously, I used to argue with anyone who said the team needed to make moves or that Chevy did nothing etc. Patience was key. But in year four, they have to show signs of improvement, not just on paper, but in advancing into being a regular playoff contender. The fact we still dont have a fourth line is 100% on Chevy. Buff could be traded tomorrow for probably 2-3 NHL calibre pieces plus a pick and/or prospect. The idea is that Buff is a game changer as a player and its true he often does impact games for the positive, but he could be the critical trade that sets the Jets up to be playoff contenders for the next ten years.
  4. LOL..... Man you complain alot. Pretty easy to just stop watching. They arnt world beaters and im pretty sure nobody expected them to be. Well maybe you did. When we go up against the elite teams of the league this kinda games are going to happen. You cant just panic and start trading everybody. Its a good game to learn from. Why do you bother posting here? This is a discussion form and I posted my thoughts. Look, Im sorry your precious Jets arent "world beaters" and Im sorry that any criticism of them hurts your soul, but this is a discussion forum where discussion is encouraged, not blind faith. But just so we understand each other, to you there are two options for the Jets: 1) World Beaters 2) Lose. Okay, thank you. LOL...... Lighten up dude. No need to be attacking me i didnt you nor do i try to put words in your mouth like you. I never ever said anything even close to this.... LOL I look at things like this.... The Blues and most elite teams built their teams up and they sucked for years before they could ice a complete team that can compete year in and year out consistently. They didnt panic and start making silly moves just for the sake of making moves. I even gave an example of it. The Islanders use to do that. It got them nowhere untill they stopped doing that. No one is attacking you. You came into a discussion and accused me of "complaining". Im not complaining, Im discussing. Its okay to discuss the Jets' negatives as much as it is their positives. Its great to be a homer but it doesnt usually lead to enlightened discussion. No one is suggesting they need to make a lot of trades, especially dumb trades. Again, you focus on a point that wasnt even made. If you want to debate building through the draft versus trading, then there is merit in that discussion but neither option is black & white. I have been a huge proponent of the patient build through the draft mentality. But it ONLY works if you're actually getting better. As fans (and media), we bought into the idea of a five year plan (which True North never specifically stated). Its Year Four and this team is essentially the same. If the plan is to wait for the new core of Scheif, Trouba, Ehlers, Petan to be 25 before we are cup contenders, then so be it, but lets not be heart breakers, trade anyone over the age of 27 and get picks. Good teams building through the draft and supplement that with trades. The Islanders were poorly managed. If youre arguing that the Jets shouldnt make trades to better themselves because of how the Islanders did it, that's a terrible example. Thats taking the worst example and saying "see, it doesnt work". On the other hand we could point at the Oilers and say "see, theres a team with how many top picks, tons of talent and their refusal to trade anyone to get better has made them worse off". The fact is, the Jets have talent. They also continue to have a lack of depth which we all thought they had fixed this year. The fourth line barely plays. How can a team have sustained success when they dont use their fourth line. If Maurice is saying our fourth line isnt good enough to play in the NHL (and thats what he's saying when they play less than 5 minutes), then Chevy has to upgrade those players. Thats a no brainer. I've been a proponent of trading Buff. He's 30 years old at the end of this season. He's 270 lbs. He has one year left at $6 million and he's repeatedly said he prefers to play a position that Maurice has said he isnt going to play on the Jets. Is he going to re-sign here? Do we want him? We resign him at, what, 5 years, $6.5 million a year and by the time the Jets are contenders, the things that Buff does well he wont be doing so well anymore. On the other hand, he has immense value to contending teams. With only one year left, he's more attractive to a team willing to over pay because they think Buff can put them over the top. Trade him. That, to me, is a no brainer, despite the fact Buff is the most unique impact player in the NHL. I've been a big proponent of Pavs. But again, below .900 goaltending is killing this team. Is the plan to wait until Hellebuyck is a starter? Pavs contract is decent, he has two years left. I dont know the goaltending answer but I do know if Pavs finishes the year around the same as the last two, the question of his ability will finally be answered. Ok.... starting to see how this works. A discussion goes both ways..... Not one calling the other a homer if they dont agree. But you have at it dude and enjoy. Well I suppose thats one way of looking at it. Another would be when a poster expresses an opinion that the team is regressing and is called a "complainer". See how that works. Thanks!
  5. Yes for sure. I do see improvement. Ive always looked at the Jets through rose-coloured glasses. But this win one lose one has to stop. Regardless of the division. This is the division they play in. They wanted to be in the West from day one. That is the team they should have built. I think they play better defensively. I think they are a better puck posession team. But all that simply equals another season with the same record. Its not that they havent improved, its that they are still within the same general level of success. And thats not good enough.
  6. LOL..... Man you complain alot. Pretty easy to just stop watching. They arnt world beaters and im pretty sure nobody expected them to be. Well maybe you did. When we go up against the elite teams of the league this kinda games are going to happen. You cant just panic and start trading everybody. Its a good game to learn from. Why do you bother posting here? This is a discussion form and I posted my thoughts. Look, Im sorry your precious Jets arent "world beaters" and Im sorry that any criticism of them hurts your soul, but this is a discussion forum where discussion is encouraged, not blind faith. But just so we understand each other, to you there are two options for the Jets: 1) World Beaters 2) Lose. Okay, thank you. LOL...... Lighten up dude. No need to be attacking me i didnt you nor do i try to put words in your mouth like you. I never ever said anything even close to this.... LOL I look at things like this.... The Blues and most elite teams built their teams up and they sucked for years before they could ice a complete team that can compete year in and year out consistently. They didnt panic and start making silly moves just for the sake of making moves. I even gave an example of it. The Islanders use to do that. It got them nowhere untill they stopped doing that. No one is attacking you. You came into a discussion and accused me of "complaining". Im not complaining, Im discussing. Its okay to discuss the Jets' negatives as much as it is their positives. Its great to be a homer but it doesnt usually lead to enlightened discussion. No one is suggesting they need to make a lot of trades, especially dumb trades. Again, you focus on a point that wasnt even made. If you want to debate building through the draft versus trading, then there is merit in that discussion but neither option is black & white. I have been a huge proponent of the patient build through the draft mentality. But it ONLY works if you're actually getting better. As fans (and media), we bought into the idea of a five year plan (which True North never specifically stated). Its Year Four and this team is essentially the same. If the plan is to wait for the new core of Scheif, Trouba, Ehlers, Petan to be 25 before we are cup contenders, then so be it, but lets not be heart breakers, trade anyone over the age of 27 and get picks. Good teams building through the draft and supplement that with trades. The Islanders were poorly managed. If youre arguing that the Jets shouldnt make trades to better themselves because of how the Islanders did it, that's a terrible example. Thats taking the worst example and saying "see, it doesnt work". On the other hand we could point at the Oilers and say "see, theres a team with how many top picks, tons of talent and their refusal to trade anyone to get better has made them worse off". The fact is, the Jets have talent. They also continue to have a lack of depth which we all thought they had fixed this year. The fourth line barely plays. How can a team have sustained success when they dont use their fourth line. If Maurice is saying our fourth line isnt good enough to play in the NHL (and thats what he's saying when they play less than 5 minutes), then Chevy has to upgrade those players. Thats a no brainer. I've been a proponent of trading Buff. He's 30 years old at the end of this season. He's 270 lbs. He has one year left at $6 million and he's repeatedly said he prefers to play a position that Maurice has said he isnt going to play on the Jets. Is he going to re-sign here? Do we want him? We resign him at, what, 5 years, $6.5 million a year and by the time the Jets are contenders, the things that Buff does well he wont be doing so well anymore. On the other hand, he has immense value to contending teams. With only one year left, he's more attractive to a team willing to over pay because they think Buff can put them over the top. Trade him. That, to me, is a no brainer, despite the fact Buff is the most unique impact player in the NHL. I've been a big proponent of Pavs. But again, below .900 goaltending is killing this team. Is the plan to wait until Hellebuyck is a starter? Pavs contract is decent, he has two years left. I dont know the goaltending answer but I do know if Pavs finishes the year around the same as the last two, the question of his ability will finally be answered.
  7. I agree.... Jus look at the Islanders over the last 10 years. They did what some here want to do... Panic and make stupid moves. Now that they have stopped that they are getting better. Terrible comparison.
  8. LOL..... Man you complain alot. Pretty easy to just stop watching. They arnt world beaters and im pretty sure nobody expected them to be. Well maybe you did. When we go up against the elite teams of the league this kinda games are going to happen. You cant just panic and start trading everybody. Its a good game to learn from. Why do you bother posting here? This is a discussion form and I posted my thoughts. Look, Im sorry your precious Jets arent "world beaters" and Im sorry that any criticism of them hurts your soul, but this is a discussion forum where discussion is encouraged, not blind faith. But just so we understand each other, to you there are two options for the Jets: 1) World Beaters 2) Lose. Okay, thank you.
  9. I agree in patience and building but the team has to show improvement this year. It's the same old same old year after year. They aren't getting better. I mean we're nkt the oilers but we're a middling team that isn't improving.
  10. And if they are out of it by the deadline? Same old same old or cash in some guys like Buff?
  11. And that's the issue. The jets are a tweener. Just good enough to miss the playoffs and get a so-so draft pick. The question is, will management try to make the team better or be content being a tweener?
  12. Below .500 at home. Not a chance they make the playoffs unless that changes drastically. If better teams weren't under performing this season so far the Jets would be out of it already. This is basically the same team we've seen the last couple of years. When is something going to change?
  13. Can we now accept that the Jets have regressed? Pavs has regressed. We are well on our way to finishing just out of the playoffs again. Hopefully management is looking for opportunity to make changes rather then waiting another 20 games.
  14. I was on there a couple of times too. Lol. Still have the video in fact.
  15. From Wikipedia:In January 2013, Erickson left Sun News Network and began working as a freelance foreign television correspondent based in London and filed reports for CBS News.[7] By the end of the year, she had left journalism for law school. This interesting. She's a smart cookie that's for sure.
  16. Interesting article written by Peter Tessier on hockeybuzz with stats to back it up. Why is this player still being used. Someone here stated that Chipman loves him. Is this a case of ownership interference? Doesnt make sense that Maurice plays him half the time on ice as his line mates but still dresses him.
  17. I went to school with krista. Incredibly beautiful even in high school. Very outgoing. We shared a class together World History. Knowing her career now you'd think she'd be all over that but we got partnered up and she asked me to basically do the assignment for both of us. I was shy in HS or I might have tried to make a deal if you know what I mean. But I said sure. Then right before it was due I dropped the class. Didn't see her again until about two years later when I worked at Grapes and she was dating the owners son. In HS she had an "odd" relationship with one of the teachers. Like openly very very close. Knew Joey when I was a kid. My sister has a bad heart and Joey did a lot of work with Lions and a support group my parents started. He even played at my house.
  18. It was a $1.6 million home or something like that. What happened is Jounson fired his agent and was basically taken in by unscrupulous people. When he signed his $30 million deal his parents were talked into monetizing his contract. In other words they could borrow against his future earnings. So even though they only spent a few million it was the Lon shark type inyerest rates. I heard one was something like $3 million at 24% interest or something. It sounds like his parents got into a hole and then tried to borrow their way out.
  19. Also, I'd prefer the Jets stop doing the salute every game. They should do it on special occasions, big wins or if the crowd was especially active. A game like the one against the Pens, which was a loss so no salute, thats the type of game where if you dont do a salute every time, you could do a salute and the crowd would go crazy.
  20. there were a lot of people who said Kane was 100% right to want out of Winnipeg after the way "the fans" treated him. Same thing. The Leafs didnt snub the entire fan base. They snubbed the people in the building, the ones who had been boo'ing and throwing things on the ice. If the Jets went through a bad stretch and some lunatic fans were attacking them personally or thier families online and the team as a whole decided to show support for that player(s) by snubbing them, I'd support it. Players arent slaves. It could also be perceived as a way of snubbing management who the players know will be the ones under fire for it. The Leafs may not be great but management hasnt helped them.
  21. There is a lot of defending of the players going on too. While it's true fans pay the money so they can cheer or boo as they please, its pretty rich of fans to trash the players, throw things on the ice and then get mad when the players dont salute them. I briefly saw some chatter about some fans going after players' wives/gf's online also. Unacceptable behaviour. Players have an increased obligation to the fans but not an unlimited obligation to the fans. Personally, the salute means nothing if its a requirement after every win. It was cool seeing the Jets do it the first few times. Now? Meh, means nothing. Its just going through the motions. So who cares. As it relates to the Leafs, on-ice they have problems. Off-ice, they are a cash cow. Thats never going to change.
  22. I've heard the same. My buddy who grew up with Rod Black told me Rod would go to socials and always leave with another guy's girlfriend. Guys hated him, but the women couldn't resist him. With his advanced knowledge of figure skating and saying "wicked.." why wouldnt they?! Honestly, i could be wrong but I thought rod black was in the park Pontiac commercials.. Laurie Mustard did some classic ads for an auto dealer back in the 80's but I can't remember who. Jim Gauthier? Who was the guy that did the Steinbach Auto Dealers TV commercial? He was a weatherman or something wasnt he? I recall his name appearing on the barred list of a club I worked at...
  23. I like Ericksson and I know his name has come up in Jets trade rumours before. He'd be great if he was an "extra" piece the Jets wanted to replace Kane's offense in the short term. But at 29 years old and only one more season before UFA, there isnt a chance that he's the big piece coming back in a Kane trade. it would literally have to be Eriksson, Krug, a first and Smith for Kane and Burmi. Fun to speculate but no logic behind this rumour whatsoever...
  24. The original "rumour" has been updated with details.... Kane & Prospect to Bruins for "Top Six (Probably Loui Eriksson) and Torey Krug". Not close to enough. How about Reilly Smith and Doug Hamilton.
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