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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Id be thrilled to bring in Khari if it was a step below OC. Not sure we have the room. We already have a coaching spot being occupied by a former beloved QB learning to coach. Intrigued by the Etch rumour. I wonder who's on which side of the line. Assume Walters or Wade want to dump him and MOS wants to keep him?
  2. like who? Buff for one. Although his games off are a lot less under Maurice then they were under Noel. Seems like generally more accountability in the locker room than years past. Ladd was no great shakes earlier this season either.
  3. Regardless there was definitely an issue with the team. Maurice has corrected most of it. But there are still a player or two who doesn't show up every game.
  4. Heartbreaker. Might be time to make some slight changes. Not impressed with Sheifs game though he might not be 100%. Can't say it's on Pavs but his save percentage was atrocious. I'd like to see wheeler on Kane on the same line with maybe little. They are both warriors and need the top centre. Perrault is very good. Lowry played great. Old jets starting to creep in here a bit. Need a big performance against St Louis.
  5. I didn't coin the term "the Atlanta five" but it's out there. Lol
  6. I'm not sure I'd call the save percentage of goalies in back to back starts "fancy stats". I think they are pretty generic. But I get your point.
  7. My judgement was about Maurice's decision not about Maurice. That's the difference between saying one decision was stupid and he is an idiot.
  8. I cant really disagree with anything you've said. Its hard to determine if he's a big positive piece of the Jets or if hes a bit of a negative. We've talked lots about how the team played in the past and the attitude that came from Atlanta. Buff is a guy that is always jovial. Is that good or bad? Who knows. But I see him as a player that doesnt give 100% every single game. But he's the most unique player in the league. My main point for trading him is the law of diminishing returns. By the time the Jets truly compete, Buff probably isnt helping them that much and by then his trade value is gone. Trading him high reloads us for when we need it. Maybe. Pens have over $4 million in cap space, not sure if that accounts for Pascal on LTIR. Assuming some pieces came back, they'd be fine. I'd like to start with Bennett and Bortuzzo, two young players going into RFA without a lot of leverage, perfect for the Jets. Ofcourse I'd like Olli Maatta too as he's got a year left on his deal but cant see the Pens trading him this year (maybe next if they cant resign him).
  9. Nope, he looks pretty good here on the wing. Just a little snake bitten but he's been dominating at times. i agree. Though I am a proponent of trading him. But as a huge Pens fan, I'd love to see him there.
  10. I read that too! Im torn because Im a sucker for new technology (though usually dont buy until the prices come down). I work for a telecom and at a recent meeting we were discussing current and future bandwidth needs and were told in a few years the average home will have over 200 connected devices. Literally every appliance will be "smart". i cant remember the figure for current average but most people thought it would be 2 or 3 but I think they said its 12 or 14. It includes phones on your wi-fi network, smart TV, smart blu ray, game console, Computers (many homes have multiple) and things like smart fridge, smart thermostat etc. I dont mind a business collecting general data (for example, if a smart TV gathers real data on what people watch, thats a plus but that information about me specifically should not be sold). I read one story about smart kitchens and in time the fridge will keep track of whats in it, expiry dates, reccommend meals based on its content etc. Ive already been tempted to get one of those smart thermostats. But I admit, everytime I sit at the desktop computer, I see that webcam eye looking back at me and I dont like it.
  11. I dont have either but from the information i've read, the PS4 has higher graphic ability. One review said that developers making a game for both systems would design it using the lower spec system but that both were virtually the same. I looked at an extensive review of GTAV yesterday and it indicated slightly higher graphics for PS4 but said it was only noticeable side by side. It really seems to come down to: - Personal preference. Are you a Microsoft guy or a Sony guy? - What do your buddies have. If you're going to play online, all need the same system. - Console exclusives. Any titles that are must-have for you but only available on a specific system. Price seemed to be a big factor early on with people gravitating towards Sony. Microsoft lowered the Xbox price and have begun gaining on Sony in sales. Another issue is the Kinect which is really, really cool and likely the future of home entertainment. But as my gf calls it, Skynet is always watching. There was a news story today warning people that a website has appeared that features videos gleaned from webcams and baby monitors. I applaud Microsoft for being forward thinking but it seems the public wasnt quite ready to embrace an always-on Big Brother-type Skynet device.
  12. Sad news about Dupuis out of Pittsburgh. They're in the market for a replacement. Wouldn't Buff look great on their wing?
  13. God if you listen to me, you're never going to learn anything. Listen to people like JuranBoldenRules, voodoochylde, Booch, Rids and TBieber ... those are just a few of the guys I see as must read posters. haha yeah for sure, there are a few must reads. One thing I noticed is there seems to be less game day chatter (I assume people are in the chat rooms?). I watch games on delay and look forward to going through the threads to see what people were thinking during the game.
  14. I came here because on the other site, I would generally look for certain people's posts as the "go-to" posts to read and that was mostly Mike's. I think someone on here joked once that they had to wait for Mike to post before they could form their own opinion. I like football and have an opinion but I dont know nearly enough about the finer points to analyze games and I found certain posters really had their finger on the pulse of the Bombers. So when Mike started this site it was a no brainer to come over here.
  15. So if a fan isn't a hockey expert they aren't allowed rocks their opinion? Then why are you?Team didn't give up. That implies they were trying to begin with. They looked tired and lethargic. I wonder if their terrible back to back record messed with them. It seemed to mess with Pavs. That was a dumb coaching decision. At this point is start Huch next game too. Give Pavs a rest. First of all , you don't sound like a fan, at least not a knowledgeable one. You talk a lot of crap. "They looked tired and lethargic" perhaps if you payed attention to their schedule, you'd realize ANY team would have been tired and lethargic after that schedule. A 4:00 afternoon game on back to back? Well that's brilliant. BTW Number One goalies play back-to-back games, it's expected of them and they need to get used to doing it. Saying it's a stupid coaching decision clearly shows you haven't a clue, just an uninformed opinion. You should stick to posting BS trade rumours, seems closer to your level of expertise. So you agree with me that they looked tired and lethargic. Excellent. So what's your problem? Secondly the overall record of nhl goalies playing back to backs isn't good so it's not a Pavs thing. Think about it. No, I don't agree, that's why I put YOUR comments in quotes. Any reasonable person would realize a certain amount of fatigue might set in after such a gruelling road trip and the quick start to the next day game. . That same reasonable person might credit the players for sticking with the plan, mounting a comeback and getting a point. They might also credit the coach for putting the system in place that allowed that level of play when faced with such adversity. NHL goalies back to back records not withstanding, are irrelevant to the fact that No. 1 goalies play back to back games. You might want to try and figure out why that is, almost every team does it, so there must be a reason. Exactly. I said the team looked tired and lethargic and you said its reasonable that they would be so. So we agree,. Thank you. Certainly they deserve credit for the comeback. But crediting a team for coming back from a 3 goal deficit also means they likely deserve to be criticised for being in that 3 goal deficit to begin with. They dug themselves a hole and then they fought out of it. Maurice called it an important game in showing their character.. Maybe I expect more after how they've played this season but certainly in years past they would have folded like a cheap suit. So they team is improving in that regard, no doubt. As for your last point, it's ridiculous. The league wide stats of goalies playing back to back games is not irrelevant. What is irrelevant to the point regarding the decision to start Pavs is your point that some starting goalies *do* play back to back games. The most relevant data is the macro stats showing reduced effectiveness league wide and the micro stats showing Pavs in particular has reduced stats on back to backs. Further, I did some research for you. in an article linked on NHL.com, it was revealed that "goalies playing on a second consecutive night have a save percentage much lower than goalies who have at least one off day between games." Goalies with no rest have an average .892 save percentage while goalies who rested have a .912 average save percentage. Elite goalies status didnt seem to make a difference. Most interesting is this quote: "Rested goalies playing behind a tired team had the exact same .912 save percentage as found overall for rested goalies -- which presumably means that rested goalies behind a rested team were also at .912, and that the team's rest has no impact on the goalie's save percentage. The entire 0.020 difference would then be due to goalie fatigue." Then there is this: "To put that 0.020 difference in perspective: Tim Thomas' career save percentage is .921; Michael Leighton's is .901. This difference is enormous, and would basically mean that no goalie should ever start back-to-back games." Smaller sample size than required to really confirm the data but interesting nonetheless. I believe the Jets have the fewest number of back to back games this season than any other team and therefore, to me, it wasnt that important to try and prove a point about Pavs' play. Play the odds, start Hutch, get the win, move on. If the time came for the Jets to be in the playoffs and had back to back, then the story of Pavs is only slightly more interesting than the league-wide story of goalies starting back to back. Unfortunately, after this game, Pavs and the Jets are absolutely linked with the idea that their starting goalie cannot play back to backs (even though the loss was not his fault). Its a potential psychological sticking point down the road and I dont think it was worth it. If you disagree, thats cool. Like I said, I was on the fence so I see the merit in starting him. Hindsight is 20-20. If you think its irrelevant now, feel free to refute the stats given (and remember, they arent *my* stats.
  16. Not at all. Team was awful. Stupid coaching decision to go with Pavs in back to back. I'm nkt even saying it was his fault but that first goal he was out of position. And he looked rattled after the wheeler deflection.Guys like Kane took control of this game. No points for Maurice on this one. Do you actually watch any games? First goal could have beat anyone. Last 2 would have beat everyone. But you're right, Maurice has done nothing to elevate this teams compete level from last year. You mad bro? Lol. Where did I say Maurice had not elevated the team. In another thread I said just that. If you want to debate at least stock to facts. One of pavs issues over be years has been taking himself out of position. So yes that first goal would have beat anyone if everyone else also bit on the fake and took themselves out of position. Had he stayed in his net and stayed in position he limits the shooters chances. Mad? No. Annoyed by your BS? Yes. Read what you wrote "team was awful, coach is an idiot." Next time I'll mark the sarcasm for you. Now go look at the goal again and point out where Pavs was out of position. He faced the puck carrier and tracked the pass to the right sliding into position. He got out-waited and beat by a slick play. It wasn't a bad goal or a positional error. Go look at the Leafs Preds game for some bad goal examples. And if you're not saying it was Pavs fault, why the hell are you bringing it up? BS? lol Okay. Sorry but you dont get to be right just because you yell the loudest. The player took Pavs out of position. Out of position would be laying there on the ice, away from the net where the player was able to simply toss it in for a goal. Had he remained up right, tight to the post, he takes away any opportunity for the player. There were two defenders there (that I recall) so the player's deke options were limited. He scored because he had a wide open net to shoot at. Look, I love the Jets too but dont let your homer mentality over-look the errors. Also, show me where I said Maurice was an idiot? Never said it. Here's some free advice: if you want to debate, especially if you want to win that debate, dont just make things up. You automatically lose that way. I said it was a stupid coaching decision to start Pavs. Perhaps "stupid" was too strong a word. it was a coaching "error" to start Pavs. Not because he sucks but for two reasons: 1) Pavs' stats on back to back starts, 2) league-wide goalie stats on back to back nights. Maurice admitted his plan was to start Hutch the next game anyway. Why not reverse those two starts and play the statistical odds? I get why he did and to be honest, I was on the fence about it. I think it was this thread where, prior to the game, I said play the odds, start Hutch, even though my "heart" was in on the idea of letting Pavs stare down one of his demons. You could also criticise the coach on the faceoff that lead to the winning goal as he didnt have a centre on the ice for a defensive zone faceoff. I actually didnt see OT as my PVR cut out, but I know the guys on 1290 were talking about as a coaching error. Kane & Wheeler have both taken and won faceoffs this year, but again, in that situation probably best to go with the high percentage rather than your gut. Having said all that, I understand your position. Im a huge Pavs fan. Ive taken heat everywhere for defending him and saying how stupid it would have been to buy him out last season. But he's not infallable.
  17. Is that a game you can pick up if you have never played the prior entries and be fine? Reading reviews and watching video reviews of GTAV, if you never played it for the 360 or PS3, looks like a fantastic next gen title. I love GTA and held off on buying it for the 360 for that very reason. I can only imagine their real "first" next gen entry will be magnificent.
  18. Anyone remember this? I wasnt a basketball fan at the time or since so I only vaguely recall this. Just insane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFK9C5VUSK0 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacers%E2%80%93Pistons_brawl Edit: posted in wrong forum. Mods please relocate. Sorry!
  19. Im usually attracted to games with re-playability factor. Like I was never into CoD but was bored one day and bought it (actually tried it at a buddys place, Modern Warfare I think, and liked it). But Ill play it for a week, beat the story mode and then its useless to me. NHL, I will play a lot but generally only the GM mode. I think the farthest I made it was season 4 and usually I get bored a new version is out. The further my team gets from "reality" the less interesting it is. Im not into trading for Crosby. I play the Jets and like the Jets to look like the Jets. (Before the Jets it was the Pens and the only modifcation I allowed myself was trading for Teemu).
  20. I do to a degree. When I bought my first Xbox 360 part of the decision making to get that over the PS3 was my friends all had Xbox's and we could play online. I played NHL a handful of times but enjoyed playing my own career mode offline. I played Call of Duty online a couple of times but getting into a game with strangers resulted in my immediate and repeated death by gamers who were far more skilled then I was. It just wasnt fun. I play games for my own personal enjoyment so the online aspect doesnt overly appeal to me. I liked playing with friends when it was two guys (or more) in the same room. Nothing more fun then playing Goldeneye with a group of buddies. Even this week, the gf and I fired up Super Mario Wii and played through the game for about the 5th time. Its still fun. So much this. Getting my ass handed to me by a 10 year old who talks more **** than Rickey Foley is not my idea of a good time. I don't have time to put in the endless hours of gaming that I used to so I'm not at a skill level where online gaming makes much sense for me. When I do have time to game (if it weren't for netflix, my ps3 would be covered in inches of dust), I'm mainly playing RPG's anyway, so thankfully most of them are not geared towards the multi-player online stuff. Do they have (and if not, why not) a system whereby beginners or lower skill users can get into a game? I think I'd enjoy online CoD play if I played with a bunch of people nearer my skill level.
  21. Speaking of GTAV, the new first person option has created more "controversy". Heres a link to the story with video from the game: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/GTA-5-First-Person-Videos-Feature-Controversial-Sex-Scenes-68465.html Evidently, with first person, you're right in the car while having sex with hookers. The video itself isnt overly graphic other then the hooker's head bouncing up and down in your lap but the audio sure is. These games are rated MA but how many parents give in and let their kids play it?
  22. I do to a degree. When I bought my first Xbox 360 part of the decision making to get that over the PS3 was my friends all had Xbox's and we could play online. I played NHL a handful of times but enjoyed playing my own career mode offline. I played Call of Duty online a couple of times but getting into a game with strangers resulted in my immediate and repeated death by gamers who were far more skilled then I was. It just wasnt fun. I play games for my own personal enjoyment so the online aspect doesnt overly appeal to me. I liked playing with friends when it was two guys (or more) in the same room. Nothing more fun then playing Goldeneye with a group of buddies. Even this week, the gf and I fired up Super Mario Wii and played through the game for about the 5th time. Its still fun.
  23. Really highlights the difference between Durant and Reilly. Or Durant and Dunigan who froze his arm to play in the Grey Cup. If psychologically, you're not able to play to a high level or if the injury is hurting the team, so be it, that will be apparent early. But to not even try? To not even allow yourself to be dressed as a third option? If the doctor said he was good to go, then thats gutless in my opinion. If he was our QB I'd want him gone.
  24. Glad he's not wasting any time. Makes sense to resign who you can as early as possible. Then you know the holes you have and the budget you have. Does signing guys early allow their signing bonus to me applied against 2014 season payroll?
  25. So if a fan isn't a hockey expert they aren't allowed rocks their opinion? Then why are you?Team didn't give up. That implies they were trying to begin with. They looked tired and lethargic. I wonder if their terrible back to back record messed with them. It seemed to mess with Pavs. That was a dumb coaching decision. At this point is start Huch next game too. Give Pavs a rest. First of all , you don't sound like a fan, at least not a knowledgeable one. You talk a lot of crap. "They looked tired and lethargic" perhaps if you payed attention to their schedule, you'd realize ANY team would have been tired and lethargic after that schedule. A 4:00 afternoon game on back to back? Well that's brilliant. BTW Number One goalies play back-to-back games, it's expected of them and they need to get used to doing it. Saying it's a stupid coaching decision clearly shows you haven't a clue, just an uninformed opinion. You should stick to posting BS trade rumours, seems closer to your level of expertise. So you agree with me that they looked tired and lethargic. Excellent. So what's your problem? Secondly the overall record of nhl goalies playing back to backs isn't good so it's not a Pavs thing. Think about it.
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