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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Big win for NXT last week. AEW still won in almost every demo though. It will be interesting to see what happens if the wwe cross over stuff is done (or if they decide to send some raw stars to nxt regularly)
  2. There are rumours it was writer Bob Orci’s idea for what became Trek Beyond. I think he said he didn’t fix the timeline. But he had Nimoy & Shatner in it. With CBS having so much Trek now and the unified movie/tv universe it makes sense for one group to do both. And bad robot wasn’t so hot. Let cbs produce the movies.
  3. I’m of two minds. If you’re doing a film in that timeline I think fans do want callbacks. So if you’re involving Klingons why not use someone we know. but it illustrates how ill advised the kelvin timeline really is. The guys that conceived it insisted it would free them canon but all they do is use canon over and over again. The “new canon” is only to explain away their bad writing. there is nothing they have done that couldn’t be done without a new universe. I also think If they want to squeeze some more dimes out of kelvin and this cast, use every trick in the book. What works for Trek? Time travel. Revenge plot. Universe in jeopardy. Original actors. use the next film to “fix” the timeline. Use Shatner. Time travel. And connect it to the prime CBS Trek universe going forward.
  4. I’m indifferent. I think he still has a lot of upside but Edmonton will want more than we’re willing to give. word is Honka can be had for a mid round draft pick. Even a bit more jets can make it work and he has upside too.
  5. Generally you need to both be a good wrestler and have charisma (character, promo, presence) to be a top guy. Even in the 80’s with Hogan on top, Flair was on top in the NWA. WWE was the big man’s league but many of Hogan’s biggest drawing programs were with really good workers (like Savage). Today it would be pretty hard to be a top guy without also being a really good worker.
  6. He didn’t want to go on the Road while he had young children. his daughter is now of age. He had a stint helping out impact and wwe offered him a full time gig. He will be great. His school was very good.
  7. Would love to keep ZC even if only for one or two years. If not then sure keep Matt. I still don’t see think Streve can be an effective starter but you have to sign him because he’s a warrior and seems to be the heart and soul of the team.
  8. Racism is racism whether it was ten years ago or not. I think it shows you where that line is though. It was kept quiet all this time. Now it’s out. And supported by other players there at the time. Peter’s is finished.
  9. I’m somewhat confused as to why Schiff is insisting on submitting their findings to the judiciary ASAP without insisting on further testimony. I realize they will use the White House interference as an impeachment article but I think there is far more evidence to come than what we’ve heard so far.
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