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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Weird timing to decide to pile on Claude Noel. Very strong AHL experience and NHL HC of two teams (Blue Jackets and Jets). He's seemingly thought of pretty highly. Lots of coaches get fired (in fact pretty much all of them). I wouldnt worry about Noel. I'd suspect he signs on with an AHL team with the thought process that he's work his way back up the organization to the NHL.
  2. Good. Ridiculous he wasn't penalized more during the game.
  3. Chop is sort of hit or miss. It was exceptional for awhile but I find it's dropped a bit. But still very good! Definitely have the steak bites appetizer Yummmmm.
  4. Yes. That place closed fairly quickly if I'm not mistaken. A buddy went and said it was awful. Had state & main today. Really enjoyed it.
  5. Am I crazy or are TSN's stats incomplete? I don't see Grigsby listed at all nor do I see Kelly Wtf?
  6. That should have have been a suspension. Malicious attempt to injure the QB
  7. Reports are the Jets having had a couple of conversations with Lee Stempniak. I could see that as a one year stop gap at RW. I would suspect that would mean (barring trades): Kane - Sheif - Wheeler Buff - Perrault - Stempniak Ladd - Little - Frolik Or swap Kane and Buff. I think my first choice is Mueller and maybe Heatley. But Stempniak probably serves a useful purpose until some of the "kids" are ready.
  8. I had read somewhere that the chain decided to go with S&M due to the amount of "Joe" restaurants here. Dont know if thats true but it sounds reasonable, between Original Joe's, Average Joe's, Joey's, Joey's Fish & Chips. I think S&M is supposed to be a bit higher end but I havent been. Might have to give it a try.
  9. Quick comments from a complete football laymen: - Etch passed a test last night. That test being "what will he do when the D is getting picked apart". He was able to make adjustments and the Bombers D all but shut them down the rest of the game. - Drew Willy proved he wasnt a one-game wonder. He does so many things right. When was the last time we had such an accurate passer down field, Khari? You could tell his hand was bothering him leading to a near interception and then to the interception. He settled down. He was under loads of pressure and still played his game and wasnt affraid to push the ball at the right times nor was he relying one the big one play like some young QB's do - Props to Marcel. A very very well called game. So this is what an actualy CFL offense looks like? A good OC, a good QB and look what happens. Offense was distributed all over and he made adjustments to off-set the blitz. great game from MB. On the Turner subject, I had said in the other thread that I wished he'd be back now that the kid was born. Im not sure we know the entire story. Was there a medical reason concerning his baby or wife that he stayed for? Was there a personal matter surrounding this he needed an extra day or two to attend to? If no to all the above, still, its his decision and the decision of the Bombers and if they were cool with it, then we are in no position to say otherwise. Case closed.
  10. I sort of got the impression during the draft that Ehlers might have the potential to play this season. He certainly seems to think he can. His weight might be an issue but its all about strength on skates and escapability. 5'11", 165 lbs. So they'll call him 6'0", 170 in camp. Maybe he can add ten lbs of muscle over the summer. Petan cannot go to the AHL yet, I dont believe. Morriseey can't either. Thats a real shame. There should be a loop hole for players that are clearly too good for Junior but need time playing against men in the AHL.
  11. I wondered that too. But I assume you can't lose possession on a time count? At the end of the game it was 3rd down so they had no down to lose.
  12. Too had AC retired or else Willy could outplay the top three QB's in three straight weeks. I like Willy's balls.
  13. It's hard to get to IGF? Hmmmm. If location hurts walk up it must be extremely casual fans who don't really care if there are tickets available when they get there. It's pretty easy to buy tickets.
  14. Must be some bad blood behind the scenes. Bombers were trying to stick it to Banks by not releasing him last week. Banks got some good advice obviously and the bombers weren't going to win the grievance. So banks gets one more game cheque. Can't blame him on that one.
  15. I would certainly expect Ehlers to make the jets for the 2015/16 season. if Ladd and Kane are both here, there's our top three LW. As stated, our top three C's are Little, Scheif, Perrault. That leaves the RW where Wheeler and soon to be Frolik have long term deals. I think Buff is the odd man out (he actually played better as a LW last season) or might find himself back on the blue-line but as a second pairing D. Here's a name I hadnt thought of - Peter Mueller. I'd take a one year chance on him. Good size, talent (offense diminshed since his rookie year though) and he's from Minnesota.
  16. I would dare say most of the current Jets are happy to play here. Winnipeggers really have an inferiority complex. Every team in the NHL signs good players. And every team in the NHL has players who choose not to play there. Our reputation from the 90's probably doesn't do us any favours. But the more people talk to other players here, the more that will change. One thing that is consistant is the positive reputation of True North. once the Jets start winning, players will sign here. As for Jokinen, he was never signed to be the answer at centre. He was a bridge guy hoping he'd work out at 2C until Scheif was ready. Scheif is ready and Perrault is an upgrade. Perrault getting a three year deal tells me the Jets see him as a potential long term solution. Jokinen served us well.
  17. Someone else mentioned this and I'm to endorse it. Call me crazy but I hope we sign Dany Heatley.
  18. Don't get hung up on anti Winnipeg nonsense. Players want to go to a team that is winning or close to home or warm or wife likes. Winning is Number one.
  19. It's club initiated arbitration. It's just a tool to retain his rights. No one likes arbitration so they will come to a deal. I'd suspect 4-5 year deal.
  20. We certainly don't know if he can handle the physical nature of the NHL. He's ten lbs lighter than our new centre.
  21. If we didnt sign Perrault then it was probably a no-brainer to bring Olli back at that price. But we got a younger, faster, better player for barely more money and under a good contract for the best years of his career. Olli would still be good to have but didnt really fit in on the team at this point.
  22. Sharp is signed through 16/17 at $5.9 million per. He's a LW which we dont really need in our top six unless they want to bump Ladd down to the "third" line. if Sharp can play RW, then Im intrigued (and he does shoot right). With Chicago $2.2 million over the cap they might have to give up Sharp for less than they'd like. 2015 draft picks are going to be considered gold. Does a 3rd round pick, Burmi's rights and a prospect (and maybe whomever we've got left in the bottom six like Tangradi) do it? That gives Chicago the cap space it needs, the rights to a potentially great player next year, a valuable draft pic and a bottom six body at a cheap rate.
  23. Chevy said Hutch deserved the opportunity to challenge for the back up spot and also said there would be competition. We'll see if thats true. But congrats to Hutch. What a season for him, playing in the ECHL, AHL and NHL and taking the Caps to the finals. Great deal for the Jets. That price is virtually the same we paid Al Montoya.
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