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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Austrailia announces they have a new search area further south. They added they believe the plane was on auto-pilot and that the crew was unconscious. This is exactly what I stated in the first post that I believed to have happened. Hopefully they find the plane quickly.
  2. im sort of intrigued by Dany Heatley. I know that wont be the popular choice but... In all likelyhood, Jets do nothing major. If they do, I think its far more likely to be Buff who would fit in many teams better than he does Winnipeg.
  3. Drives me nuts that Lawless thinks he's the Winnipeg community spokesperson. If I didn't know any better I'd say he thinks he's the mafia lord anointed by the WFP. Yeah what a jerk. When the national broadcastor calls, he should decline to appear. Like what a ****.
  4. As an enlightened society we have to temper our gut reaction and desire to punish with trying to do the right thing. If you take a 15 year old and put him in adult prison until he's 30+, guess who comes out of prison? On the other hand, there are some pretty vicious 15 year olds that deserve that level of punishment. The other argument is mental health. These kids that plot or commit serious crimes clearly have a screw loose. Can they be rehabilitated? Will they always have that lack of remorse or guilt or sense of consequences within them? Can they be taught to control it? A large population of our prisons, including youth are people suffering from FASD. If you know anything about that, you can immediately see how and why they committ crimes and its a horrible disease that is very difficult to overcome. They said this arson kid has reduced capacity which I bet is FASD. Throwing him in jail wont accomplish anything except introduce him to even worse influences.
  5. Did he say a top ten draft pick? No he didn't. Use your head.
  6. Ok you date him then! The rest of us...well not so much...what is Burke really saying? that unless he has a strong team with strong players and a very good quarterback...he is doomed to fail...I guess that is being honest in a way...he is admitting he is a terrible coach! What a joke! No thats not what he said. Its one thing to rip on a guy for what he says but you have to make it sound even worse to make your point? I believe he said one thing he learned was you need talent to compete. News flash, thats true. Here's the thing Unknown Poster, Burke has no leadership qualities about him, none. If you think he does, give me some examples. I can give you a thousand examples of why he doesn't, I doubt you can give me one example of a leadership quality about him. As the head coach, it's HIS FREAKING SHOW. Don't you understand that at all? Have you not comprehended what a head coach does? He makes the 'final decisions', he 'sets the tone' for the players. Tell, what tone did he set? Please. I'd really like to hear your answer here. Think about it first, and be honest. And lets think back to the Goltz fiasco, when he announced him as the starter for the rest of the year, then 10 days later said he wasn't and said it was the "offense's decision". Does that sound like a leader to you? Does that sound like someone who is taking charge. Tim Burke is a damn good DC, no argument there. He can sit back, work on defensive schemes, and then call defenses for various situations. But he can't make decisions outside of that, and he proved it time and time again. As a head coach he was in way over his head. The teams record has nothing to do with it. The 'talent' has nothing to do with it. The issue was the overall attitude of the team, which takes on the personality of the Head Coach. Tell me, how many games last year did the bombers 'compete' in? I'll tell you if don't know - ONE - the banjo bowl. The other two wins they got was a result of Montreal playing worse than us, not because we played 'better' because we played bad in those games too. I can't understand how you can defend him. Now, if Burke had said, in that interview, that he was in over his head, and didn't have the personal experience to run a team in that situation, and that ultimately what happens on the field rests with him, then I'd have gained some respect back. But I lost all my respect for him last year given how he never took responsibility for anything. So this article doesn't change how I feel. No leadership qualities? He's a damn good DC. You dont think that requires leadership? Maybe a different type of leadership, but to make a blanket statement like that about a guy you dont know if pretty rich. Its easy to type.
  7. Kane for RNH is reasonable. 17 just wants to win an argument so it doesnt really matter what the facts are. Trading for Kane for Yak is a bad deal for the Jets. Which wasnt even the debate. It was whether Kane to Florida for first overall was more reasonable than Kane + 9th overall for first overall.
  8. Anyone have any thoughts on Ryan Malone? Assuming he's not a raging coke-head and assuming he wants to turn the page (he still has a court case upcoming and the NHL has to weigh in), I've always liked him. He's been Compliance Bought Out by Tampa Bay. As a cheap 3rd line LW, perhaps? He's 34....
  9. Exactly. I guess there are loads of people on here who have never found themselves in a bad situation or taken on a job that they struggled with for whatever reason. Some blessed lives on here. If the worst thing Burke did was simply not be a good enough head coach, oh well, lesson learned. Blame should lay with the guy who elevated him to that position. Burke came to Winnipeg and was a tremendous DC. He further took on a role, seemingly out of a sense of duty, that he knew was a bad situation and would likely hurt his career. He tried. He did his best. Some people need to get over it.
  10. Ok you date him then! The rest of us...well not so much...what is Burke really saying? that unless he has a strong team with strong players and a very good quarterback...he is doomed to fail...I guess that is being honest in a way...he is admitting he is a terrible coach! What a joke! No thats not what he said. Its one thing to rip on a guy for what he says but you have to make it sound even worse to make your point? I believe he said one thing he learned was you need talent to compete. News flash, thats true.
  11. Asked an honest question. Gave an honest answer. Where does he say "you know, Im a hell of a coach. Im fantastic. These players are the shits." If you all want every coach etc to lie, then why should we bother with interviews at all. Would it be that much more interesting if he said "well, it was my dream to be a coach and it was the perfect opportunity because we had such a wonderful organization and top flight talent in all positions. But I sucked." He expressed it was tough taking over in the middle of the season. Sounds reasonable. He said he hated seeing a coach fired in the middle of the season. Sounds reasonable. He said he didnt really want the job. That's an interesting response I would have expanded on but it sounds like he didnt want the job because he knew he was walking into a **** show. He said he took it because someone had to. He's not savvy enough to frame this in a more positive way but clearly he means he felt a duty to step up when asked even though he knew the team was not in a position to compete. Which happens to be true. So, Burke was right. Burke was honest. And I never got the impression he was maliciously throwing players under the bus. I think once a few people coined that phrase to describe him, it was always going to stick. if he came out and said "Our QB was the second best player in the league", a bunch of people would say "see, Burke's ripping on the QB again". People on the internet are far to quick to insult and degrade people. Im just saying Burke came to Winnipeg,did his best, was a HELL of a DC. He deserves a bit more respect. A lot of people ripping him, if they saw him in person, would get an autograph and a selfie.
  12. 2012 # 1: Yak. At this stage I'd rather have Kane. So that year, Kane for #1 would have favoured Edmonton 2011 # 1: RNH. Again, at this stage, I'd rather have Kane. 2006 # 1: Erik Johnson. Rather have Kane. 2003 #1: MAF. Rather have Kane. 2001 #1: Kovalchuk. Points to be made either way but if Kane has a long career and doesnt bolt to the KHL, then Kane's the better deal. 2000 #1: Rick DiPietro. Rather have Kane. 1999 #1: Patrick Stefan. Rather have Kane. 1996 #1: Chris Phillps. Rather have Kane. The list goes on. A player you *know* is a top 5 pick calibre player versus a pick you *hope* is. as I said, you really are over valuing Kane. Yakupov having a down year in a year when most oiler players had down years doesn't diminish his value that much, and if you think Kane is a better player than RNH you clearly don't watch RNH play. His point totals might have lagged lately but he is playing a very tough role as a skinny young centre in the biggest toughest division in hockey. as for the rest of the comparables, 2000 was a hell of a long time ago already so that's what I said, you gotta go back a long way. Fleury I'd have ahead of Kane too because for all his faults the guy is still a cup winning goaltender. Johnson is a tougher one, but this past season he did look like that legit #1 D which is more valuable than Kane. Now granted Johnson had some early issues, but I wonder how much of that was related to screwing up his knee getting out of a golf cart? Now let's look at some others... Hall is way ahead of Kane, Tavares is way ahead of Kane, Mckinnon is way ahead of Kane, Kane is way ahead of Kane, Crosby and Ovechkin no more needs to be said. The fact that you even think Kane is on a comparable level to Kovalchuk says all I need to know about how you over value Kane. Kovalchuk did way more than Kane ever has. Kane is a nice player, but these days the first overall pick is so well scouted it's a gimmie pick. You have a lot of excuses as to why guys who didnt rise to the occasion are better than Kane. Why do you feel Kane isnt a top tier player? You have excuses for everyone else. You under-value Kane. A lot of people get down on the guy whether it's because of rumours, racism or because he's not as media friendly as other players. Edited to Add: You claim last season was a "down year" for Yak. He's played two seasons. Season 1: 17g, 14a, 31 points. Season 2: 11g, 13a, 24 points. So how do you know the second year was the down year? Maybe the first year was the up year? We can look at Yak's talent and say "he should be a top scoring player" but the same can be said about Kane. Both guys played 111 games the past two seasons. Yak had 28 goals and 55 points. Kane had 36 goals and 74 points. Granted Yak is younger. But if we're adding "*", add the fact Kane scored 30 goals as a 20 year old. If all things being equal, you'd pick Yak over Kane...I'd disagree with that. The unknown factor is Kane's intent. The people that argue to keep Kane usually say "he's a 30+ goal scorer, only 22 years old" etc. But surely the Jets know by now if Kane wants to be here. If he wants to have a long career with the Winnipeg Jets and is a team player, fits in etc etc, then don't trade him. If he intends to run out his contract and move on, trade him as soon as you can get a good offer. Period.
  13. Kane might have potential to be a franchise player, but nothing he's done to date puts him in that category yet. A career high 57 points after five years in the league does not make anybody a franchise player, unless the definition has changed dramatically. IMO franchise players are guys like Crosby, Malkin, Giroux, Tavares, Getzlaf, etc. Disregard if that's not what you meant. Your last line could be intrepreted either way. I meant Kane is a notch below franchise players.
  14. Burke is honest to a fault. He clearly is being genuine. It would be easier to lie. He's not throwing anyone under the bus. He's being honest. There are still people on here who whine about Mike Kelly. I wonder how many years will pass before they stop whining about Tim Burke.
  15. 2012 # 1: Yak. At this stage I'd rather have Kane. So that year, Kane for #1 would have favoured Edmonton 2011 # 1: RNH. Again, at this stage, I'd rather have Kane. 2006 # 1: Erik Johnson. Rather have Kane. 2003 #1: MAF. Rather have Kane. 2001 #1: Kovalchuk. Points to be made either way but if Kane has a long career and doesnt bolt to the KHL, then Kane's the better deal. 2000 #1: Rick DiPietro. Rather have Kane. 1999 #1: Patrick Stefan. Rather have Kane. 1996 #1: Chris Phillps. Rather have Kane. The list goes on. A player you *know* is a top 5 pick calibre player versus a pick you *hope* is.
  16. Kane for #1 favours Florida. Only in your mind. This draft is not as weak as people make it out to be, there are some pretty good pieces in the top 4 or 5. They're not surefire like some of the past drafts but they are pretty "safe" while still having high potential. Kane doesn't have that kind of value because top line centres or top pairing D (which is what the top 4 of this draft is) are more valuable than wingers. Nope, not in my mind. Look around and read some different discussion. And then apply some common sense. You're saying Kane is not worth as much as mystery door number 1. That's ludicrous. 10-15 years from now perhaps we can look back and say Ekblad or Bennett or whomever had better careers than Kane. Maybe Kane comes out on top. One in the hand is worth two in the bush. Kane is the established top line player. Not only that, but he fills what some speculate to be a burning desire on Florda's part. Not only that, he's got a good contract. Not only that, he's the right face for a lower tier team like Florida to market. If Panthers draft Ekblad and the next day call Chevy and offer Ekblad for Kane, straight up, you're saying we'd have to throw in an early round first round draft pick as well? Not a chance. No expert has called anyone in this draft a franchise player. Yes, there is talent. yes there is first line top talent. But I'd say it falls short of franchise talent and thats right where Kane would be slotted right now.
  17. Kane is under value??? You dont think Kane & 9 for 1 is WAAAAY over paying on the part of the Jets? Looking around the internet, the consenus is Kane for 1 is a good value both ways. It does more for the Panthers in the short term than it does the Jets and draft picks are crap shoots. There is no telling whether whomever the Jets pick at 1 will have a better career than Kane. Likewise, the Panthers know what they get in Kane and dont know what they get in a draft pick. Im not comfortable with the trade from the jets perspective to be honest. But I'd be floored if the Jets gave up their first AND Kane.
  18. Bunch of whining residents. No formal complaints. just whining from busybodies who want to get on the news.
  19. Then it wouldnt be Kane + 9 for 1. Kane for 1 is fair and actually hurts the Jets in the short term. Florida apparently desperately wants a scoring winger. Kane would fit in well there. He'd be a young star the Panthers can market. For the Jets, having #1 AND #9 would be tremendous. But it leaves a gaping hole at LW when we're already weak at Centre and RW. On the other hand, there's a chance to do that deal, then either slot Buff in at 2RW or 2LW or trade him for a package, then use the savings to be active in Free Agency.
  20. All that tells me is they want more value to whatever the Jets would be offering. They wouldnt take Kane? Sure they would. Thing is, if Chevy trades a core piece for a draft pick, he's either going to have to swing another significant deal or be very active in free agency as one of our glaring issues is depth. Looking around the internet, the word seems to be the Jets would draft a centre at the #1 spot.
  21. Im just not sure it serves the Jets' to lose a high calibre player for 1st over-all if Ekblad is the consensus number one pick. Buff + #9 for Ekblad? So we end up with a young player on D which we are pretty decently stocked without another pick until the 3rd round and further reduce our forward depth. There will be a good player at #9 so Im not sure about this. If there was a way to get #1 and keep #9, I'd be intrigued. Bogo for #1+ might be interesting. Ekblad is a RHD so he replaced Bogo with more upside. I dont know...
  22. He was awful in the playoffs. Chevy isn't going to sign a guy that put forth no effort.
  23. There will always be that risk with a Russian player. I'd prefer buff to Edmonton for Yak. I forgot about Moulson. I advocated for him last season. Good player. With Hartnell being traded I wonder if his name came up in relation to Buff. Buff for Hartnell and couturier? Too late now. True north won't touch vanek.
  24. Its nice to hear the Jets mentioned in trade and free agency rumours, even if nothing comes of it (but hopefully it does). A few rumours making the rounds: - Buff to Philly. This one has been out there for at least a year. I think its safe to say the Flyers would like Buff. The flyers always seem to think they can win now, so adding Buff at his age/contract makes sense for them. Im sure they have visions of Buff's work in the playoffs for Chicago. It would make sense for the Jets too, to send Buff to the East and Philly has enough interesting assets to make this one work. - Kane to Edmonton. I didnt hear many details but this one surprises me. There was talk of Buff to Edmonton last year when Buff's defensive acumen was a bit more positive and the Oilers were desperate for strong D. Heard Yak's name mentioned as the return but there is risk there. I'd be weary. - Jets' Free Agent interest: Mason Raymond - would make a lot of sense though the Jets could have gone after him last season for cheaper and didnt. But he'd look mighty fine as the 3LW with the ability to fill in top six as needed (much like Frolik). If the Jets have a legit top six RW and their 3rd line looks like Raymond - ??? - Frolik, thats a great start. Daniel Winnik - this is an Eklund rumour so take it with a grain of salt. I dont know much about him but he has size and *some* skill. 29 years old. Plays all forward positions but is a LW. Would also fit in as 3LW. Made $1.8 million the last two seasons which is a much nicer cap hit than Raymond is likely to be. Jordan Tootoo - Bought out. Was making $2 million last season (when he was in the NHL). Jets reached out to him before Detroit signed him but Wings offered too much and seemingly regret it now. He's 31 but he's the type of "grit" the Jets could really use. I could see a lowball offer going his way but I also suspect a couple of other teams in on him. Jets might be the perfect fit for him though. If Chevy thinks he can play 3RW effectively, it might make it easier to keep Frolik with Ladd-Little (and open up a Buff trade for a 3rd line centre).
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