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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Didn Barrin Simpson leave during the Kelly year? if I recall, didnt Doug Brown and him get into a fight or something and Brown demanded that Simpson be banned from the team?
  2. Maybe they should educate their players on media relations.
  3. If bryant was so upset he didn't want to play for Kelly then he shouldn't have. Half-assing it is inexcusable. Good riddance. On the other hand Kelly should have had the balls to bench a player if he was half-assing it
  4. There are stats to show that most concussions are not from fighting. Probably the law of averages. But my point on the other forum was that I didn't think the NHL took concussions as seriously as they should because they still encourage fighting. And that they should take a look at the NFL lawsuit and get a little more pro-active. I think it was George Laraque who said he hated having to fight every night but if he wanted to play pro hockey he had to. In comparison to wrestling of draw a like to steroids. Maybe no one told you to take steroids but only the guys on juice got the push and the money.
  5. Many examples of brain injuries leading to unusual behaviour be it suicide, violence etc I got into a heated debate on some jets forum about fighting in the NHL and the concussion issue. I was quite surprised at some of the attitudes which were essentially that they didn't care if it damaged brains, they were entertained by staged fights so they hopes they continues. Appalling really.
  6. Well it made sense from the standpoint of Richards having a way too high salary and term for a fourth line centre. And LA being in a financial position to use a CBO. The people that whine about chevy not using a CBO on Pavs have never adequately answered as to who starts in net if we buy Pavs out.
  7. Hey the XFL was revolutionary in many ways. The anti-wwe media turned on it hard.
  8. Judy is savvy. Her announcement of a business tax freeze is designed to silence those that wring their hands over the business prospects of Judy in City Hall. I always knew Sammy didnt have the balls to run when the polls were against him, Good Riddance.
  9. Well I admit I was wrong. I didn't think they'd cut their most experienced QB.
  10. But for how long if they don't make the playoffs? That team is still in the honeymoon phase. It will always be sold out. There is an 8000 person waiting list for season tickets. The MTS Centre is sold out into eternity. Did they not require people to commit for 5 years when the Jets came back? Once that 5 years is up and if the team still hasn't taken strides come talk to me.96% of the first wave of commitments that came due signed up for another term. Half of those people re-upped for six more years instead of the mandatory three.I think the team will be fine. easy to say that now, let's see how it looks if they stagnate as a team that doesn't make the playoffs. Look I get it, Winnipeg is excited about having the Jets back, but if the team doesn't make strides the Winnipegger in the fans will take over and they'll stop the blind support. Oh sure they might be fine for the next six years. Maybe even ten. Hell they will be done for 15 years. But mark my words. At some point in the next 100 years they will have trouble selling tickets. Remember you heard it here first. So you deny that there is a honey moon period? Get real here. If the Jets don't start making the playoffs the fans will stop spending money. All depends on how the team performs. The first years were always going to be an easy sell. Lots of excitement about the team being back. If you define honeymoon period as any enthusiastic period after something new comes here, then ofcourse there is a honeymoon period. I think that ended when Noel was fired. Honeymoon period is over. Fans want the Jets to win. We've already seen instances with Jets cames where not every seat was filled. Part of that was the restrictions the Jets put on re-selling tickets. They reverted back to their original way making it easier to re-sell. But the point in discussion is the Jets having issues selling season tickets which they dont have and will not have for many, many, many years. With 8000 people on a waiting list and ticket renewals coming up staggered, you'd literally need the most ridiculous season ticket turnover in sports history to exhaust the wait list and still have tickets left over. I think it would take many consecutive years of very, very bad teams to make a dent on season tickets, and I cant see True North allowing that. They are too savvy. But Jets aside (there is a Jets forum), I think we should wait until the home opener before we start Chicken Littleing here. Question: wasnt there a time when Thursday games were considered the best for the team as no one wanted to go to Weekend games during the summer (cottage country etc)?
  11. But for how long if they don't make the playoffs? That team is still in the honeymoon phase. It will always be sold out. There is an 8000 person waiting list for season tickets. The MTS Centre is sold out into eternity. Did they not require people to commit for 5 years when the Jets came back? Once that 5 years is up and if the team still hasn't taken strides come talk to me. 96% of the first wave of commitments that came due signed up for another term. Half of those people re-upped for six more years instead of the mandatory three.I think the team will be fine. easy to say that now, let's see how it looks if they stagnate as a team that doesn't make the playoffs. Look I get it, Winnipeg is excited about having the Jets back, but if the team doesn't make strides the Winnipegger in the fans will take over and they'll stop the blind support. Oh sure they might be fine for the next six years. Maybe even ten. Hell they will be done for 15 years. But mark my words. At some point in the next 100 years they will have trouble selling tickets. Remember you heard it here first.
  12. There should be a separate forum for whining about lawless. He does not change his opinion weekly. When he does change his opinion like, oh I don't know...all of us, he readily admits it. There are thing you can critique lawless about but pointless whining is still pointless whining. Be happy we have him. Could be a lot worse.
  13. bullshit. Jets fans are some of the biggest homers I've ever seen. I think casual fans over value Jets. The more hardcore fans (like most of us) undervalue Jets players. Kane is very under valued by a lot of people who give undue weight to his weaknesses. I would counter, yeah he's got some weaknesses and STILL put up 30 goals and is still the talent he is.
  14. I just think it's super sh!tty that we need a buffer between rush hour traffic and game traffic. Hate to say the obvious thing, but building it right includes building transportation routes right. There were public outcrys to consider transportation... the bumbling Selingers just flat out ignored them. I think if traffic had been how it was mid-season right from the start, no one would say anything. You also had an issue that was very hard-driven by the media. I think the big brains involved never drove in that area and assumed having lots of busses would be the end all be all of the problem. Once they realised how bad traffic was, they took steps to improve it and they did improve it. I do agree though. I will admit that when IGF was announced, I was on the other side of the traffic debate thinking it would be managable. It was "worse" than I expected. But I think a lot of the loudest complaining came from people who lived closer to CIS. Because when someone says they have to wait in traffic for an hour to get there, I say "yeah, so did I when it was CIS, so what". Rapid Transit will help. Converting some of those side streets (like Markham and Thatcher) might help too, though Im not sure how they are utilized on game day other then seeing police blockades.
  15. The Algonkian word askamiciw means "he eats it raw" and some believe thats where Eskimo came from. However, most consider it came from the Montagnais word meaning "snowshoe-netter"or "to net snowshoes." It seems that originally it had no negative connotation but it one Inuit language it *might* have. Im not sure there would be a great argument against it. Any such argument would have to be led by the local Inuit I'd suspect and I dont recall any opposition thus far. So we're not really talking the same circumstances.
  16. I think the difference is that Eskimo actually came from an Inuit word. it was used by the Inuit people with no negativity attached. Im generally in the boat of people that find the Aboriginal names were chosen because of the positive aspects that people associate with Aboriginals - pride, strength, warrior spirit. In that way, I dont immediately have an issue with "Eskimo" or "Braves" or even "Indians" (the word *Indian* has a more negative association in Canada where Aboriginal groups now reject it but its mainly due to politics than an actual sense of offense, whereas in the US, it's used more commonly to describe Native Americans without a lot of negativity attached). But Im open to any argument against these names. Personally if I was these teams that were generating some controversy, I'd hook up with some local Aboriginal groups to make it all work. The Redskins in particular, if they want to cling to the idea that the name was meant in a positive way initially, change it to something that still invokes the positive image of Aboriginals and hook up with the Native American groups to do so. The positive PR would be immense. The free PR would be immense. And a good strong name with a cool logo would generate more merch money than "Redskins" anyway.
  17. Every season I am tempted to buy season tickets and every season I dont. I agree with you. The best seat in the house is the one in my basement in front of my big screen. but then when i do go, I always feel like theres nothing better than watching football at the Stadium in summer. And then I usually go home and peruse the game again on my PVR. I like what you get from the TV broadcast. My fear with these new TSN channels is that they will now have the ability to blackout the HD feed...
  18. The reason for the 7:30 start (as far as I know) is to provide a buffer between rush hour traffic and game traffic. Im not sure I buy "game ends late" as a *huge* reason. While Im sure it might keep a few people away, its Thursday night. Its okay to be a bit tired on Friday. Another angle to the story might have been "over 22,000 tickets already sold for Bombers home opener with only 7 days left to secure your seats". Winnipeg is notorious as a walk up city. Give it time. I have a sense that the IGF issues are pushing attendance down but Im not ready to say that yet. I went to two (or was it three?) games last season including the home opener which so many Kives' declared a disaster and I had ZERO issues getting in and out. Time will tell. Also, to the person who said the Bombers budgeted for a loss, Miller said season tickets were where they budgeted, not game day attendance.
  19. They have a 4 beer sampler package. Cant remember the cost. Im not a beer person so I told the server to surprise me. I really enjoyed the Hopitmus Prime. Both times I've been I had burger and fries and enjoyed them. Really liked the Sweet Potato fries. Not gourmet or anything but good bar food.
  20. Is the word Eskimo offensive? Have people complained? Im being serious. My understanding is "Eskimo" is actually derived from a word used by the Inuit people themselves. It's fallen out of use in favour of "Inuit" but I dont believe the word to be offensive on it's face. But sure, if it is, change it. I mean, we could have a reasonable discussion of Canadian history and if someone refers to "the Eskimo people" I doubt anyone bats an eye. Refer to Aboriginals as "those redskins" and its just completely different. But that in lies the problem. The people that say "well what...." Thats the lamest argument of all. "Redskins" is offensive. Period. Everyone knows it is. Virtually everyone who has given it reasonable thought agrees. Just change the friggen name. I read a tweet yesterday from a woman that said "I guarantee that more women find Hooters offensive than Natives find Redskins offensive." Thats the idiocy you have to deal with when it comes to "the general public". On one hand, I'd love for the Aboriginal groups involved to mass produce their own "Redskins" merchandise just to antagonize the NFL but that would sort of make their point moot. But it would be funny. The craziest part is, Dan Snyder and the NFL are missing a glorious PR opportunity through ignorance.
  21. I've had a few "minor" concussions over the years, mostly from being punched in the head. But the last time, while wrestling, I was "in the zone" and allowed too many unprotected chair shots to my skull. I felt fine right after. But about two hours later I started feeling really sick. All that night and the next day I was a disaster. And to this day, Im very, very forgetful. Could just be me. Could be concussions. I tend to believe Telegin and I assume the Jets do too as that explains their sudden lifting of his suspension and allowing him to go overseas. I hope hes back for training camp. Also, Pavs has a great attitude. I especially loved his response to how cold Winnipeg is and he said "Im here to play hockey".
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