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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Great interviews with both Pavs and Telegin. http://sbn.to/1lF0LFU Telegin in particular explains that he was rightfully suspended but the reason he didn't report was all mental. He was so severely concussed while playing in St Johns that he couldn't being himself to play there again. He even sought mental health. Hope he is healthy. He could eventually be a mid six guy for the jets.
  2. I think its just the nature of Winnipeg. We're a big city/small city in different areas. We want big city coverage of our big city sports but we have two daily newspapers and only one sports radio station. The lead media guy in town is the lead guy for the lead paper and lead radio and featured on TV. In larger markets you'd have more diversity. So Im not sure we could paint all the media here with the same brush. Friesen comes across as a very lazy, lowest common demonimator type of reporter. I've heard people comment that at practice he barely watches. He strikes me as a guy that writes a story and then finds something - anything - that happened in game to fit his story. I used to think lawless was like that too but I've grown to really like him. I do find lawless pushes his opinion in such a way as to get validation. For example, when he asks a question, it's usually something like "how do you feel Buff has looked this year...because to me, he's really struggled on defence and plays far better for what the Jets need as a forward...uh...like if Im Chevy Im wondering 'which Buff do we need, which Buff do we want' and then, uh, Im making that decision and if its Buff we dont need, then ship him out, right, like just get what you can for him and ship him out, but make that decision and make it now..would you agree?" That's a Lawless question. lol
  3. Yes, Nate . Read on twitter that Nick Moore was back practicing yesterday. How's he looking today? My estimate is a minimum of no games to a maximum of all games. Im sure Ill be right.
  4. New update. A group of independant experts have concluded the search area is way off-base. The plane crashed into the Indian Ocean from South West of where they have been searching. This is what I suspected all along (and posted above), that this was a Ghost Plane scenario and it flew until it ran out of gas and ditched. They've simply been looking in the wrong place. If any evidence ever comes to light that any passengers were alive when the plane ditched and were able to escape the plane, there's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of faces. This is doubtful though. Hopefully they can agree on the new search area quickly.
  5. U.S. patent office cancels the "Redskins" trademarks owned by the team. It does not prevent the team from using the name but they can't trademark it.
  6. Klingberg might fall into that same category as O'Dell. he might be too good for the AHL but not good enough for the NHL. I think Klinger is talented enough but as far as where he fits in, he's probably got to make the 2nd line on the Jets or his style and talent doesnt fit in the bottom six. He might be a decent trade option to a team worse off then the Jets that might give him some playing time.
  7. I really hope klingberg can make the jets. Stars just won the cup as I was typing that.
  8. Giving his opinion (which is his job) that Taman was unfairly run out of town (which more than Lawless would argue) and would be a good GM is not taking it personally. I'm sure most media would suggest an open and forthright relationship with media is part of being a good GM. Regardless Lawless is paid to provide his opinion which he does.
  9. Its a craft beer restaurant. Located in the old Kelsey's in St James. Their gimmick is they have a huge number of craft beers on tap. They dont even carry mainstream beers (I think). And their food is often cooked with beer too I think. I liked their burger and fries. The Earls location is a lot bigger though and with the rent there, they will have to be very successful. If Earl's didnt feel it was worth it, not sure BB's will. But it will be something different for the area.
  10. I have not found this to be true. Examples? His Bomber coverage last year per and post firings. He didn't like Mack and everything was over the top mud slinging, he likes Kyle Walters and it's all sunshine and roses. Guy is a self important media douchebag there is no question about that. If he wouldn't make things personal I'd have a lot more respect for him. How about his over the top campaigning for Taman back in 2010. It seemed like he had some glowing article about Taman every day while writing next to nothing about other candidates being considered (and I mean Barker, Higgins, etc - not Mack). I would suspect that Taman was very accessible to Lawless. Local media seems to absolutely love Taman.
  11. Did Buff & Kane do something personal to Lawless? Because I dont recall that at all. I listen more than I read Lawless though i usually catch his "major" stories. I will say this about his Buff coverage - he was calling for Buff to be traded when he was a huge defensive liability. Gary wasn't the only one to do so. In fact anyone touting Buff's defensive play at the time would have been in the minority. But Gary is the loudest because he's the lead guy for local sports. But I was listening to the H&L show where Lawless admitted he was wrong (after Buff was switched to forward) and said he would not trade Buff if he continued to play the way he did. I believe the quote was "look, I was wrong." People still have a difficult time grasping that Lawless is not an unbiased reporter of news. And I know youi get that Mike because i've seen you write that. I never see anything personal from lawless. Does that mean he's never pissy with someone? He's human, Im sure people rub him the wrong way. And it's the nature of the beast in sports (or anything) that the people that play nice will get that favour returned. If a Jets players snubs Lawless or any reporter repeatedly, he's not likely to get the benefit of the doubt very often.
  12. So you hope chevy gets a 2nd line centre to play 3rd line?
  13. How would we feel about Kane for Brayden Schenn? Im not a Flyers fan and not overly familar with Schenn but I believe he's a year younger than Kane, similar size. Kane has better numbers. Schenn is a centre. Im not sure where Schenn tops out at. Is he a top six centre? 3rd liner? What else could be added to make that deal work? I will also add that Schenn is from Saskatoon and played for the Wheat Kings.
  14. How would we feel about Kane for Brayden Schenn? Im not a Flyers fan and not overly familar with Schenn but I believe he's a year younger than Kane, similar size. Kane has better numbers. Schenn is a centre. Im not sure where Schenn tops out at. Is he a top six centre? 3rd liner? What else could be added to make that deal work? I will also add that Schenn is from Saskatoon and played for the Wheat Kings.
  15. Apparently MOS said today he is holding out hope that Newman can return this season.
  16. "I don't think it's very far down road, if at all, but my sense is WPG much more open to considering trade for any player, incl Evander Kane." The man himself. That should get some rumour balls rolling.
  17. Im not very knowledgable about the Teacher's strike but I do have several friends that are teachers here. Like many people I was always under the impression that teachers barely scraped by with minimal salary and were tasked with dawn to dusk working conditions. A good friend of mine who is a teacher never belittles the effort and contribution of teachers, but he is a realist. If I remember correctly, they teach 5 classes a day, including "prep time". They are encouraged to do extra work like supervise lunch, sports etc etc. But it's not the 7am to 9pm non-stop work some make it out to be. They make reasonable wages. Have summers off (where they can pick up other work if they choose), Christmas off etc. Good teachers love the job and find it fullfilling. But a teacher doesnt choose that profession with the expectation of sacrificing all the good things in life. It's a good job. My understanding is in BC, they start at mid $40,000's and cap off at $75,000-ish. I believe their required classroom time is 5 hours per day. They get summer off. In a perfect world, there would only be wonderful teachers and they'd make more money. This isnt a perfect world. For every teacher who is under-paid for the effort, skill, passion and success they bring to the classroom, there are others just sleep-walking through or worse, are a net-negative on the students. This is a public sector job. its taxpayer dependent.. I think Im okay with a profession that pays $45,000-$80,000. Yes, you can higher paying jobs in the private sector. So go work in the private sector.
  18. Hopefully Pallister learned from the party's failing last time that you can't out-NDP the NDP. If voters are faced with a choice between two parties that will simply tax & spend then they will likely stick with the one thats been doing it the longest. The PC's must present a conservative plan and trust that people are fed up with the NDP.
  19. Barley Brothers is moving into the old Earl's on Pembina location. I enjoyed BB's the couple of times I went. Im not a big beer guy but I liked their food.
  20. If Frolik is being pencilled in as a top six forward (I'd prefer 3rd line but I think he works as a second line RW with Ladd & Little), it helps make Buff expendable. It means Buff continues as a 3rd line RW/LW which is not the best use of him. As a hybrid player he *does* play more minutes than the usual 3rd liner with PP time but I'd prefer to trade him and use a cheaper player on the 3rd line.
  21. 4 years $3.75. Just to split the difference. Versatile player.
  22. Unions haven't evolved. At least not mine. I had the mis pleasure of being in a meeting between the union and the company. It was literally like elementary school. Insults. Sarcasm. Super childish. I couldn't believe it. My union leader recently went nuts when it was suggested they communicate via email. Living in the past.
  23. Hopefully the U of M plan changes significantly. That is prime land to waste
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