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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. With the 6 game injured list, does that mean you can pull off three guys per season rather than one in the first 9 games and one in the second? Or do I totally not understand how the injured list works?
  2. Abrams had Star Trek fans on his writing team and they still screwed it up. Trek 3 will be the big test because it's completely in the hands of Bob Orci now and he's the so-called Trekkie of the team. Some accounts have Lindeloff's influence hurting STID (magic blood and whatnot). We shall see. if Abrams influence on Star Wars is what resulted in more focus on the original leads, then thats a step in the right direction. Rumour has it, the original screenplay was more focused on the kids and was loaded with EU references. Abrams toned those down and focused on the originals (alledgedly). There had been rumours of Palpatine appearing (Sith Ghost anyone?) as well as Ewen Macgregor made up to be an old Kenobi force ghost (which would be fantastic if you ask me). We shall see.
  3. Thats really unfortunate. Look at it this way, you're poised to get a nice retro paycheque. I remember the federal corrections went without a contract for something like two years and they had been vastly under-paid compared to provincial counterparts. I heard stories of CO's retiring when they got their retro paycheque.
  4. I think most motorcyclists consider themselves sharing the road with cars and there is a mutual respect. Too many cyclists (not all ofcourse) feel they have a moral superiority about riding and look down on drivers.
  5. I couldn't agree more with this. It drives me nuts when I get NDP propaganda from our union. Leadership will argue that making sure the NDP is in power *is* in the best interests of the members but its irresponsible use of their "power". its not like the old days where workers needed unions just to preserve their personal safety. They need to evolve. Regardless of whos in power, we can count on our 2% increase. Not in PSAC you can't. As I said, we've gone without a raise for several years now. They're using the recession from six years ago as the reason. How long is your contract? Our deals came up for expiry in 2010. The management union negotiated first in spring 2010 and were hit with the "recession" excuse. it was a tense negotiation and they didn't get a raise at all (or might have been 1% in the 3rd year of a three year deal and I think they got a $500 signing bonus). Our union negotiated end of 2010 and while the recession was used as an excuse in offering us a terrible deal (shorter breaks, creation of split shifts, no raises etc), we held firm and got a status quo plus 1%, 1%, 2% (I think) raises. The belief was, we took lesser raises then and would ask for more "next time". Next time is now and everyone pretty much agreed to 2%,2%, 1.75%. With public sector unions Im sure they look at their costs versus private sector so if on average you're job is higher paid or higher benefitted because its government, I could see their point that they are restraining your increases to get in line with the private sector. But I also believe everyone should get cost of living increases. It would also help if bracket creep were eliminated. In general terms, the NDP might make it easier for Unions to conduct their business but look at taxes under the NDP. If the PC's win the next election, I have little fear my union will still negotiated a similar deal next time but maybe my taxes will go up less... a win/win for me. Maybe it makes it harder for my union leadership to rope some small business into unionizing but I dont really care about that.
  6. I couldn't agree more with this. It drives me nuts when I get NDP propaganda from our union. Leadership will argue that making sure the NDP is in power *is* in the best interests of the members but its irresponsible use of their "power". its not like the old days where workers needed unions just to preserve their personal safety. They need to evolve. Regardless of whos in power, we can count on our 2% increase.
  7. I cant speak to Federal unions but I used to work for the Provincial government and I currently work for a company that used to be a crown corporation. In the former, we were well paid but not out of this world. Working conditions were okay but not luxurious. There was a ton of OT whereas they could have run the operation more efficiently but so be it. The benefit was a really good full pension for most people at 45 years old (if I recall correctly). Thats the real benefit to a government job. In my current position, we can likely thank our former status as a crown corp for good wages (I find that the entry level wages are very good to the extent that anyone who is 18, 19, 20 years old looking for work should be looking to work here as it's almost double minimum wage and then that evens out as you get to my level). We have a good pension though they changed the pension for new hires a few years ago to the more common private sector type. I think i can retire when Im 56. So its decent but nothing outrageous. As far as Unions go, I believe they have a place. But I believe many of them (mine included) are stuck in the past. They dont want to change. I dont want my union influences political outcomes because the union (as they keep telling us) is OURS and influencing political outcomes is not representative of US. Leadership might argue it benefits the union as a whole to have an NDP (or Liberal) government rather than PC one but thats a personal decision for every voter. Nothing annoys me more than UNINFORMED voters and what unions do is influence a lot of people who either had no intention of voting or have no real clue as to the major issues to vote the way they want. I'd be happy if my union stayed out of politics and simply worked in the best interests of the membership.
  8. On Pembina, they actually spent considerable money and major construction to shift Pembina HWY over a few feet to add the bike lanes. So there is room but it adds a layer of danger. There are shop entrances every few feet where cars turn in and out of. Now drivers have to slow down, check to ensure there is no cyclist before proceeding to complete their turn, all while not stopping and impeding traffic behind them. It's a death trap. Although Im unclear where this impacted the accident in question. This could have been immediately south of the new bike lane. Which is actually even worse because the lanes sort of shift back into place and the bike lane disappears. Really a gong show. And as I keep harping on, there are sidewalks running the length of both sides of Pembina HWY. South of Chancellor Matheson, the city converted the East sidewalk to an Active Transportation path by widening it and paving it. They have done this on Pembina HYW too. They have done this on McGill. In those cases, they did not force bikes onto busy roadways with cars. They created safe alternatives. Using the existing sidewalk would have been safer and cheaper. Im sure the argument is that the side with the AT path would get less pedestrians and effect the businesses there. I call BS on that. And yes, there is a large disconnect between the cycling community and the driving community. Most cyclists say they always follow all the rules and they need drivers to show more respect. But I think what needs to happen is the cycling community needs to come down on those cyclists that flaunt the rules. It happens a lot, even along pembina where cyclists cruise right through red lights, stop signs etc. I recall last year or the year before they had cops standing on sidewalks ticketing cyclists that rode on them. I disagreed with that. But if you're going to use cops in that way, have them ticketing at lights and stop signs. Have them ticketing for not using hand signals.
  9. It will be difficult for the NDP to win here I think but nothing would surprise me. They have the advantage of being able to announce a ton of feel good goodies for people to try and buy votes whereas the PC's will be talking about cutting spending. Without knowing much I find it incredulous that Ontario re-elected a party that put them so far in debt. But when you talk about belt tightening in cocking public sector jobs you will make an enemy of the unions. The unions wouldn't care if the province went bankrupt as long as they protected their jobs.
  10. That Assiniboine bike path was I'll advised from the start and didn't take into account input from business and residents along there. I'm all for AT. Dedicated paths should be included in any new development and retrofitted into existing roadways as much as possible. But be smart about it. What annoys me is they have used the "sidewalk" method in many places in south Winnipeg including along stretches of Pembina hwy. why wouldn't you continue this along that very busy stretch around bishop/plaza? Also having strong signage for cyclists to IGF would be nice also. It's a good discussion to have and absolutely there are irresponsible cyclists just as there are irresponsible drivers but let's not lose site of the fact this was a terrible accident and I've seen no account that the cyclist or driver were at fault.
  11. As much as I love politics I have not followed this at all. Someone recap the key points for me please. One thing I do know is my union interjected last week and that's usually a bad sign
  12. I would listen to any offer from the pens that begins with James Neal.
  13. oh you poor sheltered winnipeggers who think you actually have busy roads... Regardless of your smarmy remark Pembina is too busy in my opinion for this type of bike path. Not only because of the amount of cars but how they operate, crossing the bike path every few feet.
  14. The first SW movie will end with the death of Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. No spoilers, just speculation.
  15. I gave Under the Dome a try. And it didint make my "keep watching to see if its any good" list. Usually when I like a show (The Event, Hostages & that one where everyone blacked out) they get cancelled and when I give up on them (Under The Dome, Revolution, Fringe), they catch on. How has no one (Netflix, FOX) done an X-Files revival??
  16. I dont want to take sides but from my vast experiene working in bars, the story just sounds like a story you tell when you might be in trouble and you leave a few things out. On the other hand, as far as deflection stories go its not very good. Advice: always say they uttered threats to kill you. Thats an easy charge for police to lay, especially if maybe you threw a punch or two you shoudnt have - then it becomes "you dont charge, I wont charge". Generally, my experience is cops dont want to charge people in bar altercations unless there is obvious injury. Its just not worth the paperwork. its certainly possible the guy was looking for a payday but its not like that happens all the time. Its rare for someone to confront someone else on a street outside a bar at night for no reason, even if its a bad reason. We're not getting the entire story. Kane's version seems to be "I was minding my own business, walking home like a responsible adult when this crazy drunk guy who works at the bar tried to fight me. I counselled him to cease his aggression and go home but when that didnt work I punched him three times and went home." Doesnt ring true.
  17. And I just learned that part of that construction on Pembina at Chancellor Dr is to put in more of these so-called "protected bike baths". Whomever thought these were a good idea can't possibly be a cyclist. I "get" the idea of bikes and cars sharing the road but Pembina is far too busy with far too many turn offs, parking lots etc for that to work successfully. The money spent on making dedicated bike baths that cross in front of car paths is ludicrous. Its not even in keeping with their own AT plan. Further south near Chancellor Matheson, they took the sidewalk on the East side of Pembina and widened it and made it an AT path. WAY smarter than forcing cars and bikes on a busy roadway together. THATS what they should be doing all along Pembina.
  18. Sometimes people just want to take a swing at an athlete. Hell I remember hearing stories in Brandon about people trying to take a swing at the tough guys on the Wheat Kings just to try and prove a point. Kane has a reputation as a tough hockey player, maybe this guy figured he either gets to brag about how he took a swing at Kane and Kane pussed out, or he gets his ass kicked and he sues this prick of a hockey player for assault. Yes thats possible but thats actually pretty rare. Plus, this guy was identified as an employee. The fact they knew each other to at least a minor extent raises the suspicion level in my mind. I dont get the "ring of truth" from Kane's story.
  19. Agree with rich. I mean it's not like anyone had reason to turn on Mack lol. I actually find lawless to not be personal. During the entire coverage of the press's box fiasco lawless never mentioned Asper. But he reluctantly admitted later that Asper insulted media when it came to the box needing coverage.
  20. Where exactly was the accident? If it happened on the new bike paths along Pembina hwy (on the road) I am not surprised. Terrible idea and an obvious death trap waiting to happen.
  21. I have not found this to be true. Examples?
  22. There's a few questions I would have if I was the Judge: - What position did this bar employee hold? - What does Kane think the guys' motivation was? - Are there security cameras inside/outside the bar? The problem with Kane's story is motivation. Why would a guy he knew as an employee of a bar he frequents, suddenly and without provacation physically confront him after hours? If the victim started it, then something else happened inside the bar earlier. Im not saying Kane is at fault but there is something missing from this story.
  23. Count me among the people that didnt like Lawless a few years ago. He won me over with his solid reporting, good sources, hard work, thoughtful insights and the fact his opinions are usually grounded in logic, even if what he says is something people dont want to hear. he also seems like a nice guy (I met him once but he wasnt talkative as he was doing H&L from Pier 7 at the time). Im sure he's also had to deal with a lot of "Lawless?? He sucks cause he's fat!" nonsense.
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