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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Kane responds: Per Free Press: Winnipeg Jets forward Evander Kane has gone on the offensive, claiming he was the real victim of a Vancouver street fight now the subject of a civil court case. Kane, 22, was hit with a lawsuit earlier this spring that contained allegations he assaulted a B.C. man in August 2013. Les Makievsky claims he suffered extensive physical and emotional injuries when Kane randomly attacked him outside a bar. He is seeking unspecified financial damages. Kane has provided a much different version of events in a statement of defence that has now been filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. While he admits getting physical, Kane provides a detailed backstory to what allegedly occurred. Kane, who was born in B.C. and spends much of the NHL off-season there, admits he's known Makievsky for the past four years and identified him as an employee of a downtown Vancouver nightclub. Kane says he was walking to his home around 2 a.m. on the night in question when Makievsky approached him on the sidewalk. He claims Makievsky was "highly confrontational" and shouting insults at him. No reasons or motive was provided. "When the defendant (Kane) attempted to walk away, the plaintiff (Makievsky) said 'Let's go' and suggested the defendant should engage in a physical fight with him," the statement of defence reads. 'To prevent the plaintiff from hitting him and to repel a further attack, the defendant responded by punching the plaintiff three times' -- Evander Kane's statement of defence Kane says he declined the invitation to duke it out and continued walking. He claims Makievsky then "charged" at him while "swinging at his head." "To prevent the plaintiff from hitting him and to repel a further attack, the defendant responded by punching the plaintiff three times," says the statement of defence. Kane says Makievsky fell to the ground, but quickly got up and took another shot in his direction. Kane says he "pushed him back and told him to stop," then left the area with no further incident. Kane claims Makievsky was not injured in any way and was back at work the following evening, where he "boasted that he planned to sue the defendant." Kane's statement doesn't say if that was said directly to him or overheard by another party. To bolster his defence, Kane notes Vancouver police were contacted by Makievsky following the incident and declined to lay any criminal charges based on insufficient evidence. Kane says he was only protecting himself and "used no more than reasonable force" in the process. He says his conduct "was neither excessive nor unnecessary in the circumstances" and Makievsky's lawsuit should be tossed out of court. No date for a hearing has been set. Kane was required by law to file a statement of defence if he planned to contest the allegations against him. He also has the option of filing a countersuit against Makievsky if he feels the original claim is frivolous or malicious, but that has not been done at this point. Makievsky is being represented by the Vancouver law firm of Slater Vecchio LLP, which specializes in personal-injury claims. Two lawyers involved in the file have refused to comment, saying they will do their talking in court. Kane has retained the services of the Vancouver firm of Gall Legge Grant Munroe LLP. Kane's agent, Craig Oster, previously told the Free Press it's not unusual for high-profile athletes such as Kane to find themselves being targeted in legal action. The Winnipeg Jets also confirmed they were aware of the legal matter but declined to comment. In the statement of claim, Makievsky says he was jumped by Kane as he walked home from work in the area of Burrard Street and Barclay Street. Makievsky claims he suffered a concussion and numerous injuries to his head, neck, back, shoulders, chest, ribs and leg. He also cites ongoing headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and insomnia as a result. "The injuries have and will continue to cause him suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, permanent physical disability, loss of earning capacity and loss of housekeeping capacity," his lawsuit reads. Makievsky claims he's also suffered extensive costs for ongoing medical treatment. He also cites " emotional injuries... including injuries to his feelings, dignity, pride and self-respect in all aspects of his personal and vocational pursuits." Makievsky says these physical and emotional injuries are obvious to anyone around him, and "he is perceived and treated in a different manner by members of the public." No further details are offered, but the lawsuit says specifics will be presented at trial. "The assault and battery upon the complainant by the defendant was unprovoked and premeditated," the lawsuit reads. "The conduct of the defendant was callous, disgraceful, outrageous, extreme, malicious, offensive, reprehensible and represented a marked departure from ordinary standards of reasonable behaviour." Kane signed a six-year, $31.5-million contract in 2012 with the Jets, who are banking on him to emerge as a bona fide NHL star. He was seventh on the team in scoring last season, with 19 goals and 22 assists in 63 games. *****Hmmmm Im somewhat dubious.
  2. Blue bloods is great. blacklist is also very very good.
  3. Netflix doesn't release it's ratings but they admitted the ratings for Orange skew younger and more female whereas House of Cards skews older and male. Makes sense. I will say this. The majority of roles are women and minorities at that. It's ground breaking in many ways. It's a great combination of drama and comedy. No matter what you think, watch at least half the first season. I wasn't hooked til probably the fourth episode. Eventually you really come to be interested in the characters. As season one progresses Taryn Manning's role expands and she's tremendous. Orange could be the best show on TV right now.
  4. This is one of the most uninformed posts I've read on here. People have been talking about Mike Richards being a potential buy out for awhile now. He's making almost six million bucks a year for several years while filling a 4th line role on a deep team and you think there's no truth to the idea the Kings might consider buying him out? Lol
  5. Someone that angry and disagreeable and being self destructive usually has some issues. He might just be an a-hole but at this level he's be smart enough to not self destruct. So likely some issues. Hopefully he can be introspective and figure things out.
  6. Terrible accident. I didn't know there was a better bike bath to IGF and I live in the area. Perhaps signage would be appropriate now.
  7. I'd like Lowry to fill that spot and push Halischuk to 4th
  8. Yeah i've never understood the Ladd hate by some. The guy was a 3rd line LW on a very deep Blackhawks Cup winner. He's been our best LW, justifying his position on the top line. In 2013-14 he arguably moved to the 2nd line with Little. He's scored like a top line guy. Plays with effort. He doesnt have the most God given talent but works hard with what he has. He's a smart player. If he deserves any criticism, it would only be that as Captain, the Jets appeared to give up on Noel, so he has to shoulder some of that. But it happens to a lot of teams. If Chevy gets wild this summer, we could potentially see: Marchand - Schief - Wheeler Ladd - Little - Sharp Halischuk - Richards - Frolik But Sharp is doubtful...just some speculation i read elseware. And if you believe rumours, Chicago would love to have Ladd back.
  9. One would think the Kings would be highly motivated to finish it tonight. Im finishing third in my pool unless I somehow slip to fourth which seems unlikely so Im good with it ending tonight.
  10. Game available tonight on SHAW channel 305 (I think...confirm channel before blaming me lol).
  11. Hate to admit I havent seen most of those. Im not a huge TV guy. I was actually right out of TV watching until I got a PVR. That made it easier. My can't miss: Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Californication, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Modern Family, The Mindy Show, The good Wife, Blue Bloods (VERY GOOD), The Goldbergs Try not to Miss: Law & Order SVU, The New Girl (its slipping off my radar), 24 (never a big fan but enjoying this season), Watch occasionally or when it looks good: RAW, Dateline, Pawn Stars, And ofcourse Bombers/Jets. Didnt like Hemlock Grove. Was an avid watcher of Y&R since I was 15 years old but its dangerously close to being deleted from my PVR's Series Recordings. Every year I usually give a few new shows a try and the ones I like always get cancelled.
  12. Id make a trade if the Kings take back some salary. Third line of Halischuk - Richards - Frolik looks good to me. Make it Marchand - Richards - Frolik and I'm drooling.
  13. I wont get too excited. Small sample size. Exhibition game. And all that. Troy Kopp comes to mind. But he looked good and exciting.
  14. Looks like Gary Lawless is on the same page as a few of us Also interesting note about Jokinen. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/jets/Fit-for-a-King-262643351.html Mike Richards is exactly what the Winnipeg Jets need. If he hits the market, the Jets will have as strong an opportunity to sign him as any team in the NHL. It’ll be a deal they’ll have to get done. Richards is a driver, not a follower. He’s a competitor of a different stripe and there are only a handful of players in the NHL with the kind of will he brings to the game. Put it this way: The Jets have a list of players that opponents look at and say, "we can push him and him and him out of the game." It’s a big factor in the games they lose. Richards doesn’t get pushed out of games. He does the pushing. He’s smart, he’s a little dirty and he’s been around. He’s no longer a top-six player, but a third-line centre who can draw some growl from a team’s engine. The Jets currently have baby teeth. Richards has fangs. If the Los Angeles Kings elect to buy out the remainder of Richards’ contract, the Jets need to be in the bidding. Three years at $4 million per year. Or more. The market for free-agent centres is thin this summer. But unlike lots of coveted free agents, Richards will consider Winnipeg. His roots, past and future, are here. The 29-year-old is from Kenora, Ont., with a summer home on the lake and his girlfriend is a Winnipeg-born doctor. There are lots of reasons for Richards to place Winnipeg high on his list of potential destinations. Kings GM Dean Lombardi must weigh the worth of Richards as a player in the bigger picture of the Kings chasing future Stanley Cups against the centreman’s hefty contract. There’s been lots of talk regarding a possible buyout of Richards’ contract, which would cost the Kings just north of $19 million. The Jets used 35-year-old Olli Jokinen as their third-line centre last season at a rate of $4.5 million and he collected 18 goals and 25 assists. Jokinen appears to have some good hockey left in him. He's scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent on July 1. "We haven’t heard a thing from the Jets," said Jokinen’s agent, Ian Pulver. "I understood we would talk. But it hasn’t transpired. We’ll see where it goes. I don’t know Winnipeg’s plans." Richards is a player with a winning pedigree that already includes an Olympic gold medal and a Stanley Cup. It’s likely he and the Kings will add a second Cup any day now. One NHL GM described Richards like this on Tuesday: "He still has that predator mentality. Maybe he can’t cover 200 feet like he once could, but he’s still a very good third-line centre. He can still nullify good players. He can kill penalties and win draws. He adds strength and depth down the middle. At the right price, Richards is still a good piece. L.A. has a decision to make. I know the coaching staff won’t be happy to see him leave if that’s the way they decide to go." The price is really the only reason this conversation is taking place. Richards has six years left on his contract with a cash value of $29 million remaining and an annual cap hit of $5.75 million. For a player who appears to be slowing down and has spent most of the post-season anchoring the Kings’ fourth line, that’s a lot of money. Over 82 games this past season, he had 11 goals and 30 assists. Can the Kings’ chemistry and stability down the middle of the ice survive the loss of Richards? Or is it better to overpay for a player who, despite having lost a step, is still a valuable part of a winning combination? That’s the decision Lombardi faces. For the Jets, it’s a no-brainer. Richards would set a standard of competition in the Jets dressing room and on the ice. It’ll be easy from the perspective of the coaching staff and management to see who matches up and who doesn’t. The Jets need a player willing to grab the rest of the team by the throat.Richards has the credibility and the willingness to execute such an action. Jets GM Kevin Cheveldayoff should be drooling and hoping. So should you
  15. House of Cards took me a few episodes to get into. I found the narrative style with the lead breaking the fourth wall to be a bit unusual and jarring. But I came to really appreciate this. it's a unique way to let us into the mind of the character and helps keep the viewer engaged as part of the "trip" of the plot. I think i might order Season One of Oz and give it a try.
  16. Ive always liked Ace. Met him once when we had a birthday bash for a kid at the bar. The child was sick and Ace had set it up. He was very quiet and low key until he was "on" and then he was "Ace". Came off the stage and he was very quiet again. Nice guy.
  17. That kid has those knee issues?? Wow. Wouldn't know it.
  18. Love house of cards. I'm lucky enough to have not watched the first season until recently. So I got to binge on both seasons. I can't say I'm happy about some of their casting decisions but it's a hell of a show. Orange reportedly has more viewers And here's a good rumour. Netflix has a lot of Star Trek content. Apparently trek is among their highest viewed. Netflix reached out to cbs about producing a new series. Fingers crossed.
  19. its certainly within the realm of believability that when Miller became President he would make or receive calls/emails/texts from people he knew. When i changed departments in my company I had friends I worked with in other departments informally ask me if there were any positions available. Im sure its not uncommon for casual conversations. Plus, perspective factors in. Worman could have called Miller to congrats him and say "hey, you know I'd love to come in if you have something." Miller responds "I appreciate that. Ill keep it in mind. There will be openings for sure." In Miller's mind he brushed Worman off. In Worman's mind, he is being considered for a position. I dont know either way. I dont actually care either. But its more believable that Miller had conversations with people he knew than he didnt have conversations at all.
  20. This talk of him being unprofessional, disrespectful, hard to work with etc, are these things that have ever been attributed to him before? I know hes been around awhile but I cant recall his history.
  21. Watched the Newsroom once or twice. Didnt like the characters or the actors. It got cancelled, didnt it?
  22. But how was the dental plan? Zero. But drinking was encouraged and rides home were offered.
  23. I completed the second season of Orange is the New Black last night. FANTASTIC season. The final episode is 90 minutes. Very emotional. A couple of weaker moments but its really finding its groove in balancing drama and humour. My favourite character is Pennsatucky. Taryn Manning deserves an Emmy. She's tremendous. Cant believe we have to wait a year for season three. Next stop: True Blood, the final season.
  24. Just shy of 25k at last count iirc. Is 8,500+ empty seats a cause for concern? Or did the construction on Pembina Hwy and the ticket prices keep fans away? It looked more like 27 or 28,000 on TV but TSN is instructed NOT to show big gaps of empty chairs! I doubt that is a concern at all. Its pre-season. it was nice to see a lot of people out and about in the area. Bartley kives must be wringing his hands in anticipation of an opening-season transportation cluster.
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