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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Had The Keg on the weekend. Fantastic as always. However, is strong cheese not popular in this town? I was disappointed when Chop changed their very strong gorgonzola-stuffed steak into merely a weak-tasting sauce. And Im sure Keg's bleu cheese steak used to be stronger (it was always a coverage rather than stuffed). Round Table is similar. I like the uber-strong taste!
  2. Im a longtime fan of Captain America. He was like Marvel's Batman to me when I collected comics in the early 90's. I still remember my first Captain America comic actually. I was at Styxx Comic Service buying my weekly haul and it was a slow week for my specific collection. I wanted something new and the cover of Captain America intrigued me. It was the beginning of a major storyline which I cant remember...something like Captain on Ice or something. Turns out Cap broke up a meth lab (or something) and in the explosion, he was bombarded with microscopic drug crystals that interacted with the Super Solider Syrum and drove him nutty. At the same time, the former bad girl DiamondBack was turning good and becoming a love interest. I was hooked on Cap after that. The only "issue" I have with X-men (possible Spoiler alert) is that it implies that nothing that we know from the original trilogy (after the first one) happened. And I wasnt sure at what point in time Wolverine returned. Was it the same time he left (ie. the future), but now a "good" future or was it prior to X-Men 2? Is the next X-Men film supposed to involve the "original" characters or be a First Class film? I assume they would never do a film without Wolverine...
  3. Im through Episode 10 of Season Two and it doesnt disappoint. As funny as it can be, it ramps up the drama at the right points. I think my only negative so far was a couple of the flashbacks where you have to suspend disbelief a bit to accept the actors as they are today portraying themselves from years ago. In some cases (like Rosa who has been in jail a very long time), they recast the younger selves. I also like that they are cognizent to show subtle thing about characters that arent part of a major storyline in that episode. For example, on visit day, they will drop in for a few seconds on a character visiting (or talking on the phone) and it doesnt mean anything to the larger story but provides a sense of on-going interest and realism in the characters. Im actually surprised I like this show as much as I do. And two huge thumbs up to Netflix for maintaining their policy of releasing the entire season at once. Netflix has been on the cutting edge of a TV revolution and they continue to do so. I saw an interview with their Programming Director and he said while some people will binge watch all 13 episodes immediately most people just "watch at their own pace" which might be one episode per week but probably means a couple episodes here and there. Its the way it should be. I recall reading years ago that HBO was determined to create programs like The Sopranos because they found subscriptions jumped for that show and then people cancelled. So HBO makes sure to have at least one popular show per quarter. Netflix doesnt seem to have that problem, but is priced so competitively its prbably something people dont think of cancelling. It pains me to have to wait a week to watch the next epsisode of Game of Thrones. When True Blood returns next week, same thing. Netflix has made that passe. I think PVR's have contributed to that viewing habit too. How many shows do you watch live? I rarely, if ever, watch live programming.
  4. Saw Neighbors over the weekend. It was the usual Seth Rogan vehicle. ie. a few decent laughs but relies mainly on his reactions and delivery to make it funny. I'd suggest seeing it on Blu Ray as opposed to in the theatre. Im surprised by how much money its made but it shows Rogan still has a lot of juice. Zac Effron was good too though he had very little to do. I like him (he was good in Parkland) and I think he's going to be the next big male lead. Rumour has him up for a major on-going Marvel Universe role. Saw X-Men last weekend. Very good though my brain hurt after as I tried to figure out all the pradoxes and whatnot. I felt like tweeting Orci & Kurtzmen (the writers of the two modern Star Trek films) to suggest they view it to learn how to write an inter-generational time travel epic (I felt they nearly killed Trek with Into Darkness).
  5. Compared to the juggernaut that is the NFL not much is major league. Cfl is the second best football league in NA. Nothing wrong with that and it's a silly deBate.
  6. The tiered signing bonus is most interesting. Cfl paid the vets and in a now works it bought agreement. If I was the pa I would have fought for a higher minimum. But what can ya do. If players vote it down they will all regret it
  7. Don't blame you. Mts has tremendous TV quality.
  8. If they vote this down they are cutting their own throats and I will love watching the league take them to the woodshed. But I believe it will pass.
  9. The rumour has been Kane for Marchand plus. Also Jets pro scout claims here has been zero discussion with Boston.
  10. Hmmmm no fans eh? Half way through the new season of Orange and it's better than last season.
  11. I go to both joeys and moxies for the burgers. Both are good.
  12. Had Marty Gold got the gig on OB he's be a big deal in this town. I like Bauming. I almost only listen to talk radio in the car. Used to like Geoff Currier but that guy is such an arrogant clown. My favourite thing was listening to currier have to kiss the ass of everyone associated with the jets after they came back in an effort to try and get the broadcasts rights when he spent the precious tnere years berating anyone that suggested the NHL would return.
  13. The votes were supposedly near 100% in favour of strike for all teams, remember???? So what the hell happened? Strange. The original strike vote. That's the vote where unions ask its members to give them leverage. The new votes taking place this weekend must have been a lot different. Players are their own worst enemies. Tweeting such stupidity. Talk about unified. Lol
  14. Flory only had power if the players were united. Clearly the strike votes weren't going their way.
  15. So all that talk of being united and willing to strike was just BS? Lol. And for the vocal minority whining online they will get a chance to vote the deal down. But they won't.
  16. League is silly if they don't lock out players. Twitter all afire with pics of the cflpa voting stations which consist of mini vans in parking lots. Lol
  17. I doubt the 10th team parts of the cba are causing issues.
  18. If being shut down for health violations didn't kill Umburger it might survive. Some of these trendy hipster places have the mentality that they are doing us a favour by letting us go there. Look at mondragon. Totally deserved to go under.
  19. Bylsma is a good choice. I think the problem with the pens is all about personnel. They don't have the depth or grit. I don't know enough about Rutherford. I've heard good and bad. But this idea of mentorship might be a trend. Rumour has it pens are in on Brodeaur to mentor fleury. Any team that hires Tortz is stupid.
  20. I'd suspect pay is desperately looking for a face-saver at this point.
  21. The $2.55 is the regular cost of transit. It just refers to transit users getting to the game. These are not chartered busses by the bombers, just regular transit. It will be up to transit to add busses as they see fit ( I have a feeling the first game or two will be a gong show). Bombers will cover cost of regular transit ride home.
  22. Wait people think Doug Brown is the future of sports media here? He's almost unlistenable. Maybe that's too harsh. I don't mind matt leibel when he's on with people that can keep him in line. He has a habit of going off on rants and speaking over others. If 1290 got the bombers broadcast rights could they just simulcast the TSN TV commentary?
  23. As mentioned it's awful. Major reconstruction both directions on Pembina hwy. To the previous poster, isn't the $2.55 for regular transit use? Park and rides are direct shuttles correct? Ie you'd pay once at the park and ride location and that would be it. I would guess the bombers would have people on site taking money. It does raise the question of safety for a person standing out in a parking lot with a lot of cash on them though.
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