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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Floyd


    My original post talks about how Canada is doing a good job of flattening the curve... and Covid infection is much lower than previously believed. Somehow that was interpreted as wanting all old people to die ha... reminds me of the Joe Mack days here... Sweden never said that they were immune to Covid - opening a field hospital is pretty normal - Vancouver had one set up in a park and BC Place ready as another quarantine centre. I really think they are preparing to handle the 'spike' quickly rather than flatten the curve... 'Watching Sweden' means I am interested to see what happens there... not that I want to move to Sweden.
  2. Floyd


    Italy has a public health care system and a much denser population - infection did not continue rising exponentially or doubling every three days. Reports are now that it has plateaued and will decrease - we will see. Feel free to shake your cane at me.
  3. Go for a walk Frosty.
  4. Floyd


    Agreed to some extent - but flu vaccine is 40-50% effective... I expect covid vaccine to be the same - virus will continue to evolve faster than the vaccine We are in lockdown because this was reported as a 3-4% fatality rate as high as 9-10%... the current stats in North America indicate a 3% infection rate out of total tested and of that 3% there is a 1-2% fatality rate - focused on 65+ age group (which is incidentally not the prime age group of infection). Lots of moving parts. My concern is that we are denying the 5-55 age range a chance at herd immunity by locking this all down... we'll see - watching Sweden closely.
  5. Floyd


    https://abc7ny.com/health/fauci-coronavirus-could-become-seasonal/6078871/ Its not that I'm heartless but you just can't hide in your house forever. We are just waiting to get a handle on coronavirus' patterns and tendencies - they will let us out of lockdown and by next winter, coronavirus will be regarded as another 'flu' - simply because we will understand how to prepare for it Its not going away - we either hide for two years or we just accept it.
  6. Floyd


    This is a ridiculous response. 100% of Canadians will not get covid... Considering less than a month ago we were told it was 3-4% or as high as 9-10%... 1.8% is absolutely good news. For two weeks, the death rate in Italy has plateaued and now may be decreasing. R0 has decreased from 3 to 1 Canada 'should' be more prepared than Italy and has a much lower population density.
  7. Floyd


    You should lead a dramatic writing online course. Anyway - in the Yukon/BC we have seen this a month before everyone else and the curve is flattening - especially if you look at the death rate - which spiked early with 9 cases in the Lynn seniors home and has leveled. I also said GTA is going to be the problem area for Canada - this is a population density problem. As for tracking covid cases - we are just tracking test kits... so of course there will be a spike now that we are actively looking for it If you actually go through the data, Quebec added 40 covid deaths on one day that were cumulative - this skews the curve to make it look worse I was wondering when the 'denier' implication (covid/global warming) would show up... considering I make nature documentaries and guide polar bear tours - you can shove that... I'm not talking about stock market money - I'm talking about structural debt that will need to be repaid at some point - saving lives now will cost lives later. We're just passing the buck to Gen X. I'm assuming you don't recall how our health care and social programs were gutted in the 1990s repaying debt from the 1980s... We can revisit this in a week if you're still outraged that I think Canada is doing a good job.
  8. Floyd


    Not sure what you’re arguing - no one is claiming that covid is not dangerous or that the US is not a clusterfk - but BC has absolutely flattened the curve canada is not at all on the same path as New York or Lombardy region of Italy
  9. Floyd


    Fk that’s great news - I hadn’t heard that yet!!
  10. Floyd


    Covid will be over in Canada by May... And if your numbers are true - global leaders will be forced to decide between economy and elderly... they will choose the economy. The world is not staying closed for six months. One more month in Canada and maybe two in States - if that.
  11. Interesting to watch the sports team testing... probably a better overview of the population if we tested 100%
  12. Floyd


    New cases in Italy are declining and recoveries are slowly increasing... But again - Italy had accessible health care for all... USA does not. I really think Canada is in decent shape to deal with this health crisis.
  13. Floyd


    We can't estimate anything until we see a legit end in Italy and Spain... these are comparable population densities to New York Judging by the info we have - there will be 15,000 dead in New York
  14. Floyd


    The flu question is bewildering - the more you look at data, the more I wonder why we don't do more Covid is a higher death rate but disproportionately affects 50 and older - mostly 70+... anyone who says different is not looking at the stats - I totally agree that we are saving lives now at the expense of deaths when Gen X needs senior care - we will have no money, massive debt and no tax base... I also agree that this lockdown is a panic response and herd immunity - far better to test and isolate those in danger but I don't think we have a choice... if anything this highlights how the Boomers have overwhelmed our health care systems already and how we are on a razor thin margin of error I think we are flattening the curve just to buy time - and that's not a bad thing We are fighting the unknowns right now with this lockdown - I think next winter, Covid hits again and we respond the same as we do with the flu...
  15. Floyd


    I think most of those new cases are in the senior's home - Betel in Gimli... at least 9 cases there... close to my hometown
  16. Floyd


    Yeah my friend's landlord just returned from Hawaii... Whitehorse police said they would arrest him if he was seen in Whitehorse in the next two weeks
  17. Floyd


    Correct - that was a typo - thanks Another study just came out citing 1.4% mortality rate Point remains the same however - Canada is doing a very good job https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/30/health/coronavirus-lower-death-rate/index.html
  18. Floyd


    I click on the link and read the information.
  19. Floyd


    That makes sense. Right now, GTA looks like the real danger zone in Canada... I'm actually surprised as to how its leveled in Vancouver
  20. Floyd


    I could see that as well... but I think you need the military to enforce that - I think we have a month of 'voluntary' lockdown before people start getting really squirrelly One month full lockdown and half measures until Labour Day - likely limited interprovincial travel, reduced numbers in stores/public areas and masks I think the end result will be a very isolated society - large stores will probably increase cameras and decrease staff - we will be fully automated after this for right or wrong
  21. Floyd


    Yes I stated that lockdown worked very quickly in my original post Toronto-Montreal corridor is where the real challenge will be... its also a population density virus But the spike issue will need to be addressed - how long do you just keep people hiding in their houses? At some point, we're going to have to say 'hey we flattened the curve, do your best to social distance but we need to start living again' I think lockdown lasts one more month in Canada - but we really could ease it - in western Canada at least - by Easter
  22. Floyd


    There's always another side - I mean you could argue that flu shots should be focused on the young and the old as opposed to everyone simply based on capacity and supply
  23. Floyd


    I think what he means is that the flu shot we get addresses the flu strain from the previous season and the strains are always evolving...
  24. Floyd


    You understand that the information that I am quoting is from the World Health Organization - i.e. the experts This is the sad part of society today - if someone points out something by actually looking at the facts instead of following the denial or the panic. Canada currently has a 0.017% death rate in Covid cases - that may change but the curve seems flattened in large parts of Canada.
  25. Floyd


    This is a really good example of information distortion... You state facts which we don't actually have - after I cite the main source of data tracking available No one said we didn't need the lockdown in fact I just said it worked... And correct flu and covid are different - flu season just over runs poor nations not rich ones.
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