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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Wonder if Banks' 'vet day whatever that is...' in training camp had anything to do with this...
  2. Yah, I don't like the Nylander pick Bollig to Calgary... had a feeling CHI would move him, was kind of hoping Chevy would bring him in
  3. To deprive BC of a player of Glenn's capabilities would be awesome, but at what cost? How about starting with our 1st round draft choice, Goosen? That is a high cost. But we can't stop there now can we? Because I tell you what, BC can afford to throw more in trade that we could have, so I believe they would have got him anyways. We may have driven up the bidding, but since we had our starter and BC didn't, they would not have backed down, People forget that there were literally months on inaction on the Kevin Glenn front before the draft and before Wally began to worry about Lulay's shoulder. I believe that had Walters taken the initiative he could have gotten Glenn for less than what Desjardin was asking. Desjardin had to be nervous at the inaction and as a first year GM he didn't need the **** storm that Glenn was kicking up. Don't know what it would have taken but the Bombers clearly had lots of expendable assets at their disposal as many of them are no longer with the club. How about Watson, Volny, Cauchy, Suber and the rights to Chris Matthews....something like that would have looked good to Ottawa and would have had little effect on were the Bombers are now....just speculatin' Garbage x4 is still garbage... Desjardins wanted a first round pick for Glenn and he eventually got it. I full believe if we wouldn't have had 2nd overall, we would have traded for Glenn. Ottawa would have held onto him until mid-season before getting 'nervous'...
  4. KW really should buy Mack lunch... any other GM would be crucified for wasting $50k on a 34 year old DB and then losing control of trade rumours before the guy has played a game On the other hand. Mack should buy Mike Kelly a car...
  5. The whole Korey Banks thing has been strange... but a $50k signing bonus is beyond baffling. Still, KW gets a flyer I suppose... bombers did need to show they were back in the mix I guess. Either way, no one is trading for Banks.
  6. I do like the versatility of the guys we're bringing in
  7. So, Bomber replay is locked... and I don't even have an option to subscribe to TSNGo or whatever it is Any other options? Another classic CFL move to make being a fan more difficult
  8. Not sure how you can make any lineup changes after that game...
  9. Twins for Florida's 1st pick and Luongo... ha
  10. I'd rather Bryant than Kelly Wow, good call. Add this to your Mack, Etienne and Pencer love and I'm really getting a feel for your shrewd assessment skills. We'll soon have to change your avatar to George Costanza. This is your first post... seriously? Seems like a bogus account, ha...
  11. I honestly didn't notice Dan West... I also still think Neufeld is playing RG like he is still a tackle but overall the OL did a really good job so he gets a pass. Both Bucknor and Alexander will get 'picked on'...
  12. Sure don't see any place for Richardson on Calgary's roster... really surprised that Ottawa isn't chasing him
  13. Our glaring weakness has turned into a 'hey that's not so bad'... JFG looked pretty good filling in for Watson. Kohlert had some nice plays Always liked Teague Sherman - I'd say he's pushed Stephan almost off the roster Bucknor may have taken Alexander's job Morely is looking great at C... Even Fitz looked decent on TE packages, thought he hustled Would like another DL backup please... Thomas played A LOT Still razor thin but we'll see...
  14. On our first three scoring plays, there was only one Toronto penalty... Shouldn't forget that one of Toronto's TDs was due to our extra man penalty as well T.O's penalties went out of control as the game went on, that's coaching.
  15. That defence looked a lot more like what I expected Etch's D to look like mid-season - crazy formations but basically a pretty much zone. Could almost call it a 'zone read' defence... I like it.
  16. Spent it all - although I spent it on Clarence Denmark... so...
  17. I have a feeling this will be a shootout... Think we will stay in it for the first half, might tire out by the end though
  18. Kane just favourited a 'Kane to Flyers' tweet... Winnipeg sports writers are running for their typewriters. Would be awesome to see Couturier and Read as part of a package
  19. Smart move probably involves waiting until next trade deadline... even if Kane sucks, someone will still overpay Chevy will make a move on draft day but it will be a Frolik-type deal... not sure who though
  20. We really need a real game to talk about...
  21. On CJOB, Penton just mentioned one scheme had Desia Dunn lining up at Nose Tackle this week. I guess we really can throw the defensive depth chart out the window...
  22. Bryant and Hinse... Walters must be trying to make up for some Mike Kelly mistakes... surprised Glenn never ended up here
  23. You are just okay with this signing but Romby Bryant come on down? Except you just made that up... I said I was 'fine' with Bryant for the right price and that I would take him over Kelly if he had recovered from his injuries. Pretty much the same response to both guys... a slightly positive 'meh'...
  24. I'm okay with this signing, he's pretty busted up but still late 20s. This is similar to the Parenteau signing - could work or he could be done.
  25. Mack managed to fire Lapo just as the team was showing a glimmer of hope in that BC game... firing the coach after the team poured its heart out was ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as giving a Burke an extension after half a season though...
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