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Armchair GM

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Everything posted by Armchair GM

  1. How do you know not all teams tamper?You are assuming that everyone who tampers gets caught, which simply isn't the case. Alright, I'll turn this around & ask you.... How do you know all teams DO tamper? I don't. I assume they all do. If the fine is only $5000, you'd be stupid not to tamper, at least with key FAs you are targeting. Milt Stegall was rumored to be the Bombers "liaison" with free agents, to encourage them to sign with the Bombers once they became a free agent. Okay, but there you go again... Stegall was "rumoured"not proven to be a liason. As with Stegall, you can't say definetly that teams tamper, then don't say they do like the Unknown Poster did as it can't be proven. Truth is, you may be right, I may be wrong or vice versa, I may be right & you wrong. All I know is that if we tamper & sign Collaros & then we lose Muamba to a CFL team in the same way, then we have no right to ***** & complain. And the CFL is nothing but a joke & total **** up as a business. I'm not trying to give you a hard time but you have to back up statements like "Everybody tampers" or "Milt Stegal was rumoured". I can make a statement like Joe Mack was rumoured to waiting with a Half mill a year contract to sign Mike Reilly had he become a free agent. When in reality, I just made that **** up. What was that spat you got into with Mike a couple of months ago... "I don't want to be an internet detective just to talk to you Mike." You're not going to prove tampering is rampant in the CFL. For any GM's to admit it would be tantamount to getting fined, likely fired, and likely not finding another job in the CFL. Whether or not GM's admit it is completely irrelevant... the bottom line is that contracts get filed within minutes of FA opening. There's no need to go "internet detectiving" for something that doesn't exist. You can't tell me that a normal, profit-optimizing agent would advise his client to accept an offer minutes into free agency; when all 8 teams have FA money to spend, and there is the potential they would call and get into a bidding war. But those contracts get filed minutes and even a couple of hours into FA. It's because market value has already been gauged. That gets done somehow... and there's no way to do it without talking to the CFL clubs.
  2. For years the team could rely on a history of fielding playoff football teams, and above-average ones at that. We were a destination for players looking to win championships. Now every player knows Winnipeg not only hasn't won a GC in twenty-whatever years; AND we have been the worst team in the CFL over the past 4 years. The really difficult thing about being a Winnipeg fan, is that our management from about 2008 onward has not realized that we are not that destination anymore; and that to show FA's a commitment to winning, probably the most favorable way to do so is to open up the chequebook, and pay market value (or slightly above) for some talent. As Winnipeggers, we hate this because we can't stand the possibility that we might overpay for a box of kleenex let alone a top-of-his-profession player. We don't think about what perception we are setting to other CFL players/FA's. I for one am in favour of making an above-market offer to either Bourke or Tsoumpas (in that order), if either hits FA. Show the CFL and the players that we mean business when we say we've changed the regime entirely.
  3. Their "plan" is to basically out-volume the rest of the league in scouting staff. Not exactly "ground breaking" as the article indicates. But it's a worthwhile attempt to improve their scouting process.
  4. My biggest knock is that he's got a silly last name. Just think of how much other teams will loathe being lit up by a guy with a silly last name though... As dumb as that sounds it's true. I hated when he and the riders kicked our ass back in 2012. Pissed me off getting beaten by a guy with that last name. You have a point, and I'm liking it. Anyone remember Rocky Butler? Not sure any Bomber loss has pissed me off as much...
  5. My biggest knock is that he's got a silly last name. Just think of how much other teams will loathe being lit up by a guy with a silly last name though... In all seriousness though... value the QB's tools, not his airtime. If we are looking for a long-term QB, "escapability" should not be considered a key factor. It's a tool, but not nearly as important as leadership, footwork, and ability to read a defence.
  6. I think the biggest thing this board has against Willy is that they've seen more of Collaros than they have of Willy.
  7. Disagree. There are at least 3 guys on the market that are worth taking a shot on as our next starting QB (Collaros, Willy, and Burris). We're one of 2 open jobs (that's if LeFevour is not the guy in Hamilton). Supply > demand.
  8. Not so sure. Unknown Poster is probably the staunchest Burke apologist and Pierce fan on the board. He's either serious, or doing some deep water trolling.
  9. Oy guys... we're arguing over losing Rory Kohlert, when he was only selected in the expansion draft AS A FREE AGENT. Sure he's reliable, but If he wants to be here, he'll be here. If not, I'm completely comfortable moving forward with Watson, Foster, Poblah, and Etienne (* provided he re-signs, which I am expecting), and/or potentially a 4th Canadian on the OL. It's not completely out of line for a WR's development to take longer than 3 years. Poblah's got the raw talent... if he puts it together for us, he could be the surprise player of the CFL this year. The same might be said for Foster even, given the opportunity to win a job (and actually have a chance of doing so in Wpg).
  10. I'm speechless. As long as O'Shea feels he's the right guy... it doesn't matter what I think or say. What worries me is that the Mr. Right doesn't want to come to Winnipeg, and Etch is Mr. Right Now.
  11. Jolt'in Joe missed an ocean full of boats. Henoc I believe will be a Bomber if he does not land a gig down south. Wouldn't call my attitude "defeatist"... but if there is one NFL team that has made a living off of scouting and deploying undersized players well, it's New England. He likely is not a walk on, onto that defense, but the fact that Henoc has proven a CFL success at MLB, and is a special teams demon, makes NE a scary destination for Bomber fans. He could certainly be a ST gunner for the Patriots, if they believe he is worth it as a project LB down the road.
  12. Agree 100% with this. I think we've drank a little too much of Mack's kool-aid in Winnipeg. Experienced, solid veterans have a place on teams. Even free agents. We've just gotten through a year with what I'd call a complete lack of leadership. I don't love me any Stala, but to provide some veteran leadership, to mentor young guys and provide some 5th WR production, I'd have taken him on.
  13. There is nothing mean-spirited or even negative about caring and having an opinion about who your team tabs to coach the most important position on its roster.
  14. If Burris is on the outs in Hamilton, he's just as likely to be "the guy" there as in Winnipeg.
  15. A $150k base also wouldn't be terribly tantalizing to woo Collaros, if competition for his services are expected. Here Zach, come to Winnipeg on the same contract 2 of our failed backups made. We haven't won a GC since '90, and have made the playoffs once in the last 5 years. We want you, and this offer shows it!! Valuable assets command market prices. If there's one thing I'm okay with paying market value or slightly over for, it's for a potential franchise QB.
  16. $300k is proven top-5 QB money. Not new guy taking on his first starting gig money - not here, Hamilton, Whitehorse, or wherever. I'd expect closer to $200-220k base, with incentives and a signing bonus; given there's more expected competition for Collaros than Reilly, and the new TV revenue deal.
  17. Henoc in NE scares me the most of that list. NE is famous for taking undersized players and developing them into a role. Muamba's young enough, and enough of a ST demon to stick on that roster if they do take him on as a project.
  18. A builder's lien this long after completion indicates that bills aren't paid, and are likely being disputed. It's definitely not just a part of doing business. It is likely either a portion of the cost overruns, or unpaid interest on overdue construction monies, noting that it is less than 1% of the stadium's cost.
  19. Love the fresh names. Etch would have been a terrible hire IMO... he's run his course. Marshall I'd take a wait-and-see with, because he might bring some fresh ideas gleaned from improving his craft following his failed HC stint. Kavis... don't hate him as much as many do. He's the rah-rah, in-your-face style of guy that Burke and Marshall aren't. Think that has value in the right places. Overall though, think I'd prefer an up-and-coming coach to a retread. Helps in creating a winning culture.
  20. This is a really well-thought out and explained post that I do agree with. Just don't agree that canning your coaches after one year (when it's a good one) improves the outlook of the Bombers organization to the coaching pool.
  21. Why would we punt them if we show signs of a turnaround? So that we can change coaches and schemes again after a year of acquiring players to fit them? And what would punting 2 more coaches do to this image you're painting of Winnipeg being a bad place to be?
  22. He stuck around from about 2004 on, save his stint in Ottawa. cause he could play special teams and step in at DB or receiver in a crisis. My point exactly. Guys like that are usually role-playing, character guys, and their shortcomings get coached hard. They spend a lot of time on the sidelines watching the first stringers and analyzing their games. For the right player, that can translate into an unofficial head start into coaching. You see a lot of former backups and guys that couldn't make the pro level now coaching in every sport. Just saying that Howell's career may not have been as a world-beating star, but that it doesn't condemn him as a coach.
  23. Money alone is no reason to move... but the other things can be in play as well. Maybe he works well with Austin, maybe he doesn't. Maybe Austin's his kid's godfather... maybe O'Shea is... I have no idea. But you asked why he might leave Hamilton. They are all palatable suggestions.
  24. Your hatred of Burke is blinding you from admitting that our roster is GARBAGE. Burke is an abysmal HC, yes, but you seem to think that just because Lapo took the team to the GC that it was an above average club. We rode to the GC on the strength of a 7-1 start (fuelled by Burke and Harris's defence). Once teams figured it out, remember how we sucked arse for the balance of the year and basically stumbled into the cup, whereupon we were anally pounded by BC? And how did we improve after that GC pounding? Buck Pierce, Goltz, a bag of garbage, oh, and Sofa Muamba. I feel bad for O'Shea (and Walters). They have a lot of work to do. Oh wow... that's a reach man. I'll be the first to say that Burke was abysmal, and I'll also venture that LaPo was also below-average as an HC. LaPo rode a very good defense in a horrible division to the GC. Toronto and Hamilton were horrible, and Montreal was Calvillo-less. It was not as some might say, an above-average club at all. What was our record against the West in 2011? But to call the roster complete "garbage" is a huge overshoot. Players have to play within the coaches' systems. Max Hall had to start under Crowton, and then change to a completely different co-ordinator when Bellefeuille took over. The defense kept regressing under the poor coaching of Creehan. And the team played horribly uninspiring under the motivation and guidance of Burke. The players were not put into a position to succeed last year. The roster might truly be "garbage" as you put it. But the players that we retain should be given the benefit of the doubt at this stage. Last year they had to trot out there in a system we and they knew... was crap. Give them the opportunity to prove themselves away from that.
  25. More money, opportunity to be Assistant HC, and because he likely meshes better with O'Shea more than the ever-autocratic Kent Austin. Plus the fact that a successful overhaul of the Bombers will make all of these guys' resumes look sterling.
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