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Everything posted by Blue-urns

  1. Because in the long run, it's going to make us a better team . . . and it's where the Winnipeg Blue Bombers belong.
  2. I doubt even the most positive of fans believe the Bombers will reach a 15-3 mark. The Bombers have flaws (like any team) and will face times of adversity throughout the season. Most fans realise this. How could they not? After last year's debacle, any delusions when it comes to the Bombers have been replaced with sobering reality. This is not addressed at you, saskbluefan, but the constant need of some on this board to remind us of said flaws, however, strikes me as counter-productive and condescending. But, to each their own. I think, for the most part, fans on this board realise that this year could have been fraught with peril, and instead, are pleasantly surprised by the Bombers's quick turnaround and are simply enjoying the ride, wherever it may take them. It's all gravy. Next year, there will be higher expectations, and rightfully so . . . because we finally have the makings of a football team that can handle them.
  3. Martell Mallett
  4. Dan LeFevour (really hope I'm wrong)
  5. Are you crazy?! My picks have been Kryptonite the last couple of weeks! Too . . . much . . . pressure . . .
  6. Would have liked to see a less error prone game from the Bombers, but they keep finding ways will(y)ing themselves to win. This team seems to have an intestinal fortitude not seen around these parts in quite some time. Just think . . . if the Bombers find a way to win next week, they can play .500 the rest of the year, and they'll do no worse than 11-7. Wow.
  7. Anthony Allen
  8. Curtis Steele
  9. Don't ever change, Dee.
  10. Willy has more talent in his little finger than LeFors ever had. Not true at all and it wasn't Lefors fault that Kelly ran a crap system. Don't agree. Willy has a better arm, better mechanics, and a bigger frame. Based on raw talent, he's head and shoulders above Lefors. Doesn't mean Lefors wouldn't have been a decent QB in a better system, but Willy's potential ceiling is way higher.
  11. This had crossed my mind a few times over the last couple days...it really would be our luck. For the sake of the long term health of this franchise, this absolutely cannot happen...and it won't. One, or both, of Hank and Willy will end up here. Believe!
  12. This is my concern, as well. Coaches tend to be a very stubborn lot.
  13. I doubt it's guaranteed now. Not this year at least. I doubt it's ever guaranteed. The guy fumbles way too much.
  14. With fatso probably out for the year, and Cornish out with a thigh injury, I like Toronto's chances. Of course, I also thought BC would win easily yesterday...so...yep.
  15. Can we at least get him off the field goal unit? Every time an opposing team misses a field goal, there is absolutely no chance that Jovon will break one. He's clearly lost a step. Put Washington back there, and his speed and elusiveness will guarantee us some big plays (and boy, do we need them).
  16. Unfortunately, the Bombers should have cut ties at the end of last season. When is the last time the Bombers have actually had the patience and strength of will to suffer through the early development of a QB that could eventually lead us for the next decade? McManus doesn't really count because we let him walk in free agency. Dieter Brock back in '75? Am I forgetting anybody else? Almost 40 years! How many QB's has Wally Buono developed in less time? And yet, we keep on giving the ball to a beat up QB way past his best before date.
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