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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Even if it was tampering, I don't mind, we need any advantage we can get at this stage.
  2. MB was brought in before because Crowton was having a hard time, there was no reason to keep him around after the purge except if the new HC wanted him.
  3. It's not like O'Shea has the best track record of picking assistant coaches, 2 have already been fired and Marcel will make 3. Can you really blame Miller if he's seen enough already?
  4. We are definitely behind the rest of the league in that department but we don't have a GM/PP guy with extensive connections in the US like everyone else does. Our scouts are basically on their own to develop that system which will take more than a year to do if we stick it out. Goviea was supposed to be the guy with the US connections but so far I haven't seen the pay off. I'd really like to know who started that rumor about him because it's total BS unless you consider 2 years with Argos as extensive, lol.
  5. We are definitely behind the rest of the league in that department but we don't have a GM/PP guy with extensive connections in the US like everyone else does. Our scouts are basically on their own to develop that system which will take more than a year to do if we stick it out. And whose fault is that??? Why should we be behind the 8 ball trying to rebuild after 2013? That's on Wade Miller. I'd like to believe that was the plan, slow and steady, build it right, yada yada yada But in a GC year, where they went all in to make the playoffs, and they did spend some big bucks on FA's, and have come up with 5 or 6 wins......that's a monumental failure. Of course they won't admit it but this was the best they had to offer and that's what scares me the most about these clowns.
  6. What I'm saying is that our current coaching staff will never rise above mediocrity even if you gave them the Stamps lineup.
  7. We are definitely behind the rest of the league in that department but we don't have a GM/PP guy with extensive connections in the US like everyone else does. Our scouts are basically on their own to develop that system which will take more than a year to do if we stick it out.
  8. We actually have better personnel than last season so that argument just doesn't fly. who are you referring to as "personnel" and who did they replace? And what have they done to be deemed better. Westerman is far and away the best but also on defence Bass and Adams are both upgrades The oline, January, Morley & Greaves all became expendable with the new additions and Adams is an upgrade over Kelly at receiver By far though, Nichols is better than anything we had backing up at qb, won 2 games which we would never have gotten out of Brohm or Marve. I don't think anyone could argue successfully that the roster hasn't been improved Hall is also a better DC than Etch Forget about the 5 - 1 start last season, that was a 2 - 16 team all day long. 5 - 6 wins is about where this team, without Willy, should be.
  9. We actually have better personnel than last season so that argument just doesn't fly.
  10. So spelling and grammar are the only basis for a rebuttal now......c'mon at least make an effort or don't even bother.
  11. Just another issue though, plug one hole and another hole springs open somewhere else.
  12. That's a good start but I would say at least 6 starters on O and 6 on D need to be replaced before this team is competing for a championship. Just go back and look at our 2007 roster and you'll see what I mean.
  13. They upgraded the DC and o-line in the offseason which many people thought would be enough to get them to the next level. Turned out there was more wrong then they thought and they couldn't repair it on the fly. Basically, they over estimated what they had.
  14. Just because we fired coaches prematurely in the past, Berry, Lapo, that's no reason to keep O'Shea around. O'Shea hasn't been close to reaching the same success the other two did.
  15. And that's the problem with keeping this regime, they believe in the players they've assembled, which is the kiss of death in pro sports. If you aren't a ruthless **** you're dead.
  16. The players are smart enough to know a duck when they see one, no matter old it is.
  17. We definitely need to upgrade at the positions you noted but, Hall isn't the guy in the long run either.
  18. A very good friend of mine Told me something the other day....
  19. This isn't an over reaction either, it really is that bad. Now having said that, you will get the 'we need patience crowd' but frankly those people are either glutens for punishment of just plain stupid, but Manitoba is really full of those types, imo.
  20. lol, have you seen anything different from this team, even with Marve in. The coaching is beyond bad, it's offensive to anyone who has ever been a fan of football. What we are being force fed is bush league.
  21. Oh you can book that, it's back to the days of 17 - 18K die hards and that's about it.
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