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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Why can't this team have a good first half? Like Nichols said last game, it took the coaches a half to realize what defence Ottawa was playing. Now, either Ottawa was really sneaky or our coaches are really dumb. I'd go with the latter given how consistent we have been in this trend.
  2. We were 3 - 3 when Willy went down, doing some projecting, that's a 9 win season tops, good enough for the playoffs but not much else. No point in keeping these guys around unless you aspire to mediocrity.
  3. Hey Peach got his first sack today.........and you wonder why we suck.
  4. I'm calling BS on that one, Walters maybe but O'**** is done.
  5. That was one of the strangest calls in a series of strange call this year and last. Ottawa was killing the Bombers with their running and with lightweights on the D-line, Ottawa burned up the clock and got first downs at will in that last drive. Poor coaching is the Hall-mark of this team.
  6. It's going to be tough for Wade to convince fans that we need to keep these guys from Walters down to the water boy.
  7. I'm about to start pouring them 1 part Bombay 1 part Skky 1 part Martini 3 olives mothers milk boys.
  8. When he gets time he's okay, when things break down though, he becomes a liability. The frustration on his face at the lack of protection speaks volumes as to how bad the oline is. Bryant Turner probably had his worst day as a pro today, seriously January could have performed as well this season as he did.
  9. Bilukidi or any competent option can not get here fast enough.
  10. Team is crap because they fold in crunch time, defense included. The Ottawa oline completely dominated our D on that last drive.
  11. Great defensive stand, anyone giving the defence a pass needs to wake up and realize that it's not just the offense that blows. I would say fire them all in the off season but the BOD is stupid to be relied on to hire competent replacements. The team is ****** because of it.
  12. Sorry, that was a nasty nate gem, I couldn't resist. Nate always contended that the reason Glenn couldn't play in cold weather was because his hands were too small to grip the football when they got cold. I have no idea if it's fact or not but based on past performance, one could make the argument.
  13. O'Shea is a great special teams coach but nothing more, his hire was a mistake.
  14. Glenns tiny hands in the cold and rain would have been even worse than Nichols performance.
  15. Hurl is one of the problem... there are many, no one is denying that. At least we can fire MB and start again. But sitting Wild while playing Hurl and this fixation to play 8 or more Canadians is on Osh. Newman, wtf was he even doing out there? The player decisions on this team is beyond idiotic, I want the hole bunch gone at year end and restart by hiring a real GM/HC professional.
  16. Nichols was responsible for 1 of the picks, the other 2 were on the receivers who didn't fight back to the ball. We need new receivers ours are terrible.
  17. Entire team and coaching staff should only be receiving half pay for these efforts, game is 60 minutes not 30, just terrible preparation all around.
  18. I have little faith that the Bombers will actually put 60 minutes of solid football together and that's what it's going to take to keep this from being anything but a blowout.
  19. I somewhat agree with the poster, given how inept the offense is and nothing in the current pipeline, a move to acquire a receiver and running back would have been prudent.
  20. Nobody is saying anyone is right or wrong. I'm just unsure how you even formed your opinion in the first place because there's literally nothing for us to use as evidence. Watching the CFL for 50 years. Seeing thousands of players come & go. A hunch perhaps? An opinion, certainly. I see four reasons in that one post alone, what more do you expect?
  21. And an illegal block. We were over due to catch a break though.
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