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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Richards is still on the 6 game. They finally found a way to win a close one instead of lose it, I guess that can be seen as progress?
  2. Start with handing Neufeld a plane ticket to Saskatoon. We can get a late round pick for him but yup, start with the oline and then receivers, Marcel may be a bad coordinator but your top players can't be missing assignments and dropping balls in big games.
  3. Ian Wild was a monster last night, what a football player. imo, we need a game breaking receiver, a Manny type of player, neither Denmark, Adams or Moore scare anyone and for good reason.
  4. That offence is like an anchor for this team and I don't see a quick fix.
  5. He's far too good for the CFL, this must be a mistake.
  6. I feel sorry for anyone who tuned out at half time that was a special teams gem by the Bombers.
  7. Carrying the extra import LB is really the issue, that spot could be better used elsewhere.
  8. After proclaiming that we were right on course with our 3 year plan, Miller would have to be the first to walk the plank.
  9. Yes, we are in playoff mode, look out CFL.
  10. Good call taman. That concept would never drive a teams depth and talent into the ground.. Oh wait. You ALWAYS have to keep your eyes focused on both, the now and the future.. If you keep making moves that only benefit the now, you are just robbing peter to pay paul. Did you just type that? We're talking about internationals, not nationals, you don't groom internationals, except qb's, you replace them at will with better players when you get the opportunity.
  11. Sort of like trading Poblah for Banks? Both are out of the league even though Poblah was 10 years younger. You make moves to make your team better right now. You can't pin your hopes on a future you can't control. If the Bombers had Owens & Chick playing for them right now, they'd be a better team, no doubt about it.
  12. 80 frick'in k for a starting nuck, who is at the top of the rushing standings, with limited carries, absolute steal by the riders.
  13. They knew Dec 9, 2014, or sooner, that he wouldn't be back with the Riders. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/richie-hall-out-as-roughriders-defensive-co-ordinator-1.2865904
  14. No guards or centres?? C'mon Walters open your eyes man!
  15. noeller is correct but until they fix the oline things won't be much better off, heck the whole offense lacks top end skill players.
  16. No one had much interest in Messam when he was available. Well Jacquie, if everyone jumped off a bridge....you get the picture. Sask got Messam for $80K...that still drives me crazy and more than a few posters here even thought signing the guy was a good idea. 80 frick'in K, Jacquie!!!!
  17. Not hard for anyone to improve on his last performance, could he possibly lay even a bigger egg in BC?
  18. Owens is definitely washed up, nice call.
  19. oline and dline no matter what, will still be good ones available at 9 & 10.
  20. BC has looked much better with Jennings under centre, they will be a handful this weekend.
  21. Had no interest in Messam at the time but gave this wash out a look.....
  22. Bucknor plays way too far off the receiver. I don't know if it's because he lacks speed or what but throwing under him is easy as pie. Somehow he still manages to get burned deep too so I really don't think much of him. Not sure why he is even on this team. Surely Walters could have done better by now. It's more the deep stuff that is the concern. Field corners in zone or man always have to give a pretty significant cushion, usually 8-10 yards, to avoid getting beat deep. The routes available to that receiver far away from the QB are limited. Bucknor gets picked on a lot when teams use a lot of bunch formations and bring him into the play. Good stuff. Yeah, 8-10 yards sounds right but I've seen him 12-15 yards off. In the Edmonton game they threw underneath him a lot and he was always late making contact. It cost us big-time late in that game. I believe it was also he that got beat on the bomb for a TD. Just not good enough and totally unacceptable. He got picked on big time in the second half and it was him Stafford burned for the long TD. Move him to safety, good bad or otherwise it is the lesser of two evils.
  23. But we need them for our playoff run, both have rings, could be just the veteran leadership we are missing.
  24. And that helps Liram how??By watching Veltung get burned at corner? Yeh, wrong guy, meant Stoudermire not Veltung.
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